Why is Sup Forums the most retarded board on Sup Forums?

Why is Sup Forums the most retarded board on Sup Forums?

Because you post here

>yesterday (((math))) thread archived

Why is Sup Forums the most retarded board on Sup Forums?


Because we spend our lives bickering over the most shallow and menial topics. Like cavemen stuck in a cave together.

Unless philosophy and ideology is dragged in for whatever reason.

>Sup Forums sings
>Sup Forumsga
>still making console war threads

you tell me.

Because it is full of highschool kids.


Sup Forums jr

it's either Sup Forums or /x/ that takes the cake, really



ughhhhhhh im cumming daddy~~~

It just is


Because the most entertaining shit are the non vidya threads


not bad

I really really like this post
. Can i save it?

>abbot and costello

muh scrollbar

When I considered myself ready enough, I crossed the tracks and sought out white prey. I did this consciously, deliberately, willfully, methodically -- though looking back I see that I was in a frantic, wild and completely abandoned frame of mind. Rape was an insurrectionary act.

It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women...I felt I was getting revenge. From the site of the act of rape, consternation spread outwardly in concentric circles. I wanted to send waves of consternation throughout the white race.

>Sup Forums sings
>Sup Forumsga
Those aren't that bad, they only happen once a year at least.

This is the sole reason why /l/ needs to make a comeback

Once a year is too often.

But the point is, they're not constantly filling up the catalog like fucking e-celeb bullshit does. And for that matter, threads like these.

I just want my vidya threads, console warring shit at least mentions video games sometimes.

Not enough janitors for being the 2nd highest traffic board.