Take a brief moment and thought. Be honest with yourself and with Sup Forums, how bad unhealthy and bad is your video game and computer addiction and how long have you been a heavy video game and computer addict for?
Take a brief moment and thought. Be honest with yourself and with Sup Forums...
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Who cares?
what are you talking about, no one on Sup Forums actually plays video games.
i havent gone out of my house for almost 12 years, im 29
I care about video games more then my partner or kids if I went to prison for the rest my days but had access to whatever video games/gaming pc I would die a happy manlet user I'd say my problem a 9/10
It doesn't hurt anyone other than myself, just like any other vice in the entire world. I have a job, work, pay my bills wherever i god damn please. Go fuck yourself and leave me be.
>My house
29 - 12 = 17
did you somehow own a house at 17 or are you living with your parents? If it's the latter, get a job.
If its the former, share how.
not really addicted to video games anymore
I'm pretty badly hooked to Sup Forums and porn though
been lurking multiple hours every single day since september 2017 and I've watched a lifetime worth of porn in that time.
I try to stay away from /r9k/ and porn, been doing it since Sunday. Let's see where this goes. I'm sick of the toxic influence those things have on my life.
Not sure I'll ever be able to quit Sup Forums as a whole though
>implying at home employment is hard to get in the slightest.
You can work as email support pretty much for any company at home as an example. My friend is a freelance programmer and makes a shitton (got fat as fuck doing it too since he never leaves his house). It's not magic, just learn to use google.
should i play vidya or watch anime?
0-4 fire emblem
5-9 madoka
John Titor?
slowly giving up on video games
everyone i met through video games are dysfunctional, it really said a lot about me that i surrounded myself with these people just because we played video games.
I'm moving out and leaving it all behind me
Do both
can't read subs and play at the same time
i'm weak
>surrounding ones self with people who enjoy the same things as you
whoa, so crazy. Definitely an autist.
So are you just living with your parents to avoid starting your own life? I mean I guess there's not that much wrong with that if they are ok with it and you don't mind not being independent.
they were dysfunctional, you clearly missed that part. the one thing we had in common was video games and nothing else.
But Madoka is one of the few anime where dub>sub applies
I would love to be a video game addict. Unfortunately i work Monday to Friday every week so i can only play games on weekends
im a retard
fuck off
why do you try to stay away of a robot?
I don't live with my parents. I'm a software engineer who works over telecom with a software group in new york. Didn't use that example since you know, you autists on the 4chans can barely talk to people, not to mention actually accomplish something in your life. I was being generous and giving easy examples of jobs where you can make a living while still being a lazy slob.
really? i don't have the dub downloaded but i'll look into it
i have nearly a month played of BF1 and im in top 100 for time played and i actually had a two week break if you can believe it.
spend at least 8 hours a day playing and getting better, i dont see it as time wasted i truely enjoy it but i hate the casuals and how broken the game is at times.
No, please don't, I was joking. The dub is atrocious.
for years, now i'm kinda sick of new games, they are mostly the same shit over again
pretty bad, 29 yers and im 31 years old
29 years*
My computer addiction led to me getting a system administrator job for my local police department. All I do is shitpost all day and occasionally update software.
Meanwhile my chad brother busts his ass working on an oil rig in Alaska.
I make more than him.
>tips wizard hat
All I'm gonna say is I still have all my 2600 carts.
Nice man, you self taught or did you go the certification route? If half these people learned a tiny bit about the computers they are on 24/7, they would be in the most comfy fuckoff jobs currently available (which are everywhere).
I assumed that when you said you hadn't left your house in twelve years, that you meant the same house those twelve years.
Probably around 23 years of vidya addiction. I work in a prestigious profession now... and I lie constantly to my employer and clients about how where I am, what I'm doing, how many hours I work, and about the results I get.
I say I work about 70 hours a week. In reality, it's about 45, with 25 hours of bullshit and gaming.
Lots of people suffer because I have this habit. Even knowing that, I don't stop. Too old to change now though I guess.
Internship -> wow hey you're not retarded with computers/networking wanna do it full time? -> hired.
because i got fucked in the genetics lottery and got stunted socially because of it. its too late to be a normalfag, ive accepted that i will die alone and a virgin. if i ever do get my shit together im doing it for myself only and some companion whos as real as 2d waifus. realistically ill be lucky to live to 50 at this rate. let me shitpost and indulge in escapism in peace.
I don't really have an addiction. I play games when I'm bored or want to entertain myself or with my friends. I can stand months without videogames because I'm not addicted to them.
One of my other friends almost did the exact same thing as you, except with a temp agency. They hired him on full time, he got experience, now he can get any tech job he wants. Congrats man.
Hey I'm pretty good with computers and want a sweet shitposting gig, what the fuck do you mean by internship?
are you content with this being your job
do you have any higher aspirations or wants in life, whatsoever?
I have to force myself to play videogames, dude.
Alcohol maybe.
You already failed the first test.
I make enough money to buy whatever the hell I want every 3-4 months. What more do I need if I can be comfy shitposting and get paid to do it?
usually you live to accomplish some kind of higher purpose
I find it hard to believe you are content where you're at in life, when its so insignificant and pointless.
>higher purpose
not him but, fuuuuuuuuck off.
Not him but bro....
Making enough money to be happy and not having a back breaking job. I'm pretty sure anyone would be happy with that
What, do you mean sex? I give my german shepherd a thorough workout whenever I'm worked up if that's what you're referring to.
Higher purpose, this dude is literally keeping his local police departments servers up, effectively supporting the people who's job it is to keep you safe at night in your little fucking house and you want to talk about higher purpose. Consider jumping off a bridge you self righteous semen stain.
easiest (You)'s of my life
>how long have you been a heavy video game and computer addict for?
I used to work a normal job, have a normal life, then I got diagnosed with nocturnal epilepsy, I couldn't work for a bit, and that's when it started...
I signed up for disability...
I got a free downtown apartment...
I got free food...
I got free money every month to spend on whatever I wanted...
I got painkillers and medical marijuana for free
I live a pretty nice life, nice apartment, free money, never have to work, it's not healthy and it's not rewarding, but it's better than working every single day.
hey youre not me
>I'm just pretending to be retarded: The post.
Forget what I said about considering, just fucking kill yourself.
No thanks.
I'm not a game addict.
I actually even get to play games only about one week in a month, if even. I do appreciate them all the more though.
I'm not sure if I'm a computer addict either, though that is hard to judge, since I work on that shit (I mostly write, edit, do research) meaning that I don't really get away from it for very long periods, and since a lot of shit I write is based on quite immediate bursts of inspirations, I'm never really more than a reach away from it. I use it the same way most people used to use a notebook.
It's not really the computer-centered life, and definitely not videogames that are what is killing me.
It's the pack a smokes a day, 5+ beers an evening three or four times a week, crippling depression, chronic anxiety, a coctail of anti-depressants that could kill a horse, and absence of any will to engage in meaningful activities beyond smoking, drinking and working.
That is what is probably going to kill me in the next five, ten years tops. If I don't kill myself before that.
Same boat here, I'm technically legally blind, but despite easily being able to work I filed for disability
They showered me in free shit, now I live in a comfy rent free apartment and play video games all day.
Define unhealthy first
I got a job so all is good
>muh kids
>muh pussy
Fuck off
Overweight: check
Alcoholic: check
Video games at least a few hours a day: check
I do have a decent job, and a girlfriend, but I usually like being by myself and having a drink playing what ever game. I know I probably won't live past 50. I'm sterile, so who the fuck cares anyway.
Why do you care, what is it that you want?
It's not addiction if I can stop whenever I want.
Just can't reproduce. Girl I was engaged to a long time ago wanted babies. I did too at the time. Couldn't get prego, get checked out, my dudes don't swim.
She leaves me a month later.
She's pregnant a month after that.
Shit man
You probably dodged a bullet there and you need to learn to distinguish what you actually want from your biological programming.
Everybody around their late 20s goes through the same thing, some part of your brain switches on and you suddenly get an impregnation fetish, suddenly your entire life revolves around this kid and you die feeling like you passed the torch or contributed to something when the reality is there are already far too many mouths to feed in the world.
Lmao get a load of this cuck spewing the retarded overpopulation meme. Brotip: Just because you can't get your fat ugly ass laid doesn't mean you're doing the world a favor.
How is overpopulation a meme? Is global warming a 'meme' as well?
You called?
Overpopulation only applies to starving niggers in Somalia. If you're browsing Sup Forums you can afford to reproduce.
>How is overpopulation a meme?
Because absolute majority of those people out there are not related to you and their cultures are shit. The point is not to consistently measure a population of the whole world, but population of a reasonable local community with a culture that you have direct continuity with.
Seriously, spewing the overpopulation bullshit makes about as much sense as if an animal stopped reproducing because there are other members of it's species on the other fucking side of the planet that are overpopulated.
Europe, USA, Japan - western countries are not overpopulated: they are suffering a population reduction. Reproduction is absolute necessity for their continued existence.
Overpopulation applied to white people is a meme. Whites are a minority, and they are overall more socially and environmentally conscious.
Africans are projected to balloon to 5 billions by 2100, they don't give a shit about you and they don't give a shit about the planet. They will consume everything like locusts until someone stops them or there's nothing left.
The only overpopulation problem is an overabundance of poor quality people. The world could sustain 4 billions europeans, americans and east asians for eternity.
I work 12 hour shifts, 8-8, I play Vidya from 830-130, get up at 6 and go to work again, then I get a week off work and pretty much play Vidya from about 1pm to 4 am
I do leave the house for groceries and shit and may go to a bar with friends but if not it's Vidya or Netflix all day
Africans don't have electricity, industry and cars (not in the way that most major cities do) though.
Dunno how you do it man I had to do a couple 12 hours last week and I was dying.
So bad but I don't regret it. 26 years old, haven't gotten out of the house since high school, watching videos of people playing vidya when I'm not playing, put at least 100 hours in every RPG I get. XCX had 600 hours of play time. I don't think I'll stop playing vidya since I'm really enjoying playing. Maybe I will play less when I graduate college and get a job.
The thing that hurt my feelings but I got over it is when my dad asked his rich friend, who has like 3 big hotels and hundreds of millions of dollars, to make his daughter be friend with me and marry me if she wants. They asked people and relatives about me, and then they refused.
I could be swimming in pussy and money if I was a normalfag.
This isn't the 1800's grandpa. Most African cities are identical to Eastern European cities, with slightly higher STD counts. You can thank the Chinese for modernizing African infrastructure while whites refuse to go near Africa because "muh guilt complex".
Video game/computer addiction isn't even that unusual nowadays, it's the fucking weebtrash that indicates a worthless human being. If you genuinely enjoy anime and shitty nip series like Neptunia and Tales you are beyond saving and should neck yourself already, although there's a good chance you've realized that by now.
>He doesn't know moonspeak
You couldn't pay me a thousand dollars to read the shit on the left. That sounds like it was written by a man who was so far up his own ass that he was essentially a singularity.
I don't know my whole life I always stayed up all night and slept for like 4 hours and have been good, 12 hour shifts don't tire me out very much
What's wrong with anime? Are you seriously going to just disregard an entire medium?
If the malaria and other the shit like that weren't virulent, the majority of African ex-colonies would have been like the South africa.
>whites refuse to go near Africa because
But the "muh guilt complex" doesn't stop them(france mostly) to exploit the resources and to protect their interest in Africa.
Toady pls go
Trump speaks to people like you, bigly.
user please be okay.
What if he is a retard?
medguca is pretty bad anyway