So this is pure nostalgia, right? There's nothing else to it, right? Or does someone actually enjoy this? I haven't played the old games when I was a kid and thought I'd give this a try. It's not scary. It's not tense. It's not difficult. It's not fun. You just go around this huge maze trying to open doors and find items to fit into various holes so you can open more doors. The inventory size is annoying. I just picked up some wooden board or some shit. My inventory is full. I can't pick up any plants and my health is orange. I can't put the wood back, I don't know where it goes. There are fucking dogs everywhere. The door is locked from the other side. The door is locked and there's an emblem on it. And where the fuck is Barry? Fucking dogs man, I don't get it. It's gotta be nostalgia, no one can enjoy this.
So this is pure nostalgia, right? There's nothing else to it, right? Or does someone actually enjoy this...
No, it's not nostalgia. It (REmake) is genuinely superb game, that totally sucked me in when I first played it back in fall 2015 via the HD re-release.
Took me a few minutes to get hang of the controls, but got over that in no time. Ended up playing the game 4 times in a row within a single month, loving each run.
Sounds like you suffer of ADHD, don't plan and map things, don't EXAMINE things, and haven't found even the first save-room yet, which shouldn't take more than few minutes.
Oh, I hope you started as Jill.
The idea is you are in a dangerous mansion and you have to remember where stuff is.
Don't go picking everything up because you can't hold it all.
You use that wooden board in the top right 2F room above the fireplace it's the map.
Shit on the game all you want it's got fantastic design, great pacing and top notch atmosphere and concept.
Not the games fault you're trying to run through it hating every obstacle you hit because it's not outright telling you where to go. Just accept you're not cut out for games that don't hold your hand.
>It's not tense. It's not difficult.
>I can't pick up any plants and my health is orange. I can't put the wood back, I don't know where it goes. There are fucking dogs everywhere. The door is locked from the other side. The door is locked and there's an emblem on it. And where the fuck is Barry? Fucking dogs man, I don't get it.
I guess that growing up with handholding being present in all modern games, you'd dislike it for being somewhat archaic and outdated in it's mechanics. A friend of mine who's just 18 and never played anything but modern games in his life couldn't really handle the game, the limited inventory, locked camera and barely any hints made him fucking hate the game. I myself only played the game recently and enjoyed the fuck out of it even though I never played the PS1 RE games when I was a kid, so I guess it's maybe not something modern gamers would like.
>You just go around this huge maze trying to open doors and find items to fit into various holes so you can open more doors.
If you want to trivilialize it like that... then yes. That's exactly what OG RE games were all about.
They were NOT "zombie shooters". Anyone memeing about that hasn't played a single RE game before 4. Or at all. The proper survival-horror games are more or less like the adventure games, with monster-shaped obstacles as an extra challenge.
>dogs everywhere
Did you seriously open the front door or something?
git gud
You might be on to something.
I got this old friend of mine I've known since elementary school. He was an Xbot since the Xbox Hueg, now switched to PS4, but in general had not played anything more demanding than HALO, BF and NHL after the N64 days.
However, I did manage to persuade him to buy and play REmake HD just recently, and he actually really enjoyed it. He did however want me to watch him stream it & talk to him via Skype, later admitting that playing alone was 2spooky4him.
>It's not difficult
> I just picked up some wooden board or some shit. My inventory is full. I can't pick up any plants and my health is orange. I can't put the wood back, I don't know where it goes. There are fucking dogs everywhere. The door is locked from the other side. The door is locked and there's an emblem on it.
Sounds like you're stuck though.
Stick to RE7, faggot bitch.
You just cant appreciate it is all.
post your yfw you're not this guy
Whenever I recommend a game to a friend they are sure to watch a Let's Play of it and tell me what they thought of it.
Apparently Dark Souls is a much easier game when you watch someone play it and don't play it yourself.
>Oh, I hope you started as Jill.
Not faggpt OP but why
It is not true HD, it is upscaled. Fuck capcom, this is why I will never buy anything they make. 0 does have true HD assers but I've heard that game is dogshit compared to 1.
So it's essentially like moving from alcopops to liqueurs. You end up having a more refined taste for things as you get older.
im gonna start my very first playthrough of this game right now. never played the original re1 either. just never had the console or knew anyone that had it, never bothered to emulate it for no reason.
okay wish me luck, totally blind
Not him, but she's usually considered the easier character to play. I prefer Chris as you just get dropped straight in.
>tfw my gf beat Dark Souls on hew own (to be fair I did point her towards some missable stuff but that's all the help she got)
>a friend who's been playing vidya since at least 1995 couldn't get past Biggie Smalls and just watched the rest of the game as Let's Plays
>proceeded to do the same shit for the other Souls games because the first one was too hard for him
Goddamnit. Let's Plays really ruined vidya.
Have fun m8.
Try to avoid zombies though, don't kill every single one. You'll thank me later
>Not faggpt OP but why
It's not only practically the original "easy mode", with Jill being able to carry a bit more items, unlock certain doors much earlier on in the game, and perform some other more academic tasks that slightly speed up the game, but her "campaign" is a bit better written and structured.
Chris is more of a tank, but sucks at everything else, and his campaign is way more campy. You get few extra answers to some mysteries you may have seen as Jill, but you won't notice this without playing as her first.
- Chris -
• Has 6 item slots
• Has a lighter passively and needs to find old keys
• Has more health
• Moves faster
• Is better with all weapons (knife included) and gets more shotgun shells
• Must have Rebecca get the V-jolt, then fight the plant manually
• Gets a Flamethrower temporarily
• Gets the Assault Shotgun later
• Has flash grenades as defense items
• Has Rebecca as a partner
- Jill -
• Has 8 item slots
• Has a lockpick passively and doesn't need to find old keys
• Has less health
• Moves slower
• Is worse with all weapons (knife included)
• Can avoid fighting the plant
• Gets a Grenade Launcher permanently
• Gets the Assault Shotgun earlier
• Has the stun gun and batteries as defense items
• Has Barry as a partner
This user may be onto something here.
>It is not true HD, it is upscaled.
Because they ditched the OG dev files already decade ago. The "upscaling" job however is pretty good.
>0 does have true HD assers but I've heard that game is dogshit compared to 1.
oh, so you HEARD?
I thought it was great. Not REmake-great, but nothing really is.
Does all of that apply to the original ps1game as well?
Pretty much except the defensive items since they were added in REmake.
I never understood the appeal either. It's a time sink in trial in error.
So its a videogame then?
Thats what games were about, hard as fuck and satisfying as fuck when you got gud
Don't think you know what trial and error is.
I've always had trouble getting the right mindset for RE1, so much that I've never gotten far, but I've finished Zero, 2, 3 and CVX. Even both Outbreaks.
I don't know why people like 2, it's horribly boring and it and 3 are easy.
>tfw bought REmake and 0 collection
>played REmake tons of times
>played 0 once or twice and can't get into it
Why the atmosphere and story so shit on 0? The dropping of items etc is annoying too.
>there are people who actually think RE7 is just as good as REmake or 2
Because 0 is shit, real shit.
Anyone that says otherwise is a liar or waifufag.
Not him but that's not really true. The puzzles in REmake are horrible. They make 0 sense and to figure them out requires more trial and error than anything else. They aren't even really puzzles, there is no way to "figure them out" it's more of a scavenger hunt but one where you can't pick up everything and don't know what will be important down the line.
Oh did you pick up the shield in the first room? Dumbass, you don't need that ye you were supposed to save space for the arrow! That way you can examine it and break it into another item which needs to be done for some reason.
All of it is very unintuitive and will result in you running around a lot to put things back down which isn't fun.
I like REmake but people really overstate how good it is. Play a game with real puzzles and it becomes apparent how bad the ones in REmake are.
I never played it until last year when I played the RE:make and it was pretty good. You just have poor taste.
Yeah, sort of. I used to love it but I can't play it nowadays. I'm tired of games like this. The older I get the more I appreciate games like Mario and Kirby and games that are 100% about gameplay. I used to think Mario was childish but I find myself not caring about FPS games or games like Mass Effect. I tried Resident Evil 7 for a couple of hours and just felt bored.
Not being able to pick something up because you don't have space isn't trial and error, that's just you carrying too much.
That "arrow" you're talking about is literally the first thing you do in a play through since you can't do much else. You encounter 3 zombies between the start and there, none of which you need to kill and only 1 has a chance of grabbing you. You should only ever have 1 healing item, 1 weapon, 1 set of ammo for that weapon. Even chris has room for 3 items after that. Even counting keys you're looking at 2 free slots.
There is no "trial and error gameplay" you keep shitting about. You pick up an item, it goes somewhere. Typically somewhere obvious if you have more than 2 brain cells.
Vines whipping about around a fountain with a pump nearby and a plant killing chemical in your inventory? HMMM.
If that's what you're talking about as a "puzzle" then you're not really cut out for this.