Sickdark games don't exi-

Sickdark games don't exi-


no one has ever said this

Sickdark was the worst meme of 2015


I love this vintage meme.
I give it 5 out of 5 meme points.

>tfw the game isn't sickdark

It's not even a meme, just a word spouted by one autist.

It was never a meme, just some autist posting it over and over again in hopes that it would catch on, and it didnt

>yfw microsoft probably has an equivalent of CTR who are responsable for all the anti pc and ps4 shitposting here

>that downgrade

>Be me
>Souls is my favorite franchise of all time and also of any medium
>Bloodborne is announced
>PS4 exclusive
>Too poor to buy a PS4.jpg
>Decide to sell my GPU to get money for the console
>Finally manages to buy a PS4 and Bloodborne
>It's the best game of all time, as expected
>Get tired of playing Bloodborne for over 2000 hours
>There's no other game to play because I am too poor to buy any
>Sadly, I have no money to buy a GPU either
>Need to sell PS4 and game to buy GPU so that I can play games for free again
>Old Hunter is announced
>Have to sell GPU again
>Play Old Hunter
>It's the best DLC of all time, as expected
>Sell PS4, to buy another GPU

Shut your damn mouth, you fool. It was the hottest meme of 2015 and there's nothing you can do about it.

I know this is made up bullshit but your story made me chuckle nevertheless.

No one would be that retarded

you just lost the game

It's not the end yet. Some retards were trying to use 'weebdark' in NIOH threads though they got laughed out.


>shaking my head to be honest family
pick 2

>Shadow shadow bo badow

Someone has that pasta about the guy having diarrhea because of anxiety due to Bloodborne release?

no matter how many times you repost your shitty word, it will never become a thing

sickdark isn't just a word, boy. It's an idea, a concept, a genre, or better saying, a philosophy.

It's faggotry is what it is

How do you think of a word so retarded not even Sup Forums wants to make it into a meme when this place loves talking about kucks and n*-males all the time?

But that's a great word to describe those types of people.

Where is that? Hemwick lane?

Why are you asking if you already know the answer?

Because i didnt know the answer clearly. It looks like the style but nowhere i recognize and with extra effects.

It's the roof of the building overlooking the sea, before the second shortcut.

Was it really that stunning and you just miss it because of playing, or has the image been altered. The game looked great but that looks amazing.

No, it's just a pre-release bullshot.

Doesn't look that different compared to the final product, assuming you visit Hemwick in the evening rather than at night time.

i understand. youre still better off than the people who never played it

Is outdoor Nightmare of Mensis the shittiest area in the game?

Chalice Dungeons

Maybe, but nightmare frontier is the best.

oh shit I just remembered that place existed, definitely the worst place

the gutter/black gulch > blighttown > farron keep > valley of defilement > nightmare frontier


people don't realize how fucking boring dark soul's setting is compared to other FROM arpgs
they always had crazy and creepy shit in them. even king's field had some really out of place creepy shit

Bloodborn was the glorious return of the old fromsoft.

PC release when?


2 weeks ago.


it's out


Within six months.

Really disagree, the frontier had a perfect otherworldly tone, with the barren landscape and strange sculptures. The sun that you hadnt seen all game and the writhing eels that looked perfect all culminating in amygdala.

I would only flaw it for the frenzy women and the giants.

oh don't get me wrong, the aesthetics were great

I just didn't like the assholes throwing rocks at you while the worms rape you with you poisoned

I must be the only one who thought Bloodborne's aesthetic became increasingly boring throughout the game.

you probably are

Well for me the worst area was the forest, the snakes are boring and either too easy with thrust weapons, or a total ache otherwise. Too long between shortcuts and the awful boss.

Best area game wise might just be plain central yharnam.

Yes. It got better and better as it went on, moving from earthly and foreboding to cosmic and surreal at a perfect pace.

Advent plaza is GOAT.

Bloodborne has the worst aesthetics of all From games.

>muh grimdark shit for 12 years old edgy kids


It's far better than the Souls games generic fantasy.

From aesthetics ranking

KF(main trilogy)>evergrace>ST:A>BB>DaS>eternal ring>KF4>ST

>Souls with le wasteland XXXXXXD RUSSIANS VODKA XXXXXXXD game

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Is that Darklurker?

Bloodborne was a mess

>generic van hellsing ripoff is better than highly sophisticated fantasy lore of DaS

Spotted 12 years old retard.

I don't think you've ever played the game, because you would know it strays from that pretty fast.

>12 years old retarded teenager is still at it

Sup Forums is 18+

I liked that movie.

> dark souls
> wizards and dragons virgin shit
> given a "omg prepare to die noobs" facade to make manchildren feel alright playing it

it's seath.


A part of me hoped that the last person who used this meme died of cancer and that we were all free from it.

Unfortunately, you have proven that is not the case.

I'll keep using it if it makes you feel better

I don't remember that part of the game

Within the week?