The only reason to own a console is if you don't own a computer, and probably too dumb to use one as well. Most people who don't own computers are underage children who have smart-phones instead. Rather than learning how to write code, create and edit videos, make shit in photoshop or flash, make music in a DAW, or anything useful: the mobilephone/console generation will just suck its thumbs look for shitty apps to distract themselves with. PCs are for more than just gaming, they're a powerful tool for learning skills you can use for the rest of your life, and maybe even turn a career out of.
I'm fucking sick of seeing Nintoddlers whining about this and Sonybronies bitching about that. Sick of seeing discussions about games I will never play because I don't support the cancerous console industry that feeds on idiots who buy their new plastic box every few years. Anyone who's bought a console in the last 10 years is either under 18 or is a dad buying one for his kids. Exclusives are not a good reason to buy a console, because if you stopped buying them, they'd be forced to put their shit on all platforms.
So basically what I'm saying is, consoledrones on Sup Forums are actually just children. /vc/ won't stand for Vidya Consoles, it'll stand for Vidya Children.
Chase Roberts
+1 let's make it happen, bro. you should make a petition
Elijah Barnes
No, /vc/ should be vidya culture. I am fucking sick of seeing threads started with a fucking twitter post as the picture with a "was he right?" or similar dumb question. Even worse is fucking faggot e-celeb threads.
You make vidya culture and you instantly take out like 40% of shitpost threads and even more shitposts in general. No longer would there be constant threads about ugly trannies or faggots that yell on stream for money.
Shit, if such a board was around during GG this board wouldn't have taken such a massive hit in quality...probably. I still think they should have just done their shit in /vg/ since it started as a fucking general thread anyway but that is beyond the point
Easton Evans
They made a seperate board for retro games and pokemon so why not?
Sonycucks will never get along with PC gamers.
Samuel Hernandez
But user, Sup Forums is /vc/. The Sup Forums you're thinking of is /vg/ and /vr/.
Oliver Collins
Great idea my man. Can't disagree.
Watch the console kiddies fill this up with buttblastery though.
Josiah Martin
I hope you enjoy talking about your skyrim mods.
Michael Lee
The fuck Sup Forums is 90% pcfags those threads you're seeing is just falseflagging trying to get their daily (You)'s.
Nathan Gonzalez
No, Sup Forums is now filled with phoneposters while taking a break from their PS4s. Fucking traitors have lost the old ways when we were alt tabbing between Sup Forums and playing weeb games that were fresh from /jp/.
>inb4 they dont know that weeb games started on PC
Hudson Gonzalez
>Whining about other people whining and pretending you have the moral high-ground while calling them childish names >I-i'm not child! You're all children! The irony here is real.
Here's a suggestion, maybe instead of splitting the board even more maybe mods should do their fucking jobs and ban blatent console war threads. But you didn't think of that, because that would include banning you.
Dominic Morgan
No. E-celeb shit is undiluted cancer. It isn't vidya, it is talking about faggots that play vidya. Twitter posts about some mudslime who hates whites and is also a dev isn't vidya. That shit ruins this board.
/vg/ is cancer because all the general threads are trip infested shitholes where no meaningful discussion of the game takes place and instead the trips use it as a chat room. /vr/ isn't expansive enough.
Caleb Howard
But console wars has always been the essence of Sup Forums. What needs to happen is to purge Sup Forums and resurrect it from the ashes.
Daniel Stewart
Juan Lee
If you ask me I'd say Sup Forums is at LEAST 30% phone-posters, and since raging faggots always have the loudest voice, they seem even more prominent than that.
Phone-posters are the kind of people who always bring up e-celeb threads, Nintendo/Sony threads, and other shitty vidya culture threads that only exist to make real vidya discussion fuck impossible. You wanna talk about Age of Empires 2? I guarantee a phone-poster will immediately post with "WE". Yeah it was funny the first time but these people are thinly veiled redditors who just spout one of the 5 hottest memes they know so they can get (You)s.
I'd be happy with a way to ban all mobile users from Sup Forums, to be perfectly honest, that seems better than making an entirely new board. Even if you added /vc/ they'd still come here to shitpost regularly, and find new ways to blend in.
Joseph Mitchell
Pretty much this. Sup Forums has always been Sup Forums but with video games. It's stupid to expect any decent discussion around this shit hole. It has been that way back in 2009, and I don't see it changing aside from having new memes stolen from Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Gavin Kelly
Colton Williams
Don't user, lest these console babbies say that weebshit originated on THEIR console.
Cooper Stewart
Banning console wars is only the beginning. Ban nintenshits and sonyponies shilling their exclusives and then we're really making progress.
I guarantee you Nioh is gonna be the next Bloodbourne in terms of screaming NEVER EVER on a fucking daily basis. Mods need to go swat-team mode and start clearing out these fucking cunts.
Grayson Long
Which exclusive has you like this? Why do you assume it's the ps4fags doing this?
Luis Campbell
>Gook makes /pc/ - Master Race >catalog is nothing but Steam begging and "friends", MMOs, ASSFAGGOTS and petition threads
John Edwards
Ayden Collins
Ahh its cute seeing people being this triggered over video game consoles. News flash nobody gives a shit about pc gaming besides benchmark tech nerds and computer science/c++ majors.
Evan Davis
Sounds reasonable Of course, this would include PC games and Xbox games as well.
You can't be bias on, any console war posting is bad console war posting.
Sebastian Cruz
Because it's always the PS4fags starting shit.
Alexander Flores
Rather that /vc/ I rather make /sony/ for container board.
Fuck them. Nintendobros are OK. Xbros too.
Cameron Walker
Idort here. That's wrong and you know it.
Hunter Long
Yeah, it's clear that Sonyfucks are the loudest cancer that's killing Sup Forums. At least Xbros are being humble.
Adrian Nelson
But PC exclusives are generally okay because they're the type of game that literally cannot be played with a controller.
Grayson Jackson
Split Sup Forums into Japanese Games and Western Games, all the garbage will go in the Western Games board and /jg/ will be a paradise for Nintenbros, Sonybros and the few PC gamers reasonable and neurotypical enough to be referred to as PCbros. Western Games will be a hellhole for PCucks and Xbots, plus the dudebro Sonyggers who are unironically hyped for garbage like TLOU2 and Horizon.
Connor Wood
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes >stolen
No, they are forced. And while this place has never been good, at least in the past the console wars were less obvious and there was less permissible nonvidya shit (eceleb trash).
Sure, good discussion here is limited, but even the shitposting should be vidya, not fucking hunger games
Ethan Phillips
That and you never ever see someone make a PC game thread and saying NEVER EVER CONSOLE FAGS. That never ever shit is purely PS4 culture and needs to fucking burn.
Logan Foster
>Sonypony roleplays as an idort so people won't immediately discard his opinion Classic.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Just in case mods try to delete this thread, Hiroshimoot said we're allowed to have one meta thread in the catalog
Camden Bell
Xbots are humble because they were royally fucked this Gen. Yes, but SHILLING them ordering user.
Dominic Martin
Jacob Roberts
>That and you never ever see someone make a PC game thread and saying NEVER EVER CONSOLE FAGS What is XCOM2?
Adrian Bailey
Connor Roberts
Tyler Price
Think of shit like civilization, stellaris, xcom, etc. and try to remember a single instance where the thread started out with "LOL CONSOLE PEASANTS BTFO!!! PC MASTER RACE NEVUH EVUH"
It doesn't happen. PC gamers aren't literal children.
Daniel Morris
Well, what about it? Xcom 2 is on console anyway and you don't see us bitching about it.
Elijah Wilson
Nintendo fanboys are about as cancerous as e-celeb faggots and Sup Forumstards. Easily the worst three groups of fuckwits to ever grace this board.
Cooper Evans
Xcom2 is shit and pckeks know and acknowledge that. At least use actual pc game like civ 6.
never ever
Christian Hill
Why would this thread be deleted at all? It brings up valid points.
Nathaniel Lopez
Sonyponies do shitpost a lot, but would have to be crazy to believe Nintendrones don't do it either.
Remember all that "SONYFAGS BTFO" bullshit that popped up with Bayonetta 2 came out?
Thomas Howard
David Reyes
>Well, what about it? PCfags also used the 'NEVER EVER' shit before it got ported >and you don't see us bitching about it. That's what I didnt see when it the port got announced
Levi Brown
Sonybarneys and Nintoddlers are no different in my eyes. I just think it's laughable to try and defend any of them or say that either of them shitpost any less or any more than the other. The shitposting is not quantifiable, all you can get is cherry picked examples.
Daniel Lopez
I never said one shit posts more than the other.
Landon Torres
For sure. I dont see:
"NOOOOO, now the community will be shit now it is ported to console."
Inability to acknowledge their own issues is one thing wrong with sony adherent. "protecting brother" mentality in sonygger is /pcmr/ tier. Both are pure shits. At least as pcgamer you wont see me defend pcmr goy.
Justin Gonzalez
>calling sonyggers and nintendrones the biggest shitposters when it's mostly pcucks doing it Going into a thread and only posting pc port when is just as cancerous as never ever posts, stop acting like you're saints you guys are equally maybe even more bad than the other two. Probably the only good fanbase is xbox's because there's not much here.
Jackson White
It's sad that the only times Sup Forums unites is if a game flops.
Isaiah Scott
Anyone who partakes in console war shit is a massive fucking faggot regardless of whatever platform they champion. You're all repsonible fopr this board being complete shit. Fuck all of you, kill yourselves.
Nathaniel Price
Nah, I'm sure the board being shit was because Moot left.
Nathan Cook
The board was shit LOOOOONNNGGGG before that user.
Benjamin Torres
Fuck off. Learn to stop responding to shitposts.
Nobody cares about your platform of choice.
Brandon Ward
Cool idea bro, make a petition so you can really show these consolefags, then this board will be totally epic for the win.
I specially like people calling out sonyfags out on being the cancer of the board but just look at almost every thread, there is always an obvious falseflag post like "haha Switch thread? PS4 has bloodborne xd" and people eat it up while yelling "GOD DAMN SONYGGERS".
Problem isn't Console-shitters or PCuckolds, it's false-flaggers and baiters and everyone who is stupid enough to reply to them, fucking children.
Kevin Richardson
They should be allowed to stay but they should start and end all posts they make with "PC Gaming is superior, my console is trash".
Charles Powell
At least it will be easier to ban and spot the falseflagger if the board is distinctly separated.
Jacob Roberts
>Epic Lord Gaben image >Saying others need a contaminant board
Blake Howard
Well, what has Sony ever done for PC? I'll pick our lord and savior any day.
Nathan Sanchez
console "gamers" do need a containment board
sick of all your shit
Wyatt Turner
It doesnt mater who is contained or not, just separate it.
Xavier Lee
PC gamers are actually this arrogant
Hudson White
This board will be even worse if you split it in 2, the shitposters will just double their effort and since clearly the mods are fucking useless both boards will be even worse than current Sup Forums
Parker Sanchez
Okay sorry, you should be made to enter your bank details and pay a mandatory fee of 60$ a year to post here.
Jose Nelson
Stop the shitty Gabe Newell maymays, they're Reddit-tier
Brayden Cruz
Ian Young
I wonder how much he has to pay to play online on his near 300 games
Jordan Ross
>make /pcvidya/ >take weebs pc doujin board from /jp/ >take emulator board from /vg/ Best solution.
Isaiah Brooks
I own two consoles, a snes and a gamecube. I own a decent PC. I think it's funny when PC gamers get triggered by console players, because PC gaming is inarguably the better platform. PC gaming is winning, and the PC gamers still get so fucking butthurt over console fags insulting them. PC gamers aren't any better than the console fags, because they throw shit just as much. They call themselves the "PC master race," and not ironically. They are arrogant and have no reason to be. It's pathetic.
Isaiah Cooper
We don't get triggered by console players, we're just sick of their shit.
John Gutierrez
>289 games >recent game was cs go
Jacob Collins
Pc guys are cool but "le masterrace" are the reason why i feel so many sonybros create never ever threads.
Elijah Anderson
99% of pcs aren't fit for gaming
Also, you can code on a smartphone, fucking idiot.
Christopher Martinez
Epic post bro holy shit the Master Race is fucking back.
I'm screencapping this and posting it on r/MasterRace
Jack Lee
I think the solution then is to create a new board for the PC gamers, rather than ban the console gamers form the existing board. Not like there's much worth salvaging here anyway.
Carson Gomez
>We don't get triggered by console players, we're just triggered by console players
Dominic Perez
I can confirm. Was literally indifferent towards pcunts. my toaster was enough for morrowind and dwsrf fortress.
Then I came to Sup Forums and saw how mean they are. Now they created another sonybro.
what goes around comes around
Zachary Johnson
How about we make a /cw/ called console wars and keep this shit out of Sup Forums you stupid faggot
Zachary Collins
Funny, I saw sonybros and now I refuse to get sony shits even their phones just out of principle.
Ethan Collins
Sup Forums should be broken up into about a dozen different boards.
/vw/ - Western Video Games /vj/ - Japanese Video Games /vpc/ - PC Video Games /vxb/ - Xbox Video Games /vps/ - Playstation Video Games /vnin/ - Nintendo Video Games /vmmo/ - Massively Multiplayer Online Video Games /vb/ - Vidya Random /vo/ - Video Games Only /vc/ - Video Game Culture/Drama /vpol/ - Video Game Politics /vlp/ - Video Game Let's Plays and Eceleb dicksucking /vw/ - Vidya Waifus /vs4s/ - Vidya Shitposting
This will solve all of Sup Forums's problems. The best option is to break it apart into as many boards as possible, let the shitposters have their board and let people who want slightly better discussions have theirs.
Jayden Morales
>I think the solution then is to create a new board for the PC gamers
It's called /vg/
Jayden Mitchell
>Create all these boards >People still shitpost everywhere What does it solve?
Mason Russell
An even better idea would be a board for the sonyggers so they can all circle jerk every exclusive as GAME OF THE GENERATION
t. a ps4 owner
Cooper Hall
It pushes the site closer to bankruptcy. Maybe one day we'll be free.
Dylan Reed
>butthurt poorfag became a sonygger out of spite
checks out.
Bentley Mitchell
>implying Gook wont just sell this place to Google or Reddit when shit hits the fan
Eli Martin
Sony fanboys don't actually care about circlejerking, they care about baiting mustard race.
Lincoln Wright
mustard race don't actually care about circlejerking, they care about baiting sony fanboys.
Hunter Barnes
>sell the site to google >moot gets it back and fixes everything
Ethan Williams
I own a PC as well as consoles.
Exclusives are a thing.
Mason Adams
It's an endless cycle of shitposting
Leo Wilson
>/vc/ would be dominated by Sonyggers shitposting the Nintentoddlers to death /sony/ would be better, would increase quality of Sup Forums and other boards immensely
Jonathan King
Ayden Wilson
I really dont understand why people do this
Charles Anderson
Don't forget that that e-celeb faggots moved in when social media and normies took over. Sup Forums was here first, so ban all Eclebeb threads and faggotry and move it to a new board.
Zachary Richardson
Everyone has some inherent compulsion to feel better than other people, to a degree. Sup Forums is full of a lot of social outcasts, but here the playing field is leveled. You're anonymous, no one knows who you are or what you look like. The only way to make yourself feel better than others is to trick them somehow with your words. So the cycle of baiting was born.
Grayson Lewis
kill yourself
Ethan Cox
Because histrionic personality disorder affected individuals are naturally attracted to video game sites since most gamers are beta nerds.
Nathan Miller
Nintentoddlers are retarded, yes they gobble up everything Nintendo shits out no matter how bad it might be but they are not like Sonyggers in a sense that they don't actively shitpost every thread to death that does not praise PS4 exclusives, if let alone, Nintentoddlers stick to their threads talking about their systems and games instead of falseflagging/shitposting this board to death