Sad but true
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More like the biggest road block to becoming a "respected art form" are people that try and force it to be one.
Honestly, he's right.
Videogame plots, for example, why is anyone going to bother with videogames when turds like TLOU are praised as masterpieces, and your audience is mostly kids?
Why do fags want games to be art so badly? Why can't something be appreciated without a label?
I'm assuming he's referring to man children without realizing that actual children still make up the majority.
There's a reason Lego isn't a respected art form even though theres plenty you can do with it.
>"video games biggest road block to being what i want them to be is the fact that nobody else shares my shit taste, so if i couch it as a confrontation between the patricians and the plebeians i can ignore the fact that everybody disagrees with me and say i know what's best for everyone"
I hate these elitist pricks.
>that logic
"Africa biggest road block to becoming a "respectable continent" are the niggers"
Journalism majors who couldn't get the job they wanted at a normal publisher took jobs as 'game reporters' and desperately want to fit in at the big table.
Anyone have that copypasta of Chad asking vidya reporter how Mario and Sonic are doing at some schmoozy event? That's basically it.
The biggest hurdle is Timeā¢
Totally irrelevant to what SJWs or their counterparts are saying. No one cares.
that's true though
Anyone who tells you that art is anything more than one's practice of their respective craft, is full of shit, and they're trying to get you to adopt a completely baseless belief.
To be fair, the same people that insist games are art also insist that Last of Us had a brilliant story and those are fully grown adults who think they're journalists.
Thank fuck.
At least they're not 14 year old frogposters
Video game "journalists" desperately want to be validated.
Fuck off, 9volt
That, and the people who make them.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a frogposter.
It is a respected art form among people who play them. Even posers, kids and casuals respect it, as seen in the vga every where. And if you want artsy rewards for artsy games, then Europe and Japan is were you get your infos.
Because it help them not feels like shit.
You understand user, if games becomes "art", then when these hipsters will play games they will be able to stand in society and say "No, i don't play -games- I play -art-".
They simply are hypocrites that don't want to admit they crash on the couch to play some games, but want them to come something more so it helps them get a better status.
A surprisingly decent point made by a frogposter. Color me surprised. You should have more dignity.
Art at it's base is freedom of expression unconcerned with morals, social standing, or censorship. Vidya can never be any of this as it is a product that must follow strict guidelines at all times. Saying that why are some people so obsessed with vidya becoming art? let vidya be vidya.
>At least
is it bargaining damage control time already?
t. People who don't own a PS3 or PS4
>battery dipshit
this is one of those twitter wannabe celebs who still talks about fucking gamergate for attention
If you could have the dream video game you've always wanted, or the ability to wipe out every far left virtue signalling delusional moron who talks about video games, which one would you choose?
people who want videogames to be "art" are only looking to justify their inability to make mechanically great games, which is the essence of a game in the first place
basically, if you strip games of their mechanics and interaction all you get is a digital painting or e-book
Videogames were always art.
People just don't know what art means.
Yoi don't have to like it for it to be art.
Justin Bieber amd Doom are noth creative expression. Thusfore both are art.
I did and tried playing it.
I was bored out of my fucking mind. It was seriously basically the same shit over and over again with plot progression
Same with anime!!
Nilo is cool
And cute
Wish I had a boyfriend like that
>Vidya can never be any of this as it is a product that must follow strict guidelines at all times
This is dumb and wrong. Stop forcing your fantasies on things, retards. Your power trip ends at the door of your basement.
the Mona Lisa wasn't art until the classiest people had viewed it
Nah, Mona Lisa was art when it was born
The second you put a price label it stops being art
>hasn't got an argument just proceeds straight to insults because I hurt his feelings
Kek. You can't have art unless it's completely free to express itself and that's something that just doesn't happen in vidya thanks to focus group testing, age guidelines, censorship and pandering to name a few chains that will never be broken.
Because they try to ignore the fact that playing video games is a fake hobby, it's the pleb's way to waste his time. Literally the lowest form of entertainment. Pic related is what mothers should have done to every "gamer" asap.
I can see that
Wow.. it's almost like people who play video games don't care if they become a respected art form...
>movies aren't art
>books aren't art
>sculptures aren't art
>paintings aren't art
wew lad
Putting art on a pedestal is the mistake of the ignorant. Art is mundane and trivial. It also has nothing to do with respect. Respect is just a form of social pressure.
Then i'm lucky i only pirate art.
I own both, and I loved Last of Us, but the story is nothing special, aside from the ending. The characters and their dialogue are the focus, not the story.
TLoU had genuinely good writing, something that you just don't see in games. It also merged gameplay with movies without using QTEs and definitely has great mechanics that are fully utilised in the multiplayer mode.
The only people who obsess over video games being an art form are usually aging single losers with a shitty job or are unemployed. They're not into literature, or non-capeshit/non-cartoons so the only way of convincing society they aren't man-children losers is to somehow convince them that they're mature grown-ups for spending their whole life playing video games.
Almost anything humans do can be considered art. It doesn't imply merit or worth.
the burden of proof is still on your side. You aren't allowed to pretend indie games, older games, or companies that make you angry games don't count, btw.
>without using QTEs
Nigger what? Last of Us had QTE's
>respected art form
>implying this needs to happen
Most people don't care about video games being seen as an art form because they don't revolve their personality around playing video games.
>If video games were considered a "respected art form" I wouldn't feel so bad for playing them
It's his own self loathing and desire for acknowledgment and recognition among "his peers" that he's projecting onto gaming as a whole. No one besides people who want to wank off to their own pseudo-intellectualism give a shit if games are considered art or a "respected art form". They just play them to have fun.
Let's talk about video games we actually consider art, and not because it has some shitty holywood plot, but because of the way it weaves together its mechanics and gameplay elements to make an unforgettable experience.
My picks are:
-Way of the Samurai
-Dwarf Fortress
-Ninja Gaiden Black
-Deus Ex
-Gothic 2
>the burden of proof
Are you actually trying to argue that focus group testing, vidya censorship, pandering, and other similar cancers are something I made up? are you that fucking desperate?
tlou doesn't have that good of a story.
Yeah but why am I supposed to feel bad that it isn't art? I like games so as long as I can enjoy them then whatever it is called is fine by me.
Is it because some fags made a hashtag in 2014 and it somehow makes every person who likes games toxic shitlords?
fucking holy shit this is gold
>Yeah but why am I supposed to feel bad that it isn't art?
You're not. Only people who base their lives around playing games and have massive inferiority complexes want video games to be seen as art.
Anime is high culture though.
They're already "art" it's a creative form of expression, but in the end who gives a fuck.
>Art at it's base is freedom of expression unconcerned with morals, social standing, or censorship
I think that's a condition for art, not its definition, but even then, plenty of games have done this before in many different ways
>is a product that must follow strict guidelines at all times
Since fucking when? Videogames have never stopped being experimental, we're still trying to figure things out, what works what doesn't and creating new genres that are completely different to each other in the most basic things.
With that reasoning, films are way more restrictive and yet still give room for plenty of innovation.
I wouldn't say it was particularly good, it just was effective. It simply copied the techniques used in films to create easy drama and emotional response. The game itself wasn't bad, but those that consider a masterpiece seriously need to play more games, preferably not triple A from the last 10 years.
People who want a "respected art form" is the biggest road block to good video games.
Planescape Torment
The biggest roadblock to video games becoming art is people don't shut the fuck up about it and instead make shallow as Fuck pretentious games because they think that's what art is.
When you crash the truck and one of the hunters tries to slice Joel's neck with the broken glass? When you're carrying Sarah and get attacked? Starting the generator? Lifting the shutter?
>Vidya can never be any of this as it is a product that must follow strict guidelines at all times.
AAA games do not represent the entire industry.
Publishers, developers and journalists want it to become a "respected art form" because then people will take it more serious and they can charge more money.
>deus ex
They aren't the right kind of art. Misogyny, sexism, transphodbia, anything that may be slightly right wing, and from software games are not art.
>Liberals scream and cry about a game where you punch Anita
>Liberals scream and cry about homophobia
>Liberals applaud game about punching a fag they don't like
Gas chambers when
dumb falseflag poster
Anything can be art. The shit I take can be art if I so choose it to be.
This is why ancient greek baskets and cups are art, because it's expressing something human that they put into it
These retards don't care about art, they care about validating their awful life choices.
Own up to your hobbies you fucks.
Many great artists ended up poor and destitute. They didn't create great art for money. The audience of art at the time didn't stop them making great art.
Art isn't about human expression. I'm sorry someone taught you such a lie. But it's a lie.
Art is not the products either. A basket or a cup isn't art. A basket can be a work *of* art, however. The product of an art.
The art itself, is the practice of one's craft.
It's literally the exact same zombie schlock you see in other mediums/
i think problem is nintoddlers. Never seen any good looking nintendo fan. And mario is biggest name in the industry.
Now look at me, im a PC\Sony kind of guy and i never had any problems with girls or with job.
>hipster manchild with a cartoon avatar talking about 'art'
what is this 2013 again? Kiss my prolapsed asshole, Kuntaku.
What ever happened to Brianna Wu?
She's gonna run for congress or some shit.
Seems like one of those "ironic" goon faggots who's always complaining about video games and children's cartoons and acts like he's too cool to care, but probably wastes more time on them than the people he's deriding for enjoying them.
How fucking retarded is this. Any mongoloid can look at the Mona Lisa, and regardless of how brain dead they may be it's still a piece of art.
That's so dumb, I believe it.
this is real
it has rich parents and infinite funding and still doesn't pass
Just like movies aren't an art because of transformers fans
Fuck off retard
If video games became a "respected art form" though, so what? What changes? Will we see a return of middle-of-the-road devs? Will triple A companies stop fucking over their consumers? Will gaming see a second golden era full of creativity and innovation? What will change? It feels like the most meaningless battle of all time.
Maybe one day when gamers finally grow up, video games can be a respected art form, like Hollywood.