You ARE going to play it right Sup Forums
You ARE going to play it right Sup Forums
I'm going to play ghost recon wildlands.
Yeah, no thanks, OP. I'd rather not support dishonesty and blatant deception.
Depends on if I can get away from Nioh long enough too.
It isn't very good. It is just rock-paper-scissors arena combat. I'd rather play Chivalry.
Ghost Recon tho... that is one Ubishit game I'm getting
I'm going to have some fun in the open beta and then never look at the game again.
The Crusade isn't gonna happen by itself, user.
Peacekeeper has cute smelly feet!
What the fuck are you people even talking about at this point?
Of course, just to kill all those deus vult fedora tippers with my nerfed Orochi
Is this shilling, reverse shilling, counter shilling or genuine interest?
I don't know anymore...
Nah, game doesn't look fun for very long.
What doea ir smell like?!
No, I can't get it to show up on the playstation store in America.
> console
Ill give it a go.
Not going nigger vikings or reddit knights.
Going pure animo weeabo powers with my gloriousu samurai.
The beta? Maybe. I feel like I got everything out of the demo already so meh.
yo wtf is with this "smelly feet" shit I keep seeing now. I always found footfags to be weird af but I assumed they loved perfect non-deformed high maintenance feet. Are you telling me footfags actually LIKE stinky ass feet?
I mean come on, there is no way.
good choice user
Thanks for reminding me to start the preload.
I'll check out the open beta at least..
It's alright. It gets tiring fast.
The janky menu doesn't help either. God damn the menu.
sheeeit do you have to pick one class and stick with it? I was hoping you could switch off whenever.
I might give the Open Beta a shot if Uplay behaves itself after I install it.
Don't really see myself buying the game unless the gameplay really sells me though. It looks like the type of game to get old and repetitive fast.
Ill play the open beta, but from what ive seen, it doesnt seem like a $60 game, maybe $30 though.
Smelly things are a meme just like gay porn on this site. People gets possed at seeing the posts so others post it more.
The funny thing is when people think it's a legit fad and join in then start to like it.
Nope, you can choose a faction who you fight for, but the classes are free to choose. Like you can be a Viking fighting for Knights faction or something. Any victories will go towards your overall faction though.
Thank you moe-blob chan.
I think in the wars you have to choose a faction, only faggots play vikings and everyone is screaming Deus Vult le lol apparently so Im going Samurai.
Because Sup Forums is an anime shitposting board and reddit ruined knights so fuck it, im going fat weeabo samurai.
It looks interesting, but it doesn't look 60 fucking dollars interesting. Chivalry had actual dynamic sword combat instead of rock-paper-scissors, and it's like 20 bucks.
Not happy about the peer-to-peer matchmaking either.
No, I do know one guy from a general that is a genuine footfag and he is always making posts about smelly feet. he doesn't namefag but I can always tell when he makes a thread about it. I know for a fact he is serious but I thought it was just him.
I got Siege for free and even then I felt like I got scammed.
Ubisoft studio really can't get anything right anymore. It's painful because it's obvious they're working really hard to change that, but still, they always fail.
Nah, shit sucked.
I played the alpha and the beta and it sucked both times. I wanted it to be good, but i'll look elsewhere.
>deep mechanics
It's not uncommon among footfags
samurai it is
nah, ubisoft is trash and P2P servers are a good sign the game is shit and they won't float the cost for dedicated because they know the game will be dead within the year.
It was more fun before exploiting the hitboxes was the norm, but still.
Does anyone else have this problem?
I just cannot fathom.
Give me a 10/10 girl and if her feet stink I would be turned off from her forever.
there is no way to understand fetishes and no reason to
The open beta, sure.
My PC can barely handle it tho, so I'll some more Conqueror and then I'll drop it.
The Samurai may have their body pillows, the Vikings may have their bearded wives, but the Knights will have Jerusalem.
Whats wrong with cute feet? The stinkier the better!
Fuck that noise, this is different. It's a step below scat.
I bet you hate the smell of wet pussy too.
What's equally weird to me are the people who are absolutely appalled by feet.
It's not uncommon either, it's like a phobia. If you think feet are actually worse than shit, you got issues.
>not closet weebs
If you don't have the fetish, you won't ever understand and there's no reason to let it bother you.
I don't know why some people get horny about being farted on because it's not my thing. Personally it seems really fucking weird to me but whatever, there's no reason to let it bug you.
To each their own fetishes and so forth.
I really hope you didn't play the closed beta these last few days. Because if you still hold that opinion and you have, you are BEYOND help.
If you didn't, you're in for a fun surprise.
game is a massively buggy piece of shit with the worst vehicle physics you can possibly imagine. My friend and I literally got motion sickness driving around in the cars.
probably won't show up until later today or tomorrow
yeah i'll give it a go
It's like 28 hours until it starts, right?
Stanky pussy? Yea, disgusting. Do you like an ass smelling like shit?
I meant that it was a step less worse and also, I am one of those that do not like feet. I especially HATE seeing guys feet.
Naw, as much as I dislike feet I can somewhat understand it, but liking nasty ass doritos smelling feet? How do you enjoy objectively rancid odor? Something is wrong there.
>How do you enjoy objectively rancid odor?
You literally can't explain it that's the point.
You could make some shit theories but that's what it will be.
I would say that just sweaty feet smell differently than the kind that's infected with a fungus and most footfags who talk about liking stinky feet are referring to the smell of sweat, which I think a lot of people equate with as one of those things that go hand in hand with people having sex in general.
To me there are only two smells. Good(odorless basically) and bad.
Anyway the guy I'm referring to talks about really smelly feet after a long intense sweaty day. There is nothing pleasant about that.
>p2p in 2017
I'll play the beta because it's free but no way am I buying it especially because we all know Ubisoft has the money for servers. It's just they don't give a shit about user experience.
Do i need a gamepad to enjoy this game? KB+M looks awful.
Git gud
KB+M is superior for some reason I forgot.
Is there new content or not?
Elimination is a new mode. It's 4v4 duels.
I can't find a way to install it on PS4, so no.
>playing peer2peer games on PC
I don't much want to get DDoS'd for shitting on some 13 year old, thanks.
They added the 3 new characters this time?
how many hours til the open beta is ready
reminder that the vikings have now been proven to be the best players
I almost preordered, but changed my mind when i saw that ubi would rather waste money on celeb-marketing than finishing the fucking game. pity
What did they need to finish?
>the best
It's not the best, there's just more people playing it. By that metric Justin Bieber is the best music this generation.
3 classes
but user, vikings have the fewest players
also the only faction to now have won a faction war + a tournament
They're going to be in the game at launch.
KB+M is actually superior to generic controllers without back paddles because the generic controller will make you take your finger off the right thumbstick to guardbreak and feign swings, it's very uncomfortable especially at higher levels where fights are full of feign fests
Yes and instead of testing balance of those classes in the open beta they wait until release.
I am fucking hyped. I've been waiting for something to fill the hole the death of Dark Messiah MP left and For Honor does pretty good job with that.
My main concern is that every season we will be getting some completely broken/OP class that always ruins the game for a couple weeks.
They said they're trying to get them into the open beta, but the balancing is taking time. You can't blame the devs for what the marketers are doing.
Modding in back-paddles is like a 2 dollar job, though. If you can't handle it, you can just buy an Xbone elite pad.
>the reward for winning the open beta war is literally just the twitch prime reward
fucking lol
shit is normalized pop count doesn't matter
Where's the source for that?
How does Twitch prime work, anyway? I might just make a new account for the free trial, can you really get the rewards for nothing?
i think you have to link your credit card
You ARE going to join best faction right Sup Forums?
>shitty farmers who killed other farmers
eat shit
Not in a million years.
To arms Brothers! The Crusade will not start on its own. DEUS VULT!
>fb filename
Knight cucks exposing themselves.
>P2P connexion
>black viking
Really all Vikangz players me and my friends fought up to and past rep 1 were fucking garbage. Didn't have their warlord or valk to carry their asses as hard.
Or you mean the faction war thing because technically you just have to win and deploy assets and with the normie vikings show everyone and their mother was playing it so you had quite a bit of pressure on their fronts.
>w*men in combat
Fem Warden is cute fuck you.
I'll try it because half swording is my fetish