Why is watching 5+ hours of tv a day considered socially acceptable but playing a video game not?

Why is watching 5+ hours of tv a day considered socially acceptable but playing a video game not?

Why do we keep pretending that videogames aren't completely socially acceptable at this stage?

No one under the age of 40 cares that you simply play videogames. What they care about is that the videogames you play aren't pollitically correct

>Why is reading 5+ hours a day considered socially acceptable but listening to radio plays is not?
>Why is listening to radio plays for 5+ hours a day considered socially acceptable but watching tv is not?

It's still new technology, and most critics and journalists are genXers who don't play video games anymore. Give it another 10 years and everyone will be okay with video games.

if video games weren't socially accpetable you wouldn't see adverts for them during the superb owl, they're as normie and as normie can be.

not OP but video games aren't socially acceptable unless it's Madden, FIFA, or some other sports game. It's kinda strange

This, it hasn't been a sekrit club for about 10 years now.

As far as I can tell more people are into call of duty and halo than sports games

lol no
vidya is normie as fuck and so is anime

The only socially acceptable games are sports games, racing games or online fps.

Try to bring up something like Dark Souls and see how well that goes.

I don't even really see the appeal of Fifa either. Do you just set teams and not actually play?


If isnt Fifa, Madden, some racing game or Call of Duty, youre a stinky nerd

I don't know what's worse honestly.

>video games are one of the biggest entertainment industries in the world
>not normie and mainstream

I don't think some of you even know what a niche hobby is

i bet you also think comic books are still "for dorks" despite almost two decades of capeshit movies and tv shows.

It's completly socially acceptable, at least in anyone who's not a grumpy old Baby Boomer who never actually experienced vidya. Litterally all the guys at my work play games, and a few of the girls as well. And 100% of them had consoles as kids.

A 30-something lady working at Bunnings (the most normie place in existance) said "awesome shirt, loved that game as a kid, did you play New'n'Tasty?" when she saw my Rupture Farms t-shirt.

Games ye, anime ne

No no no, video games are still seen as immature, almost like a toy. Pussy repellent #1.

>Pussy repellent #1.
I make it sound like this is something bad.

Meh. Maybe I could tolerate women if they saw even the slightest benefit in me doing something I enjoy so immensely.


>not talking about your favorite game, Hatred, with your friends

>Pussy repellent #1.

It's probably that you're socially retarded, pale, overweight, balding, without the slightest form of hygiene.

>Pussy repellent #1
What do you mean? I've gotten plenty of boypussy thanks to videogames

video games arent completely acceptable. theyre now unavoidable, so theyre tolerated, but the stigma is still there. its stronger with some games than others.

even while playing a video game with another video game player they will insult you for having "no life" and playing that video game. fuck look at any single steam playtime thread and the autismos on Sup Forums will even say that.

theyre also considered the lowest thing on the totem pole of what youre allowed to do with your time. movies can theorhetically get you laid, they pass. TV has much higher saturation than games, so it isn't judged as harshly. It can also kinda get you laid but movies will always have that edge. books and games are the lowest, but at least books are more important. games require the most time and effort by far, and society views time and effort as something to be put toward getting more money, getting famous, or having sex. thats why twitch exploded past a novelty into a subculture, because even if youre famous among losers, it can get you famous.

you almost never get anything out of video games, and thats why theyre not celebrated. theyre the most worthless form of art, and are more expensive than cable.

What are you even talking about man even my dad knows about meme souls and he doesn't play games.

Video game playing is pretty socially acceptable now. What world do you guys live in

I'm an extremely charismatic charmer though. That's how I know it's pussy repellent #1 because the face I get if I let it slip that I enjoy video games is the one that tells you you're fucked. And not in the good way.

Good for you, man

Really? The girls in your area are fucking idiots then, none that I have dated since I was like 20 have gave a shit I played video games. In fact they usually do too, even if it's normal/basic as shit stuff like skyrim, LoL, Zelda and the Sims. Still makes them not care that I play them

>That's how I know it's pussy repellent #1 because the face I get if I let it slip that I enjoy video games

Why are you even bringing it up?

the actual books themselves are for dorks and a maximum of 5% of the people who watch comic book movies read them.

not that i would ever feel bad for comic book nerds. they obsess over the lowest common denominator trash that has little value other than some cool designs, and they retread the same ground over and over again for 80 years.

whats most embarrassing though is that most of these comic book nerds love these movies. these movies that rip the guts out of their stories and play it all for laughs every 5 minutes. just because theyre nerds doesnt mean they have an ounce of taste. comic books are just flashy pandering trash and anyone upset that theyre "casualizing" them or "making them SJW-friendly" is complaining about the new packaging on their favorite brand of trash.

>He didn't use video games to meet grills with a higher Steam level than you.

Only socially acceptable videogames are sports ones, and by that I mean FIFA, maybe NBA.

And no COD is seen for kids or teenagers only. An adult playing pew pew games is seen as a manchild

>theyre the most worthless form of art, and are more expensive than cable.

lol have you seen so called post-modern art?

If you think that vidya is socially acceptable, you're completely retarded. Always keep your power level hidden, never talk about vidya to anyone, deny everything if someone asks you about it, and last, have your vidya stuff easily hidable if you have someone visiting your home.

The actual movies are for kids and teenagers.

Comic books are still for faggot nerds, you do realize nobody actually buys comic books despite the movies success right? the most popular comic at best sells around 100k. For comparison a mid-low tier(in popularity) manga sells that in Japan where manga unlike anime is fine to be seen reading

I don't, it just comes up naturally. Like if I'm listening to a girl talk about some asian province she did fieldwork in and I know exactly where it is due to playing so much grand strategy and she's like "how the fuck do you know that"

>I just like to look at maps a lot
>Especially Asia
>I like the way they treat their w- Oh wait


vidya is normie as long as you only play obsessionally.

It's the only way, my immense powerlevel frightens not just normies but those into video games also.

>having normies over.

Found your problem.

>have your vidya stuff easily hidable if you have someone visiting your home.

>Grow up.
>Earn your own money.
>Do whatever you want with it.
>Don't give a shit about opinions of high school or college peers you never see again in life.

This. I have my consoles and games in an easily closable closet, so I can just hide everything instantly if the need arises.

Don't just deny that you play vidya, make it clear that you think that vidya is for children. That should remove any doubts from people asking you about whether you play video games or not.

I just want someone to talk games with

Sup Forums is alright but he has shit taste and keeps insulting me for no reason

Doing this runs you the risk of being permanently loathed by other people. Notably me.

Do people seriously hide the fact that they play games? How fucking insecure can you be?

Every guy i know plays video games casually, it's mostly women, who freely admit they don't "get" guy stuff. I mean theres girls who like video games, but RPGs and weeb stuff are practically the only crossover in taste, guys and girls simply like different things.

I mean theres a few exceptions, but in my experience it's largely the rule.

How newfag you have to be that you don't hide your power level IRL?

>Do people seriously hide the fact that they play games? How fucking insecure can you be?
12-24years olds do, because it's not "cool".
It's laughable, because everyone knows this demography plays vidya all day long.
If you find someone not playing vidya, you should put him on the school shooter watch list.

It also helps if you make up a list of normie-acceptable things to mention if someone asks you about what you are interested in or what you do on your free time. Deny vidya, then move conversation to something as normie as possible, that's how you do it.

anything is acceptable if you don't obsess over it and you aren't a neet living off of their parents' allowances at 20+

I used to be a bum cause my parents were well off, people would constantly give me shit because I played videogames, the moment I started holding a job and living on my own they were all like "oh that's a cool hobby you have".

How insecure do you you have to be to hide your power level. How does it feel to have no friends?
I'm 23 and everyone I know either plays games occasionally or just doesn't care.

Ok, more (you).

>got my first job with 25 years
>not autist enough, just the right amount, but I love videogames
>attract people who likes videogames
>the people who don't like don't give a fuck about all this bullshit
>all engineerfags

I don't know, I think many people here mistakes normies with normal people.
Normies are Facebook chads who bullied you on the school.
Normal people are just this.
They won't sperg about your love for videogames as much you don't sperg about soccer.

I'm 35, I was national and european champion, both offline and online, several times throughout the past 10 years at a specific videogame, I've never told anybody outside the game community.

Close friends and family don't even know I play, when I go to tournaments I just make up excuses and pretend it's a work-related trip.

>meet someone/make new acquaintance/meet a mutual friend
>after introductions and conversation starts usually the topic of "what do you like to do" comes up
>mention listening and playing to music, movies, 3d modelling, photography and videogames
>make it seem like videogames is either the one I do least (it's the one I do the most by far) or that I more or less do all in similar amounts
>since they usually know about videogames and music they ask what bands/artists I like and which instrument I play and which videogames I play
>just mention a couple of artists and games (only mention the most normie games like Battlefield and Fallout)

Wooooooow powerlevel hiding sooo hard.

This is pretty fucked in the head.

As long as you don't admit, that you put together gaymen PCs beyond the age of 16, everything is fine.

Wew they actually ask me what I play on and I just say I build my own computers.
I am very openly elitist about PCs and nobody ever disagrees with me.

It's fine, when you are still 14.

>I'm listening to a girl talk about some asian province she did fieldwork in and I know exactly where it is
based Grand Strat

>>I just like to look at maps a lot

Nobody has given me shit for playing on PC. Sometimes people will say "I prefer consoles cause it's just plug and play" or "I already use a computer at work so I want to use a console at home to disconnect", but that's about it.


It's not about playing casual vidya on your laptop, which is acceptable. It's about being a grown man building his own "gaming rig" and being "elitist" about it.
Of course, no adult is going to call you out on it, but everyone knows, that you are manchild.

Actually what has happened is that a couple of them have told me they wanted a gaming PC but didn't know how to build one so they asked me to help them pick the parts and build it.

If someone thinks I'm a manchild for playing on PC they're simply not worth my time.

who the fuck watches 5+ hours of tv a day wtf? you fat lazy sacks of shit

what do normal people family people even do other than work, eat and watch t.v. while pretending to spend time with their kids / spouse?

>asked me to help them pick the parts and build it
Manchild status confirmed.
There is no way to save it. You will never get pussy.

what kind of games do you want to talk, user?
How do you feel about 16-bit platformers?

Almost everyone younger than 30 I know some way or another plays vidya. Almost all the dudebros play fifa, cod and battlefield, another big chunk play league of shitters even some 8/10 grills, EVERYONE plays or has played pokémon. Yeah, almost no one has a gaming pc and all but videogames are more popular now than ever

Love 'em


You can be smart about what you reveal to people and still not be insecure, faggot

You can literally talk about any of the games in the top 10 and it would be socially acceptable. Even your mother would know what they all are.

Shingeki no kyojin and kiseijuu are popular worldwide, everyone and his mother watched those.


More than half of them are about shooting random people in the face. I would label you a legit sociopath had you played more than three of those.

Because this.


So judging by that chart the majority of the worlds population are sociopaths? Sounds about right

Ive known plenty of normies who like dark soyls.

i miss quentin so much. reddit and neo v hated his sense of humor but it was so sharp and subtle with making fun of the genuine autists here.

Especially gamers and ESPECIALLY Sonyggers, like goddamn.

On a related note, Nintendrones enjoy exercise, driving, having fun, caring for animals, doing puzzles and shooting ducks.

Sometimes societal norms are just bullshit.

> Don't believe in any fairy tales about ominpotent all-knowing gods
> Somehow this makes ME the crazy one and in the minority

Humanity is retarded and makes no sense sometimes.

>It's a "boomer complains about young'ns and their technology n shieet before fucking going on their phone/computer to play hidden object games and watch 240p rips of tv shows on Youtube" episode

Are those females (male)? Source?

Also post some 3d models you've made. Show us the wires too you slut so we can make fun of your shit topo

wrong as fuck kids still trying to figure out why they're bullied
it's not because you play games, it's because you're a fucking sperg. People just use the fact that you play games because they hate you and will use literally any excuse to tell you

Wrong. WiiU was blatently a fad at the time which spread to more than just gamers. It was a great party system for family/friends at the time, but then everyone moved on to the next fad which is why the WiiU failed big time.

No they're not. Just because something sells worldwide, doesn't make it popular.

Fuck is this shit?

TV is your daily dose of Cultural Marxism and Jewery. Be careful, goy. Gaming is on its way there

Video games have always been the literal definition of cultural marxism, you idiot.

Games are still seen as a solitary activity by most of society whereas watching TV is something groups of people can do together. Also games are perceived to be completely inaccessible to anyone that doesn't play them, whereas anybody could be introduced to a TV show they haven't watched before and get the gist of what's happening fairly quickly

Only retards give a fuck about someone else's opinion. Grow up.

>Also games are perceived to be completely inaccessible to anyone that doesn't play them

But that's exactly what they are. And why people should respect those who play games, because it actually takes skill and dedication while a retard can watch TV, read a book or browse the internet.

Care to prove that point rather than make gross conjectures?

That is why vidya is looked down upon, it's seen as investing your limited energy into something that doesn't matter.

Gave pol one final browse last night and found this brutal redpill

Video games destroy kids if its not moderated

>tell someone youve been binge watching netflix all day
>thats perfectly acceptable to them

>tell someone youve been playing games all day
>they tell you that youre a loser and you need to get a life

i dont fucking understand society.

My Roommate is a total normie and will not shut up about Dark Souls.

He plays at least an hour of it every night.

His jock friends that come over from time to time even dig it and talk about it.

Dark Souls actually became pretty mainstream to the average video game crowd when Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne dropped.

I mean, it is no MADDEN, FIFA, or COD, but is surprisingly close in terms of relevance.

Basically any time you mention a hard game to a normie who games they will mention some iteration of Dark Souls.

In retrospect, it has the same image that Ninja Gaiden had in the late 90s to early 2000s, as a game that most gamers have heard of, and a surprisingly large amount of them have played and in passing will reference it when discussing video game difficulty, if it is relevant to a discussion.

The difference is that the Dark Souls series is simply far more popular and readily available (plus in the age of YouTube celebrities and Let's Players / Streamers, most normies have at least SEEN someone play it)

I know, that's why I'm saying the rest of society doesn't like it, because activities that make them feel stupid or unable to join in are frowned upon

If everybody does it, it's acceptable. Relatively small numbers of people spend multiple hours a day gaming, so it's seen as "weird" and "creepy", even though it's essentially the same activity