will the remake suck?
also general System Shock thread too, feel free to discuss why SS2 is the greatest game of all time
will the remake suck?
also general System Shock thread too, feel free to discuss why SS2 is the greatest game of all time
Maybe, it's Kickstarter so things can always go to shit.
The only thing the original needed was a reload hotkey, a remake of it is unnecessary. SS2 on the other hand has a shitload of gameplay design problems that would be nice to see fixed in a remake.
it will be alright. not great. its just rekindle the ip and get people interested and hyped for ss3.
real question is how bad will they they fuck up ss3
Can I play SS2 without having played SS1?
I have played 10 minutes of SS1 and think that SS2 is in the top 10 games of all time so yes
There's absolutely no telling. It will be a totally different game that either lightly or completely copies the original.
Every day until you like it!
>playing a Unity remake when a spiritual successor is already on the way
Bioshock 1 is also liked by a lot of pretentious faggot.
I got into SS1 thinking it was going to be a spooky game with some body-horror thrown in but turns out it's more about being a hacker on steroids and exploring everywhere so you can get better gear and augments.
I really liked it, the last bost in the cyber-verse was very disappointing though. I haven't played SS2 but it is slower paced or do you also start getting a huge bodycount once you get decent gear ?
>Sofia Lamb
It still fucking bothers me that Andrew Ryan would let a fucking commie into his Objectivist Sealab.
Like Andrew Ryan does all the shady shit you learn about in BS1, but he's unwilling to give Sofia a Submarine Ride?
>There's absolutely no telling.
Judging by the demo, they have no idea what made System Shock good are are going for nu-tuber cinematic garbage.
Thankfully, we can just pirate the untainted original.
>Shitting on Unity
I want this meme to end. It's better than Unreal now.
Can't even run a game as plain and dated looking as Yooka Laylee above 30 FPS and without drops on the PS4. It's a shit engine.
really? game isn't out yet, i hope they will fix it
>It's better than Unreal now
What if it's the developers' fault, not the engine's?
Is SS2 a spooky game? By that I mean does it have jumpscares or it's like STALKER where the atmosphere is spooky?
Do we know anything about how cyberspace will look yet?
System Shock was never actually good. It is only remembered fondly because of it's sequel.
>It's better than Unreal now
no way fag
atmosphere only. Jump-scares weren't invented jet.
I played it for the first time a year ago and really enjoyed it. You don't really have FPS focused on exploration anymore.
This alone is a surefire sign of its shitness.
It was groundbreaking, but a hot mess.
the original is better than the sequel with the amount of content it has at it actually being a complete product.
I personally think getting upgrades throughout the game rather than fucking with cybermodules is better too.
I refuse to get hyped for Prey
even though it kinda looks like a Human Revolution for System Shock
I just have a feeling Bethesda will have fucked it up and either it'll be super linear or the balance will be all wrong, or just something will be totally off the mark.
The UI and control scheme is a mess indeed but other than that I found that it was a really good game. The only tricky part is that you have to figure out by reading the logs the first "objective" of destroying the laser with the shields on but afterwards you'll get an incoming communication about your next task every time.
The UI was a product of its time. The simple addition of mouselook made the game very smooth to play aside from the lack of a reload hotkey. Compare that to SS2 where you have to deal with gimped weapon responsiveness and player movement before you upgrade your stats, or DX's retarded aiming system that did a shit job of aping Rainbow Six's.