PC port is worse than the original game

>PC port is worse than the original game

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This. Dark Souls 2 and 3 were ruined by 60fps

I kind of like her before.

>these are the women who demand a guy be 6'2, ripped, wealthy, and good looking

that's the point

Did it ruin your TIMEMOVESSLOWLYINLORDRAN head canon?

It's alright, Japanese devs are learning.


The rare time a girl without makeup is cuter than when she puts it on.

Why do women have it so easy in life.

how the fuck did her face elongate

2 was fine since everything was a bit slow

it's only 3 where everything's sped up and it's 60fps so it's harder to tell what's going on

>women fixes are superficial with make-up, clothes and hairstyle
>men need to alter their entire lifestyle to become appealing

fuck that shit

left is qt3.14 right is a slut

>it's only 3 where everything's sped up and it's 60fps so it's harder to tell what's going on

da fuk

Why does everyone say this as though it's controversial? Literally everyone agrees with you.

this is why i hate women

>2 was fine
>durability bug
>enemies attacking before their animation starts
>i-frames bugged


Its better when you realise girls are just people like us and that all that make up stuff is fake and bad for their skin.

There is nothing better than an otherwise pretty girl who gives less fucks about her slightly messier hair and no make up and you realise that is how cute she is all the time.

Think about what a hard time a lot of guys get from girls about thier looks, and yet we don't hide it all under lots of make up.

I like a girl who has the basic set up to do all that fake shit but decides not to.

it's only 3 where everything's sped up and it's 60fps so it's harder to tell what's going on

>tfw youre too dumb to see past makeup

fucking bully and saints row 2

>from normal human being to attention seeking "look at me i'm a pretty flower also everything i do or say is fake" whore

I hate women.

I thought OP was making an opposite point. Oops.

>those retards that actually think that all woman are attractive

is she stefani ferrario? she is beautiful no matter what.

>girls are just people like us

cute on the left, sluty on the right
I choose left

I don't.

Cute is natural beauty.

genius troll or extremely stupid, either way hats off to you

I only played SotFS, hence: 2 was fine

When i feel miserable looking at pictures of cute girls thinking how ill never be loved thats just biology and hormones and not something rational right

So 90% of people?

But the one on the left is 10x more fuckable.

I would prefer to fuck the slutty make up out of her.

>hear people talk about souls games in 30fps
>try playing a souls game in 30fps
>looks fucking awful and gives me a headache
>realize these fucks have convinced themselves this shit is okay

you poor bastards

>tfw can't even bruteforce my way around shitty porting and optimization by getting extremely expensive and good hardware in my PC

I don't mind her after look but the before look has a real genuine or innocent feel to her

>2 was fine

Hello Namco


I'd let her cuck me

Yeah, pretty much. Go fap, and then immediately after think about that shit. Guarantee kenjutaimu will sort out the truth.

>original vs hd remaster

Played football in high school becoming a tranny now

establishing good routines for face/skin/hair care and makeup was far more difficult than getting into a /fit/ routine

She looks so cute on the left.

who is that


Its not 30fps its more low 20s

left: Console
Right: PC

That said, OP's picture the girl is shitty at applying make-up on purpose to make her non-makeup face look good and cute so that she gets to brag that she looks good without make up and feels good about herself.

anyone who like the left better is obviously a virgin whos never been looked at by a girl like the right, so act like its not there taste.

>console port is better than PC original

>Played football in high school becoming a tranny now
h o n

As a tranny do you still have an adam's apple? Is there surgery to remove it or do you have to do your best to conceal it?

She has makeup on in both photos.

does anyone ever think that make up is good looking?
never really liked it unless its subtle

>nose piercing AND tattoos


who the fuck would take right over left?

Even when Souls games are running at constant 30fps, they suffer from horrible framepacing issues that make them seem like they're running much lower than they are. Even Bloodborne and DS3 suffer from it.

I'm not sure you understand how makeup works


I agree. The picture was to illustrate how good makeup can lift you from a 3/10 to an 8/10.

The only equivalent men have is going from a fat NEET to a Billionaire.

They're both good in their own ways. Apples and Oranges.

both are ugly as fuck

>Next-gen remake is a port of the PC version which was inferior to the original console version

I know user. I was a PK so I wasn't ever really ripped, more of a soccer physique, but even still you can kind of tell. brb rope

Everyone has an adam's apple, some natural women have noticeable ones. You can get them reduced but that's a cosmetic surgery near the bottom of my list if I ever can afford any :^(

yeah, too bad you'll have to figure out she's still a slut despite her appearance.


More like
>who the fuck would choose to spend countless hours of their limited time to looking like right when you can just say fuck it and look like left

I want to bury my head into her shoulder and smell her hair.

more like

left: bethesda games
right: bethesda games after mods

I never mod my bethesda games outside of extra gaming content or bug fix

Literally every girl who is actually good-looking looks better without makeup


Are they the same girl? The nose(s) look different...

Games are ruined by the lack of 60fps.

femanon detected

Women look like shit and should not be allowed to hide this

Nothing's ever perfect aint it

I really do prefer the one on the left. Sorry, all that makeup just seems a bit uncanny valley to me.

lighting + contouring

>Girl in OP
>Actually good looking


I'm not American so I don't know how bad the situation is. But are the women really so fucked up the last 3 decades that fucking passes as good looking women?

I feel fucking bad for you ameribros if that's true. And I finally begin to understand why Sup Forums is predominately virgin if this is your only choice.

power of artificial shadows

Here you go, anons.

The right one looking ~5 years older, with bunch of cats and multiple empty wine bottles on the background.
The power of make up, I guess.

I'm a guy and I use very subtle makeup because I don't see why only women should be allowed to improve their looks. I mean some of them outright wear masks of makeup and are literal monsters without it.

What an utter qt

found the internet """""""""""""""""""alpha""""""""""""""""""""""""

Shit taste desu

Makeup is so stupid

>Women bitch about makeup and unrealistic beauty standards
>Act like beauty products are forced upon them by men
>Makeup only exists because bitches were petty and constantly trying to one-up each other to bag a better Chad, and resulted to fakery and artifice

It's called contouring my dude

sufficiently skilled makeup artists are functionally indistinguishable from literal, actual shapeshifters

Post some good looking women from your country then.
Hard mode: no models/professional photoshoots

>"women are a hivemind" meme

>durability bug
it was bugged in the console release, the game was developed on pc


No I'm not fucking alpha, I'm average as fuck. It's just that YOU set the bar so fucking low. And I only see this on predominately American websites like Sup Forums. I never see posts like this made by people with German or Scandinavian flags in other boards. Guess why?

>does anyone ever think that make up is good looking?

Whoever has never experienced the warmth of the inside of another human being. Just look at female characters in MMOs, like FFXIV or Black Desert, if you see one with ass huge black lips, hyper saturated purple eyeliner, red as fuck cheeks and orange-ish skin, you'll also smell the reek of cum stained underwear.

This is why you will be alone.

they pretty much are, but to be fair, so are most men too.

it only looks a little different because she's actually smiling in the first pic, it widens her nose a little.

This is every girl, btw. They all look boring and messy before they put on their magic makeup.

This one's pretty hot either way.

I prefer the first over the last if I had to choose. Last just looks disgunstingly fake and you'd think her actual face would be much worse than it really is.