Why is he so lovable?
Why is he so lovable?
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he's the only non-edgelord in the cast
He looks like a 90s cartoon character.
I don't trust him. For a "Brazilian" he sounds and acts more like a Canadian.
This too.
He's a syrian refugee.
And op is a woman.
Why is he so loveable?
I hate him so much and I have no idea why. He's even the same race as me.
hes a faggot. homos can be the best of bros as long as they don't try any gay shit
>winston is an edgelord
>mercy is an edglelord
>fucking bastion is an edgelord
You're retarded.
Tracer, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Mei, Winston, Bastion, Zarya, DVA....
The only real edgelords are Hanzo, Soldier and Reaper because they have some melodramatic chip on their shoulder.
He was originally supposed to be Canadian iirc
not much difference if you ask me.
It's a shame he only has one good skin
>Why is he so lovable?
Static Shock vibes
He's inspired by Jet Set Radio.
you're being brainwashed by kikes ? irl niggers are the most statistically dangerous humans to be around.
I like his golden frog legendary, but he does need better skins made.
>winston is an edgelord
He's constantly depressed.
>mercy is an edglelord
She's the reason for Reaper. Also she has devil skins.
>fucking bastion is an edgelord
He's still got code related to the war.
I hate him. looks like an ugly frog and is annoying as fuck in game
you have no idea what an edgelord is
He's an annoying faggot and I hate see him in every game. Literally the cuck hero of the team
dj professor K skin WHEN
calling everything edgelord
omfg neo v fuck off already
None of that is edgy.
>Hang yourself
What did he nean by this?
>coolest support in the game
>loves to have a good time, and is genuine
>gives back to his community
>has a sense of justice
>most fun character to play in the game
>can boop niggas off the map
>goes fast as fuck
honorary gg's member
The list goes on, Lucio was the only reason I kept playing.
>Playing Mystery Heroes
>Get a pretty balanced team
>Lucio, our only healer, jumps off a cliff
"Yo, what did you do that for?"
"I didn't want to play a black guy."
This happens at least once every time I do Mystery Heroes.
His soccer, elf and hockey skins are okay. His frog skins are shit.
Lucio needs some actually great skins.
eternal optimist who hunts down widowmaker/mccrees and doesnt fraid of anything
>mfw I frequently 1v1 76's and end up winning
Why are you so angry?
why is he so T H I C C
I wish I could fuck him hard.
cant wait for him to break hots. ill probably go through with throwing my pc out the window after his release.
Mods, ban this scum for violating global rule 3
>oh shit I was clearly wrong about something!
>there's only one way to come back from this....
>not letting your gay friend suck you off when he's horny
>joke with friend that I'll suck him off
>he's cool with it
>undo his pants
>his dick is limp
>start sucking it
>he doesn't get hard
>gets up and goes to bathroom
>comes back hard
>start sucking again
>it goes limp in a few seconds
>he makes up an excuse to go home
>never talk to him again
Who knew 18 year olds need Viagra too
He's black.
All his music would be top 20 normie shit. Terrible character.
Maybe hes not a faggot you homo. Or you are fucking ugly
Thats just a theory made up by retards, blizzard never confirmed it
Wall riding is fun when you understand how it works
>becoming a mountain goat on Route 66
>dropping the beat from the highest point on chin cong tower
>the pillar climbing in Illos
Definitely a fun character
So he actually was based on Woolie this whole time?
He's going to be in HotS.
He's just so upbeat and positive.
I... I want to see him broken
test it out i would say
lucio ftw
Woolie looks like washed up Lucio when he retires from Overwatch and gives up on life
Because of his BBC
Reinhardt is in every team as well but at least he's not a cuck.
Even then, they have pretty good reasons to be angry.
Especially Reaper, as funny as his edgyness is.
Because he's a nigger and no one can dislike him for the sake of "muh racism".
It's the voicelines tbqh
He's the most enthusiastic/friendliest of the cast
>Ooh YEAH!
>Healing boooost!
>Look at this team, we're gonna do GREAT!
>feel that healing beat!
It just feels good having this lil nigga around, speed boostan you and cheering for you in battle
This. His voice is too damn lovable.
>honorary gg's member
He's a game grump?