My stupid dog wake me up with his stupid barks and didn't let me sleep tell me a good game to play instead of beating...

my stupid dog wake me up with his stupid barks and didn't let me sleep tell me a good game to play instead of beating his shit up.



>i'll take this photo that's been around for ages
>that nobody even cares about anymore
>and i'll post it on Sup Forums, being the edgy fuck i am, baiting for people feeling for the dog
>i'm a genius
i'm glad i'll never be this pathetic

the fuck are you talking about nerd.

If I may interject.

No one is stupid enough to think that's actually OP, if they are they deserve what's coming their way and it's going to be fun laughing at them.

This was most likely just a shitty "quirky" attempt at asking for a good game that he decided to use this image for, nothing new, slightly better than just "I'm bored what play?"


you made an idiotic thread, with an idiotic made up story and a picture that everyone and their mother has seen
it's not even video games
it has zero value


I kinda preferred the convoluted rape greentext stories.

petz 5

i don't know what are you talking about you stupid autistic dog

how dare you reply to me you son of a thousand rodents

Enough time to die




ah tables have turned humman


help plox


You got some shovel dog too OP? haven't seen that for a while either.


>how dare you reply to me you son of a thousand rodents

Shit like this cracks me up



yeah me too xd

He obviously picked a random anti-dog image since he's posting about a recent event where a dog was the villain. There's no reason to believe the image and the story are related.

So instead of trying to help the kid out, someone sat there and recorded it dying?

u saying wat u son of basterd bitch

Fuck yeah.

What the actual fuck?
Why is it so funny?

Niggers: not even once.

>it's real
wew la-

Wow dude.

Yeah, you should definitely just jump down there and die with the baby that's inevitably fucked. Alternatively you could stand in front of the train and stop it with your superhuman strength.

What the fuck are you supposed to do?

>What the fuck are you supposed to do?
Jack off

>trying to help the kid out

Am I in Sup Forums?

Jojo reference?



Did it alright?

Is rape funny?

piss off! you slow donkey!

doggo i.........


Making a 1 like = 1 prayer post on Facebook.

Had a neighbour in my teens who was treating his dogs like shit. One night I saw him beating the shit out of a puppy dog with a chain.

Told a few bros and we dressed up in a all black, put on ski masks and ambushed the faggot in his backyard and fucked him up really hard. Think we broke his jaw and knocked out several teeth and probably also broke a few ribs. None of us got caught for it. Felt good.

At least spoiler that shit dude, I go to Sup Forums to shitpost and bait, if I want gore or babies run over by trains I go to liveleak.


Shut the fuck up you fat-mouthed wanker

Nothing of value lost.

I can't even imagine how the baby get down there.

Same way it got into the gorilla pen, it was looking for its dad.

Dogfags have the autism to make these kinds of posts and lie on the internet. Think about that for a second.

What videogames feature rape as a gameplay element?


sure is a wonderful world

*thinks about it for a second*

Literally the only thing you would have to do is get the baby attention. The baby would hopefully look at you, not move and so not die. But I guess it's much funnier to just watch him get crushed like a Darwin reject.

ahaha fuck you I recognize that thumbnail. Fucking third world countries


Sup Forums wins again!!

That guy needs to work out, can't even whip a baby's ass.


>call the baby towards you
>it looks around, can't immediately find your voice
>finally finds you and locks eyes with you for one split second before getting trained
>the image of a baby looking right into your eyes before getting horribly gored is forever stuck with you

No. Call the authorities, tell someone to stop the train, etc.
But bless your heart regardless, user.

>Trusting jews.webm

China is such a special place, I hope they never change.