Tfw I just cancelled my Switch pre-order to wait for the holidays

>tfw I just cancelled my Switch pre-order to wait for the holidays

I know I might regret this

You did the right thing though.

No you won't.

Assuming you fell for the Wii U meme, just pirate BotW on that and get the Switch later.

holidays sounds ok, but you will get Zelda spoiled entierely.
I doubt there will be a shortage. limited preorder != limited supply.
there will probably be shipments for splatoon anyway. at least for "system + game" bundles.

In all the time I've been here, I've never once seen a good reason to pre order anything.

>games don't count because our spiritual leader ordered so!
damn. that anti nintendo djihad is getting really embarrassing.
At this point I'm expecting actual assaults at release day so "people finally get the message".

> caring about zelda spoilers

Come on son it's the same plot every time. At least this way he'll know if it's shit or not before buying it.

2 million is all that's being shipped. If you didn't preorder, you don't get one, period

You're looking at a minimum one month wait if you missed the boat. Sucks to be you, you're going to have to pay the scalper tax if you want one at launch+ now and even then good luck finding any for sale.

> regretting waiting for the inevitable holiday bundles nintento will do

> regretting waiting for the inevitable mario oddyssey bundle that puts giant plastic eyes on your switch charging dock

> regretting saving dosh


My last console I owned was a Wii.

Might pull the trigger on the Switch. But not gonna early adopt tho.

>tfw Scorpio preorder already

flipside here, I twiddle my dick big time first week of pre-order and misses out. I want one pretty bad, mainly because I hadn't bought a console in 12-13 years or so

Anyone have any idea if US pre-orders will restock before March 3rs? Thinking about pre-ordering one from UK which has availability but not sure how different a UK Switch would be. Wouldn't want to see annoying shit like the word color being spelt "colour" and shit (autist)

see You're not getting one at launch, no way, no how

Just wait for new shipment in April or May


Well, maybe it makes sense, what with Nintendo occasionally pulling the ol' artificial scarcity stunt.

>artificial scarcity

Is this the worst """"theory""""" ever?

>missing out on BotW, ARMS and Splatoon 2 with free online
You should.

It's literally what they do. From amiibos, to the GC controller adapter, to the NES Classic and now the Switch. It's a complete scumbag tactic.

>2 million is all that's being shipped
this is wrong though.
Your data are 6 month old. And you had no visibility on the second shipment.

>tfw too intelligent to buy wii U
feels good mein

It's convenient because the fallacies to deend it are kindergarten tier.
- haha you can't get it it's artificial scarcity nintendo lost!
- haha you got one because it's warming shelves nintendo lost!

The first Splatoon was boring to me. ARMS looks neat but it's not a game I'd buy a console for.

It's no theory, user

>low amount of units means everyone who wants one won't get one
>social media marketing hype machine goes into full overdrive (ie prepare for literal Nintendo shills to come out in force in a week or two)
>everyone wants one now but there are none left
>release more units, this time to actually meet demands
>sell gangbusters

They do this with everything now. Amiibo, the GC adapter, even the fucking NES classic

>Zelda spoilers

Link defeats Ganon saves Zelda and Hyrule and goes back to being a sexless virgin. There I spoiled it for you.

Yes, that's the absolute truth, not the demand being a fuckton higher than what they expected, even though they made a pretty hefty first shipment, no it's not Nintendo being popular, it's just they being Jews, am I right?

Tell me one thing, what fucking sense would it make for them to ship less units of their main fucking product, the one thing they absolutely need to sell in order to keep selling more games, accessories and fucking toys, huh? I'll tell you: NONE.

>be Ausfag
>Switch costs $70 more over here than it does in the U.S. or Japan
>going on a holiday to Japan in April so I'll just buy the Switch there instead since it's not region locked
Fuck local retailers for Jewing up the prices.

>people actually believe this tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory

Because the fact that it's scarce is what drives up the hype and thus demand. The people who get it (and a healthy dose of social media marketers pretending to be people who got one) harp on about how good it is, this in turn makes more people want it, and as soon as Nintendo makes another shipment, they sell out lightning fast and to more people who might have otherwise not bothered.

Is it a gamble? Yes, but it's worked in Nintendo's favor since they've started doing it.

Whatever makes you feel better, sweetie.

They had 2 million units ready for launch day. That's PS4 numbers. There's no artificial scarcity.

>Tell me one thing, what fucking sense would it make for them to ship less units of their main fucking product

It's a common marketing trick. People will automatically assume it's a good product if it's sold out everywhere.

>when 2 million is produced in one month with more to come
>when the PS4 sold 2 mil in the first month too
>after the Wii U debacle

>GC adapter
>not even fucking Nintendo could see how many autists wanted it

Once again, underestimating demand

They are too conservative, but it is not artificial scarcity. The only way it works if they ramp up production after a while of shortage, but that NEVER happened with the NES mini. They are just incapable of judging demand

But it is usually followed by plentiful products so they can actually take advantage of the shortage, which never happened for both the GC adapter and NES mini

>But it is usually followed by plentiful products so they can actually take advantage of the shortage

This isn't how Nintendo rolls. It Shay's kept shipments of certain products low so that prices stay high and retailers compete for them. Why do you think certain Amiibo were GameStop exclusive?

GameStop paid money, maybe?

This situation did not happen for the adapter or the NES though, so this theory is moot

>GameStop paid money

That's precisely what I'm implying. Nintendo makes bank on this sort of practice.