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I have satellite internet
Already sold my PS2.
sick joke m8
Waiting for a sale, don't want to pay the full price.
Thank you. I really wrecked my head coming up with a good pun looking at those visuals.
Because it's dead.
just gonna go full shill here, the new update looks amazing
It peaks at 2k players, that is more than Red Orchestra 2 / Rising Storm in the recent month, and probably more than the whole Arma 3 milsim community combined.
too tired, i don't want to have to deal with some turks/germans shitting up the french server
'cause it's a shitty arma 3 clone with no redeeming qualities.
bad game
From my experience playing PR, you're either teamed up with turbo-autist operator LARPers or "dude its just a game" faggots that can't get anything done. Fuck that nonsense.
learn to squadlead, be the middle ground you want
ARMA 2 and 3, that's why.
Bad FPS.
Even worse FPS.
Wat is it with military shooters and unoptimization?
squad is trash and there's never any arma threads so let's have an arma thread instead of talking about squad.
what are some good scenarios on the workshop? tried out amarus with some mates and the qualtiy went quickly downhill after the first mission. was dissapointing.
>Paying for Early Access garbage when you can play PR for free
Piece of shit game ruined by the Rally System and PR is superior in every single way.
Yeah and how easy is it to find a PVP server without bots in that game?
Does it have Jets yet?
>join a game
>join a squad
>have a good experience
>look for a non autistic clan
>they only play once a weekend at a specific time
>they probably only play co-op
>their mission makers probably sucks ass
>needs 30+ gb of mods
fuck arma, you either play shit pub modes or have to look month for a decent group.
PR is literally dying, Squad has five times the playerbase, check PR spy if you don't believe me.
quit trying to find a clan in arma and just make friends who aren't autistic, then group up friends. I guess I'm lucky to have a group of friends that's pretty casual about arma.
>run for 10 solid minutes to zone where conflict is happening because some asshole on my team decides if I can use a vehicle or not
>get shot out of nowhere by some other asshole who insta-locked the sniper class in the distance and die
I don't care. There will always be a good Server to play on in PR. Squad is just a frag fest garbage with spammable rally points. Completely ruins the whole game in every way.
Killed an enemy? Too bad he can spawn 50 meters away in his hidden rally point
Managed to whipe an entire squad? They will be back in 2 minutes due to rally points
Implement transport vehicles in the game? Too bad, no one will use them due to the portable rally points.
Want meaningful squad to squad engagements and tension in the game? Too bad. Have a massive zerg due to 4 rally points being placed next to the objective.
It's just garbage.
>he doesn't ask his squadlead for a rallypoint
good thing squad filters out casuals like you
>be literally retarded
half the people I get paired up with are either autistic germans or sand monkeys who don't mic up. this game is built for casuals who can't into cooperation.
>TvT in a milsim
>Memorized maps
>Videogamey capture the zone objectives
>Videogamey lob grenades/40mm into that spot to get free kills
It has like 3 weapons to choose from.
CQB is sparse.
No competition
Bohemia are the only fuckers on the market who delve this deep in autism so they have no reason to improve
>Operation flashpoint dragon rising was a solid 60 fps
>AI could perform room clearing
>Explosions look better than arma 3
a million ak variants, sks, ppsh, m4,m16s,m249, SVDs, m110s, british arms comming soon to, why would they add non service rifles?
>TvT in a milsim
because armas AI is so fun to fight against
where you play at
central us doenst have this problem (though i don't play often)
>because armas AI is so fun to fight against
As opposed to humans who are even more retarded and will do the scummiest shit like turning their gamma to maximum on night maps just to have an advantage.
oh, must've updated since I last checked.
any shotguns?
No. There's also a G3.
No NVGs, no flashlights, no lasers, no tanks, no helis, no planes, no artillery except for a rocket technical.
>tfw you find a good 100+ person milstrict group who regularly play games couple times a week with 50+ gigs worth of mods that add gear, vehicles, detail and overall sense of realism
Literally ruined the FPS genre for me, other shooters don't feel like anything anymore.
Because it is deep in early access and not fun at all to play on a dead server or spam join on a full one until you get in.
>Play squad
>People turn up their gamma to see in the dark
>People exploit the near instant go prone for "drop shots"
>3-4 RPG hits required to take down humvees and btrs from full health
>respawn points that enemies keep spawning at even when you're hitting it with your shovel
There is consistently full servers through the week, and I always see different people playing, and have seen new players. The population is small, but I wouldn't say dying. There are games in a worse state like RO2 and Wargame, which are literally on life support despite the benefits of advertisment on Steam, been on sale quite often, etc.
PR made it into the top 100 mods in Moddb last year if I remember correctly, which shows there's still vested interest. Bluedrake needs to shill more.
If anything, Squad was a mistake, because it is siphoning off people in the tac-shooter genre, which is a shame because its hardly a complete or as good as a game as PR. Maybe 20 years down the road it will be, but EA was a bad decision.
Because then my former arma group would want to play it too.
I don't want to be in a team with a lead that is thinskinned and starts crying over constructive feedback.
Played it and wasn't too impressed.
I'm not sure if its the engine or textures but everything looks bland and flat.
Default visual options make it so everything 100m+ looks super blurry, and its hard to get rid of.
UI, especially for the map is a fucking tragedy, one of the worst I've ever seen in the genre
Not a big fan of the slow sidestep movement
On the other hand, the explosions and smoke effects were really nice
The weapon handling animations were nice, of particular notice, the weapon readying for gun emplacements (like the M2 and NSV), comparing to PR, where there are no handling animations for emplacements or vehicle weapons, you just listen to the audio cues before firing. I'm not sure if this is engine limitations in PR, which makes it reasonable, but its a nice touch in Squad
I don't pay for unfinished shit, user. Not to mention it doesn't even peak 2K active players daily.
why would i play it when PR still exists, it will take squad years to reach PR level of content and fun.
>HMGs somehow stop firing when their barrels get too hot
>You can full auto small arms with no penalty
Squad logic.
you forgot the part where dragon rising could never ever hope to simulate so much AI, ballistics, vehicles and destructible environment at the same time.
We're talking actual watered down military training tool and a mediocre FPS with empty huge map.
too clunky and dead
Arma's destructible environment is a joke. Tanoa has very few destructible buildings too.
Because I'm waiting for Rising Storm 2 instead
>pixel-hunting through jaggies foliage: the game
it's gonna be shit
RS was already fucking shit because of this, RS2 will be worse
>being this much of a scrub
lmaoing @ ur life
back to console with you you fucking plebian
casual shit
>haven't finished my game yet to make those mad mad greenlight bucks
i just want to operate like my white overlords in the us army, kill some browns and shit
>wow i'm so hardcore I like shit games xdddd i'm not like those cod babbies am i rite :D
RS was a huge step back from RO2, which already was a leap back from Ostfront
Fuck tripwire
the animations look so good from what we're used to.
I can't stand squad because my squad is always the guys to get shit done. I can't play it because 1 squad out of 5 can't win a game.
Okay but no jokes, this image looks very bland and not in any way visually impressive
squad, eh?
More like squat...