Only 6 days left did you get what you wanted Sup Forums?
Only 6 days left did you get what you wanted Sup Forums?
I got (1) Legendary out of my China Boxes.
It gave me Sigrun Mercy. Which I already had.
The Event item was a Player Icon.
Got all of them except tracer, Reinhardt and Diva so I'm good
The capture the flag mode turned out to be pretty shit but it was an alright update
>imo Halloween is still the best update
Got monkey after 7 boxes, stopped caring anyway about event boxes nowadays, game is to boring to grind.
I've got pretty much everything except DVa's and that's the only one I want!
I'm just missing Roadhog and Winston.
They're changing capture the flag so you need the flag at your base to score, hopefully that'll improve the game mode.
Imo its the most boring game mode
All brawl and mystery heros is where its at
>Drop $40 to get atleast 1 Mei skin
>Get everything but
>Have enough to buy it with 3000 coins so I buy it
>Get the skin from level up loot box afterwards
>tfw my internet has been shit
>ping is 200-400
>its been like this since the event started
>And you only get 200 Credits for Event Legendary Dupes even though they should run for 3 times that given their rarity and cost model
Reinhardt's is the only one left I want and I've got enough coins to buy it
It knows user
It knows
My sympathies, user. at least you have it now.
this what i have so far
fuck give me dvas already!!
got the same Mei event skin twice
Got everything except Roadhog's skin. SOON
I've gotten both mei skins and winston and i didnt want ANY of those. I want zenyatta and!
>boot up the game
>wow these skins are really cool
>i like roadhog's hook and Reinhardt's axe
>I don't really enjoy playing the game anymore though
>log off
Got the D.VA skin off the free loot box in the beginning. All I really wanted. Those DVA legs man
Its ok, back during the halloween event, I had gotten the roadhog frankenstein skin 4 times.
I got
Both mei skins
Tracer intro
Mercy skin and intro
Zen skin
Symetra skin
Road hog intro
Bunch of sprays/poses
I didn't even want anything but okay.
>get what you wanted
Got the same thing I wanted from Dota
The ability to quit
I've gotten maybe like 15 boxes and they've all been fucking sprays or player icons from the event and dupes of non event stuff.
I started the event with almost 800 coins and have up till now racked up about 5800 coins from duplicates. who's in the real hell
>this is modern videogame character design
I have exactly 3000 coins. I have no legendary skins yet. Which should I go for?
After 20 hours of grinding and $50 of loot boxes, yes.
God I have a problem.
>tfw want to play Resident Evil 7, Gravity Rush 2, and now Nioh but this is the last event we'll have until Summer
>only 20 hours of grinding
I haven't gotten what I wanted yet - A refund after uninstalling this shit game half a year ago.
>spending money on a dying game
Pigman's is pretty decent
Deciding if I want the Roadhog skin or not. I've got the coins for it, I just need to decide if I want it or not within the next few days.
This is why you buy shit with coins on the last day
I was going to ask who was talking about spending money but then I read the thread. People are pathetic.
just do whatever's funner brah
No still need Rein
this. it's his only decent skin in the game, I have junkenhog and i hate it so much. this is the only skin i actually want
didn't get the zen jojo skin. i might have to shill out to blizzard to buy that shit.
You don't like his island skins?
I grinded 3000 coins and bought dva so yes
also is new bastion meta now?
desu i don't think any of these skins are that good (i like meis cus most of her other skins are fuckawful and dvas dress is cute). I'm grinding about a level a day with some friends and having a good time but there aren't any particular skins that I would end up buying if they don't pop up. (i bought nutcracker zen last event and would've bought witch mercy)
>this is the last event we'll have until Summer
blizzard is making millions off these events, i wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being an event every other month
not really. they suck
pretty much. got everything but the red one for Mei and Reinhardt's skin. probably gonna try and shoot for it this week. I have Balderich and Bloodhardt so I'm good if I get it or not.
I disagree. I think they're quite good. I do like the event skin too. I'll probably buy it if I haven't gotten it by the end of the event.
havent gotten a single skin
I don't even play Overwatch anymore.
But I got my Rooster mount in HOTS if that matters.
Everything but Mercy and I have more than enough coin to buy hers.
Got mercy, tracer, symmetra, rei mei and road. Really want Dva, rein and lila mei. Desire sensor is heavy this event
and this is why you never buy limited skins until you are about to log out for the last time before the event is over.
>They're changing capture the flag so you need the flag at your base to score
i've havent play that mode but it seems like a massive blunder since it seems simple enough to follow the same rules as warsong.
>buying anything before the last day
You were asking for it.
its common fucking sense to wait until the last day. Cry about it due to your stupidity, not the game.
haven't played overwatch since the summer olympics patch but I kind of really want those zenyatta, dva and roadhog skins
I can't decide between Rein and Hog. I play Rein more often, but the Hog skin is easily my favorite as far as the ones he has goes.
I have Chadyatta, Wukong, and Oolong. Will buy one of the Mei skins if I have to. Don't feel like buying the Reinhardt one since I only use Stonehardt.
I wish they had a fun mode like snowballs. CTF is so fucking vanilla.
>buying loot boxes
you deserve death
They'll find some excuse to do an even in April.
I literally got no legendaries except for classes I don't play, including both new Mei skins
also I can't quite remember how the seasonal stuff worked since I only played that one, did you get the seasonal boxes from leveling up or what
They replace normal boxes in every respect. So right now you only get seasonal boxes.
So what's it look like under's dress for this event skin?
CTF could be amazing but it needs some improvements. As of right now there's little point to the runback even with characters who have no movement options, because you probably slaughtered 4-6 enemy team members to get the flag. It's KotH with a tiny extra step of you walking back to your point with impunity.
>Get this stupid chinese shit full of crappy skins for shitty characters instead of a Valentine's Day event
>got monkey skin
>got purple chinawoman
>want pigman
>have 3k currency
>gonna get it no matter what now
>don't want any of the other ones in particular
Nope. I still haven't gotten the D.Va Skin which is all I wanted.
>got the bastion skin 4 times in the past 3 days
rein will never get nerfed because most of the maps are literally designed around his kit
roadhog is going to get hit with nerfs soon. you could actually do some light adjustments to make him more skillbased, less spammy but blizz doesn't understand that and will just demolish him with a nerfhammer
Just in time for its pending nerf.
Rein's shield could use a slight buff. Too much damage flying around now compared to before.
definitely. also Sombra counters him to the point of being useless.
his shield getting hit should charge his ult if it doesn't already, nothing too huge but an inherit reward for fulfilling his role
also because the playerbase is retarded it really should give some kind of buff to people who stay behind it to encourage them to do what they're fucking supposed to do
his damage is perfect, he just needs better numbers or tools to help him in his role, especially considering every other tank other than Zarya has been nerfed to the ground to not actually be able to tank anymore
I'm thinking Cinco de Mayo with crazy shit on Dorado and new Reaper and Sombra Legendaries.
She's wearing skin-tight white shorts under the dress. Sad.
I got everything for Hog so I'm set
Mercy is still wearing clothes so no
Got every lunar skin except zenyatta,bastion,mercy,and meis red skin.
Really want Zenyatta though.
Have everything, except Mei's new emote. Haven't decided if it's worth 750 yet. It looks pretty dumb.
You should drop flag when using mobility skill and/or get slowed down while carrying the flag.
Out of these stupid rooster boxes, I got 8 legendary skins. Only one of them was fucking year of the rooster and it was the garbage Winston one.
i want to lick her ball sac
>Got every skin except Roadhog and Winston, but i have Yeti and Toa
>All mercy and Mei drops
>Some other shitty drops i don't care about, none of the sprays are as cute as the Christmas ones
>My boy 76 still didn't get a legendary skin
Fuck off blizzard, he better get one in the next update, Mei got two events dedicated to her in a row and three fucking skins
got all of em except zen and rein's. No biggie though I've got 10k gold in pocket. Just waiting for Feb 12 to see if i can still get em without buying them.
I got Roadhog's shitty skin.
All I want the Tracer skin, man.