Tfw I was always a poorfag, so I could never waste much cash on games

>tfw I was always a poorfag, so I could never waste much cash on games
Feels good

>Feels good
You mean bad right? I was a poor fag for the longest. Having a shit PC, old gen consoles and no new games was a nightmare.

Unless by old console you mean the ZX spectrum you just have shit taste

How could my taste be shit if I cant afford to buy new games to play.

You can only beat a game so many times before you get sick to death of it.

>People are starting to lionize being poor now to justify not having new games.
I'm glad I'll never be this delusional.

The first time I've ever bought a legit game was in 2015, it was Hotlime Miami 2. Before then I only bought hacked consoles so I could use counterfeit copies or games on an external HDD.

Good times

>when a child
>only have pocket money to buy games
>every purchase is carefully deliberated
>every bought game is dearly loved, played multiple times till every nook and cranny is explored and every task completed
>have a job now
>all dat disposable income
>buying games left and right
>backlog far longer than the list of games I've played
>backlog contains shitloads of games I don't even feel like playing now
Feels weird.

Would poorfags ever have a chance to play Berseria? I am starting to lose hope now that CPY drop Berseria.

>tfw you'll never just play games just exploring every part of the map again
I use to play the same games over and over and explore every part of levels

I was interested until I saw it was 50. Would have bought it for 40.

Yoko is such a hot QT red head. Red head is my weakness

Yoko was great, would marry and fug all day and night.

Reminder that she is 14 years old you disgusting pedos

she is the best anime girl, but not because of the red hair but because of her gear and attitude.
Timeskip Yoko looked weird though, weird superhero outfit looked cheap.
gurren lagann is the only anime i own on bluray

>my shitty pc lasted me 10 years
>no consoles besides psp
I don't miss those times

Stop being spooked

Was best as teacher

>started working after university 4 years ago, good pay
>no time for vidya
>still bought every shit I found slightly interesting
>barely touched anything so far, many games not even once

Yeah feels bad actually
I used to do drugs and gambling before so I guess it's just another addiction habit

The curse of modernity. You either have time or money, rarely both, and neither are sufficient alone.

are you me?

That's why people who just work for money and not for passion automatically lose a third of their life.

She probably fucked the kids.

Goddamn I forgot how unf timeskip Yoko was

I gotta rewatch this shit sometime

>you will never be a kid in Yoko's class

Dang, I know that feel.

>be a kid
>parents so poor you don't even get pocket money like your friends do
>can only rent games
>cherish every rental like a fucking child
>carefully select each game, only pick the best so as to not waste your time

being poor was both the best and worst thing to happen to me

So I never watched Fairytale but it is basically just softcore porn, right?

>live in brazil
>only consoles i've ever owned were a SNES with very few games, a PS1 that died, a PS2 which is currently knocking on heaven's door and my trusty DSi, which all but the SNES have zero non-bootleg games
>forced to take the way of the mustard race in order to play vidya and get fucked

please let this be bait


v-você também

Yoko was the worst character in the show

>that one time some fucker swapped the games in the cases and you only noticed when it was too late
Wasn't really happy when i got Power Piggs of the Dark Age instead of Kirby's Avalanche.

Is this bait

No, I actually goofed.

>you will never be a narrow canyon wall with titty monsters squeezing their way through you
why live


You goofed me you goofer! To answer your question though I've never watched fairytale but I do fap a lot to it if that means anything

Nobody cares, pleb.

Legal in my country

I find most of its porn pretty mediocre.

I checked out a random episode on youtube and it was basically just all the characters being naked all the time in a spa with a lot of being naked in a spa jokes. I expected a mediocre shounen, not mediocre ecchi.

I was a neet fag with government help and now I'm a poor fag. Have a 2013 PC and can't even afford steam sales. Pirate everything on the 3DS and Wii U. Feels useless, man.

>tfw poor but I still spend all my money on vidya