Still not a single game out there with movement as satisfying as this one

>still not a single game out there with movement as satisfying as this one

How did they do it? The game is no over 20 years old. Why can't todays game into 3D movement?

>mario 64
>satisfying movement

it's just a nu-Sup Forums meme

But there is. It's called sunshine.

I forgot, the game is 20 years old so people who were born after it's release are now allowed to post here. Yikes.

Mario Sunshine does have awesome movement, but it is hindered by FLUDD.
I just waiting for moders to take it out and modify the levels

Nintendo was really hellbent on getting the casual crowd that preferred the 2D Mario games (particularly the NSMB branded ones) to buy 3D Mario games. That's why, beginning with Galaxy, the games' controls were simplified and the level design became more and more linear.

Mario Odyssey is obviously going back to the sandbox style of 3D Mario games, and Miyamoto said they're even aiming it at the core gaming crowd like they did with Mario 64 and Sunshine.

Whether the movement in SMO is as good as Mario 64 remains to be seen (or played), but judging by the trailers, Mario's movement looks quicker and snappier than the Galaxy games (and 3D Land/World but that goes without saying) and they even brought back some old techniques like the triple jump and the dive (which hasn't been seen in a 3D Mario for like 20 years), so there's hope.

I found Valley has satisfying movement to me.

It's because the N64 controller was designed for SM64, and not the other way around. There is no other game where this is the case.

>implying doing a sidejump into a wall kick into a hover isn't satisfying as fuck

Nope. It way better to do a sidejump into a wall kick into a spin. But you just reminded me walljumps are piss easy here compared to 64 so it is not big deal at all


but it plays just as good with a ganecube controller

Nigga I play it with a pro controller and it is still the best game in terms of movement.

Nigga I once played it with a fucking keyboard and it still feels amazing

>that black void that gets opened up in this stage

Too bad the fludd ruins everything.

Sunshine wasnt bad but there were some really janky parts. Like the pachinko machine level wouldnt be nearly as hard if they didnt stop your control until you hit one of the squares

I don't know about you lads but this makes me sooo hype it's unbelievable.


I will get the switch only because if this game.
Meanwhile rev up them sm64 mods

>I don't agree to your nostalgia fueled retard opinion therefore I'm underage
GTAB you mindless drone

Not getting a Switch, but seeing Nintendo actually try something new with Mario is always fun.

quake 3 / quake 3 cpma