Are vidya tattoos acceptable if they're well executed?

Are vidya tattoos acceptable if they're well executed?

ugly af. I guess you can at least tell people its some fucked up interpretation of sauron's head from lord of the rings.


Oh lordy, grow up Kevin. It's not the early 2000s anymore.

Tattoos in general are the mark of a degenerated moron. Inb4 b-but muh tribe.

There is literally no good reason to get a tattoo.

>this tattoo
>well executed

I just don't get tattoos. There's no way I would mutilate my body like that. Those ear stretching piercings are retarded as well, but like 200% MORE retarded than tattoos.

If they are well executed yes, but that wont happen.
Also that one is ugly as fuck

Enjoy never being employed again.

Whats wrong with tattoos in general?
Its just art on your body, how can it be bad? especially if it is a hidden one just for you or something.

>especially if it is a hidden one just for you or something.
Except they almost never are. Especially gamer ones.

pretty much this.
IMO you should only get a tattoo if you meet these conditions:
Is small
Is easily concealable with normal clothing
Actually means something to you
Isn't a generic dime a dozen tattoo that if you go to the beach you wont see 3 other people with the same thing.

Any kind of sentiment you have behind a tattoo will fade and die long before it becomes a formless blob on your body.

why would you ever get a permanent one, just get temporary ones to show off at the beach on the weekend or whatever and you can have different ones every time.

do you have a tattoo?

You can get temporary tattoos that last 3 days, 10 days, 3 months, 6 months and even a year.

im not sure why youd get consumerist shit tattooed on your body

I know a chick who has nothing but game and disney tatts, shits disgusting when she shows them off.

It's not the 50's anymore.

I'm pretty sure that tech hasn't been released yet, at least for the 3+ months options

Would you, on facing moving out of country (for work or whatever), get a tattoo to remind you of home? A flag or something of significance to your home country?

Laugh out loud!

Spotted the butt mad virgins that don't have the the body to compliment a tattoo.

It's not like having your body "clean" would make you any more attractive since you bois lack the ability to actually function in society.

But I'm talking to niggas on Sup Forums after all!

Doesn't it get boring not being able to think for yourself?

Don't you feel trapped when you feel the urge to conform with people you don't know on an anime image board?

Sup Forums is literally 9gag nowadays amirite?
No really though the 9gag tattoo comments and the comments on this thread are identical.

ofc it's acceptable dude.

It's your body do what you want. Jesus.

That should tell you that even the most autistic of autists find tattoos fucking stupid.

>my body is so fucking ugly and my personalty is so fucking lame I have to get a tattoo to make up for the lack of social capabilities

I don't get how people can become so sentimental over their fucking countries.. It's just a piece of island on a blue shithole in space fucking faggots


>Being this insecure about your tattoos
Jesus dude

>That fucking uneven line weight.

Maggots don't even understand tattoos at the BEST of times

Tattoos are fine. Get a fucking dick on your forehead for all I care. Whatever makes you happy user.

Of course, but that's not well done.

You sure you want to listen to an autist?

Now thats something that I could get behind.

What is reading comprehension?

Something someone who posts awoo with a MAGA hat on will never have,

No I would use photos and memories like a normal person.

It's your body, do whatever you want to it. But that is terrible. Uneven line weights, horrendous use of colors. It could be so much more tasteful. But whatever, he's the moron who has to live with that on his arm for the rest of his life.

where are you raised that this is still a belief? Fucking everyone has tattoos these days. Hell, my dad's an electrical engineer and he and half his coworkers have full sleeve tattoos.

That shit can be covered up, but even then most people don't mind anymore. It's not like everyone is going around tattooing 'DONG' on their knuckles.

Tats are for cucks with no personality that rely on things to attract attention.

No, what fucking mindset do you have to have to get a tattoo, it's a great way to permanently mark yourself as an insufferable idiot.

Hey man you need to calm down!

You are talking to the autists on Sup Forums!

These guys never had an actual job or even spoken to a girl that is not their mom or sister before!

Please take the time to understand!

I meant actual jobs, not knuckle-dragger tier "careers" that are one step above driving a garbage truck.

>dude ALL tattoos are shit!!!

What are long sleeve shirts?

Look at this buttmad trailer trash. I'm LMAOing @ your life dude.


But Grandpa! You have a tattoo too!

my doctor has a bunch of tattoos, too.

what are 'actual' jobs?

Grandpa lies the fucking heat on Sarah.

>actual job

I don't see the purpose in getting a tattoo other than wanting other people to see how much of a faggot you are. It's like when children wear sun glasses inside accept it's permanent and you're almost an adult.

Your ignorant comment is what actually makes you an insufferable idiot.

It's just ink on the skin.

Based on your comment you seem like a reclusive loser that looks down on others just to make yourself feel better even though deep down you are too afraid to expressing yourself due to fear of being rejected by others.

>I'm going to get a special mark on my body, because I'm special and I want to be more special than everyone else and I want everyone to know it
gj guys. We all know how cool you are now that you scribbled on yourself. Like a 2 year old with a box of crayons alone in a white room. There's a reason tattoos have had a bad reputation since forever.

how can you tell what people might think of their tattoos then if you don't have one yourself?

t. degenerate

Is that the skyrim symbol?

t. "Alt. Right" Virgin


>people in this thread telling others how bad tattoos are and having one makes you a total loser
>meanwhile they spend their time shitposting on a viatnamese stamp collecting board

really fires your neurones

t. mad degenerate

Nice peacock tat man! That should get you a ton of poon in gay bars

the irony is always off the charts in these threads

t. Involuntary Celebate.

In my eyes, well executed means extremely subtle, not obvious video gamey and very well done.

These could have been 'ok', if they weren't on the fucking hands.

More millennials have tattoos than don't.

You don't want to be left out, do you?

>proceeds to post an image with "cool hip millennials" with no tattoos.

apply yourself pham!


t. mad degenerate



I think its okay.

What really triggers me is tattoos on the hands and wrists.

>It's not the early 2000s anymore.
I think tattoos are more acceptable now than they ever were

and this?

t. Unimaginative cuck

Why would anyone want to brand themselves as a manchild permanently?


Honestly I think that tattoo looks pretty bland and video gamey.

Don't know where that symbol is from.

t. mad degenerate

if you're not getting those on your hands then don't even bother

is that from pokemon go?

>hmm, how can i insult someone on Sup Forums?
>i know, i'll call them a virgin! haha, got em!
Come on dude.

Oh yeah and I that tattoo is upside down.

I personally think a tattoo is for others to see the inner you.

If you were to point at someone or handing them something or giving a handshake, the other person should see what that tattoo is without having to mentally flip it around in their heads trying to comprehend what they just saw.


>all these posts about how tattoos are just destroying your body and making you look bad
>>The people saying this are overweight fucks with Doritos stained clothes and mountain dew breath

I thought it was skyward sword, but I didn't even play that game so idunno.

Why aren't body paint tattoos more popular nowadays? People are so keen to doll themselves up with tattoos, they just ignore the permanency of it. At least with things like Hennna tattoos you can apply all sorts of radical/fantastical designs and not worry about being permanently marked by it. You could treat temporary tattoos like make-up: good for occasions.

It's not the image of tattoo designs themselves on people's skin that irks me, it's the permanency of it; a women adorning herself with butterfly and cat tattoos that last forever, and she looks you in the eye and says there is sentimental value in doing it. It's stupid.

Scarring your flesh for attention is considered unhealthy and concerning, yet when the scar has ink in it, that's alright?

Tattoos are shit no matter what.

Shouldn't you be riding a motorcycle, or using drugs or something?

Oh its because they already know that they will never get the feeling of human flesh wrapped around their cock, huh?

You're right!

Should I call them a fagget?

>they ddint play the GOAT (last of us)

people with tattoo general
>hey geve me some praise and call me cool and suck my die look how cool my tattoo is
>someone says tattoos are stupid

this desu.

>Tattoos are shit no matter what.

Nah small ones are okay. Only virgins say all tattoos are bad.

Got a sleeve for arm tattoo in wood burning line style of a knight slaying a dragon with a burning village in the background. Traditional fantasy but not vidya. just got it finished about a week ago

TFW I actually did play it. Looks like I enjoy peter poppers in my rear end!


Does anyone else think that tattoos on unfit white dudes look degenerate as fuck?

They need to either be buff or be an Asian mafia member in order for it to look aesthetically pleasing, otherwise it looks shit.

>act like a stereotypical virgin
>gets called out
fires up those neurons

>only loser virgins hate tattoos brah
fucking normal fags have ruined Sup Forums

You're not going to believe me now but when you grow up you won't have those feelings anymore.

t. the grammar god

Im an unfit skinny white trash twink.

loving my tats

And yet still it marks you as someone who is impulsive and makes poor decisions.

What does Mountain Dew breath smell like?