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Which one is fun to play?
It's about execution. Hotline Miami is fun and responsive. Hatred is not. Postal 2 is fun and self-aware. Hatred is not.
You're right, it's about the context. What's the point of the thread?
Katawa Shoujo fucking sucks and ruined Sup Forums forever. I want my 2011/2012 back.
I suppose it's more about the presentation. The best genocide game is still, by far, ArmA 3.
i don't even want to know what thread number they're on
i hope it's gone
You're right, Rin's route was the only good one.
Exactly. One is a bland, boring piece of shovelware, the other a fun, stylish cult classic.
Good job OP !
It really is.
Jacket throws up after killing an unarmed person for the first time, because the game is showing his descent into madness. The Antagonist is just crazy from the start, there's nowhere to go from there
Why do people get triggered so easily these days. Fuck these kind of people, no one cares what you think about some shit that happens in a video game besides your cuck friends. Fuck YOU!
Hatred was self-aware on a meta level.
>fuck these kinds of people
>fuck you
Triggered hard my dude.
Going by the developerĀ“s posts and tweets none of them even understand what " self-aware on a meta level" even means, but I am sure that they managed to achieve that in the game by coincidence.
Yes, people don't like to shoot innocent people
reminder that this game was made without any intention of satire , irony, or comedy
reminder that they lost count twice
someone should make a mod where you can kill HAES, niggers, transgenders, gays, muslims, and spics in hatred.
In hotline Miami you're killing gansters and thugs
Hatred you're just killing regular people
>Postal 2 is fun
why did they make him look and sound like the main guy in dethklok
>Shooting civilians vs shooting slav bandits
>In hotline Miami you're killing gansters and thugs
you're not
careful not to cut yourself on that edge underaged Sup Forumstard
you are
you're not
you are objectively wrong
leave this thread now.
I've heard Hatred is bland and not fun, but I don't think it isn't self aware.
so what exactly are you killing in hotline miami
not him
you are fighting russian mobsters (who do shady illegal shit)
so you both are kinda right
hotline miami had a story to it
hatred was just a edge lord game
the story was an afterthought in HM1
hatred had a story, you just didnt like it
hotline miami has even deepest lore than dark souls
The greatest patriot this country has ever seen was absolutely killing thugs.
Yes, it is about the execution.
HM2 """story""" was fucking shit and retroactivley killed HM1s simple but cool story.
But it is about the context, the style and narrative direction.
Hatred is pointlessly crude and goes out of its way to be provocative just to get sales.
Also Hotline Miami is a better game.
I mean some of the lines Knot M Portant says are damn cringy and the WHATS THIS FUCKING CODE scene is funny as fuck but it's such a stark contrast to the rest of the game. It just doesn't work. Postal 1 pleb tier.
Good thing Postal 2 changed for the better.
Nigga they had it all planned since HM1, the biggest evidence being Jacket's polaroid and Visions of Beard mentioning the nukes and his death.
You're just talking out of your ass because Sup Forums told you to hate the game.
>game about drug trip and Russian mobsters
>game about killing random people because liberals exist
Great concept for a game that could benefit from a real remake that's actually fun to play.
A thousand times this.
I still don't gate why everyone here is jerking off their hateboner for HM2 in every thread about it
>one game about shooting as many civilians as possible
>the other game is about shooting bad guys and drug dealers
Yeah, it's absolutely about context YOU FUCKING RETARD PEACE OF SHIT!
It's a shame Hatred was so boring, because the concept itself is pretty great.
This is the worst thread i've ever seen in my entire life
How's your first day on Sup Forums?
Get a fucking grip.
HM2 Is fucking amazing and babbys can't learn to change play styles to deal with the level designs
I still don't get why you retards think most people like hm2 more just go fucking look at reviews and sales of hm2, more people bought and liked hm1 more. Get over yourselves you fucking retards.
are you so fucking bad at video games you unironically think hm2 or hm1 is hard? If so please fucking end yourself
Absolutely correct, good job op.
I think I understand OP.
I too have autism and can't deal with grey.
Don't be so hard on him, he's confused.