Other urls found in this thread:


hard to tell anything from a blurry compressed screenshot

>Screenshot comparison of two different versions of a game with over half a year of dev time difference between them

Amazing OP

What is OP actually pointing out?

That there's literally no difference in visuals between the WiiU & Switch.


Wii U doesn't get lakes of piss


draw distance...is all.
same image just different output or pov.

Oh man, a shitpost comparing brand new footage vs 8 month old footage! I'm impressed OP.

>people have gotten so lazy they'll just post a vague image and the word JUST and call it a shitpost

my dude, apply yourself

Why is the water glowing

No, it just gets a bunch of shitty fog and bad draw distance instead.

Stay jealous, Pii U fags.

they also get the game for free

So do niggers.

It's almost I.possible to compare them right now. All the Wii U shots are from the older E3 build, and I'm sire they optimized/changed some shit within the last half year.

>Being this much in denial

Yes but you get the added benefit of not having to be black

and yet it still works. Who needs effort when (you)s are practically free.

everyone knows (you)s taste better when you work for them

>4:20 am on wiiu version

Has Death Mountain been slowly erupting over thousands of years?

i see...
wii u: lens flare
switch: link head is lighter

Theyre standing in diffferent areas of the mountain.


>buying this on the WiiU
Literally selfcucking if you do this

>nintendrones are so BTFO by everyone else that they have to try bullying their own just to feel superior

>AM 04:20

I don't care too much, I already wasted my money on one doomed Nintendo console because I was promised "The Next Zelda Game" on it. No use doing it again.

So which one am I supposed to be calling shit? They both look fine to me

The both look pretty fucking terrible.


I'll buy the one that doesn't require me to invest in a new console.