'Memba when Sup Forums defended paid Steam mods just because it was Valve doing it?
I 'member
'Memba when Sup Forums defended paid Steam mods just because it was Valve doing it?
I 'member
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kill yourself
get help user
posting this every day on a vietnamese origami board is not good for you
I don't
Why do you keep trying to force this
i remember that shit
>"are you poor to afford mods or what commie scum?"
>hurr durr we support modders stop being so entitled
and yes Sup Forums defended that shit to the death
Why do you keep making this thread
t. OP
>remember when some members of a community said said something completely different from what was said by the other members of said community
Sup Forums is not one person, now fuck off and stop samefagging
Literally everyone was against this asides from a few false flaggers/actual valvedrones
Thanks for making me think, OP!
>Who honestly cares, if you don't like it, don't buy it
>Valve is a private company, they can do what they please
>If someone is putting effort into something, they deserve to be paid
>Anything should be sold if people are willing to buy it
>Modders put a shit ton of effort into their work, a lot more than anything you do, it's about time they start getting paid for it
>This will increase quality control finally and encourage more people to start modding
Fuck off.
It never happened. Wtf are you from? Bizarro Sup Forums?
>actual valvedrones
So, most of Sup Forums.
yes and we told them to fuck off, a consolecuck would bend over and take it like a fag
>Sup Forums defended paid Steam mods
>ITT things that never happened
I remember Sup Forums going into complete meltdown over it, the only people defending it were obvious trolls.
It was hilarious how poor the quality of most the mods up for sale were.
Is it true that someone here made a mod that would add naked, unkillable dragonshouting men in each Skyrim town? It was advertised as a revolutionary mod improving all gameplay literaaly too much to mention "Just try it out, only 10 cents!" It was recommended and topgraded by Sup Forums trolls, so that unaware mod buyers may fall for the swindle. Or is this some internet legend?
anyone have a screenshot of the horse dick mod for $100
Go kill yourself.
I remember differently but I guess I didn't see the threads defending it. I saw threads ripping the addition to shreds.
>someone uploads something they made
>it gets decent downloads/buys
>someone else takes said upload and does a color swap
>gets more downloads/buys
>increase shittery.
Yeah, didn't last long.
I hope you get banned for doing this shit every day.
Nobody here defended it. We even went out of our way to find mods using other peoples stuff for profit.
I sure fucking don't.
You already made this thread before, word for word.
I remember when I saw this thread for the 7th time, last week
>people should create content for free
>how dare they ask for anything in return
so this is the power of Sup Forums
Boy was this shit retarded
Why would anyone pay for something where there is no quality control? Like, imagine buying a mod and that shit is incompatible with another mod you bought or even breaks the game.
Remember when you were not a fatass Redditor?
I don't either.
>Why would anyone pay for something where there is no quality control?
What are reviews? What are ratings?
Steam would've taken all their money unless they made enough and even if they did make enough they would've had chump change to show for it. The backlash was warranted and has been covered many times over, you can fuck off now.
The funny thing is that people like you who make these bait threads we're probably the ones defending it, since at the time being contrarian and defending it was the easiest way to get (you's)
Not a argument
But seriously Sup Forums lets talk about something important for once....who wins??!?!?!?
>implying someone would fall for it
Please don't ever breed.
Here is your argument m'lady.
>people make something for free knowing it's for free
>lol they should charge people for it and let valve and bethesda take 50%
hang yourself
You're literally not guaranteed to have the same mod setup as everyone else.
It was actually 70%
Not a argument, its funny when you can tell someone can't make a argument cause he knows there isn't really one so he makes generic meme replies like (you)
Why won't this copypasta just die already?
And it needed to sell like, $500 was it? to even get that 30%. Ridiculous idea.
truu :s
>'Memba when Sup Forums defended paid Steam mods just because it was Valve doing it?
No one did
no one here defended it infact almost none of the internet defended it other than a few "game jounalists"
I memba. I dun wanna memba but I do
Never forget
ITT commies
What the fuck am I looking at?
>you're a commie of you don't want someone stealing your mod that you want to stay free and outs it up on a paid website against your will, rights or anything.
>you're a commie if you don't want someone else other than the model to tell you to pay for something the modder wanted to stay free
>paying for mods that doesnt work together
>paying for mods that needs other mods to work
>paying for mods with stolen assets
>paying for mods that makes your game unstable
The glorious quality control of Valve and Bethesda
Paids mods are a good idea. It's just an issue how much actually goes to the author. The Valve/Bethesda cut was completely retarded.
Fite me fags.
Now you know that wasn't what happened. What actually happened was the initial shock and dismay, and then when Valve decided to go back on it then the Valvedrones started felating them for listening to obvious, unnecessary feed back.
Valve drones started making excuses for Valve even thinking of this ridiculous program after they stopped it. Even though Gaben literally said that the only reason they decided to stop the paid mods was because the reaction would lose them more money than what they stood to gain.
Considering Sup Forums defends Nintendo paid online
No, they aren't. Get a fucking job.
>Paids mods are a good idea. It's just an issue how much actually goes to the author. The Valve/Bethesda cut was completely retarded.
> Fite me fags.
No the bigger issue is dealing with quality control and copyright infringement through theft and putting up other mods on other websites that don't belong to you
Also the guarantee of software support and software compatibility you'll be out of all your money if one developer patch or a mod dev gives up on the project and takes off with your money
>I decide what a job is
Kill yourself
less content as everyone hogs thier own assets
less diffrent/wacky mods, because why make them, when you can throw together a quick armor and sell them for a quick buck
Modders have volunteered their time for over 2 decades to provide mods purely out of their desire to make and deliver them to a community. Forcing paid mods fucked it all up evidenced by valve toying with it.
>I wanna make money doing something no one is willing to pay for
>pay me now!
Entitled faggot
Valvedrones are the most disgusting and cancerous fanbase here.
>I dont know what entitled means
>that you want to stay free
So youre a retarded commie, how about you come clean my clothes since you like doing free labor
You're fucking retarded
People stole mods off of nexus then put it on steam to make money on it without the authors permission
>doing something no one is willing to pay for
>steam and modders made thousands on the first day of paid mods
>pay me now for shit I don't do, don't wanna do, but wanna make money off it even though there's no market for it
>not entitled
Pick one
Do people check dictionaries before using a word they aren't sure of it meaning?
I still oppose Steam myself desu, and any other sort of always online DRM.
You mean stole. There was no quality control or way to get refunds you could upload a fake "mod" And cash out on kt
So they should have implemented paid mods on a new game instead of a game with tons of mods already, not just scrap the entire idea
Only retards and shills defended that. I would die than give that fat fuck even more money.
No the same shit would have happened because there was no quality control
>make a mod
>distribute it for free
>mod gets stolen and uploaded to a paid website and charges people without your permission
It's like you want to get swamped with copyright infringement lawsuits for hosting illegal materials on your web service
remember when they did it anyway with dota 2 and it was fine?
lol come on now, for 90% bashing it only 10% were actually defending that BS
this nigger again
So don't make your mod free like a idiot, or add a software that checks the mod you put on steam isn't available elsewhere
>make mod paid
>someone buys it, steals it, puts it up on another paid service without your permission because there's no quality control
It doesnt matter how you skew this faggot, in a culture of open sourced and openly distributed software there is no room for monetization with the advent of theft and extortion
>or add a software that checks the mod you put on steam isn't available elsewhere
This is impossible to even implement let alone check for with a hash
You change one number in a file and it changes the hash entirely, good job your shit is still stolen and your fake drm fails
It was some clever joke right? RIGHT?
Monetary gain encourages nothing but shallow cosmetic mods that add nothing, literally Horse Armor Mk2 which is what we saw with paid mods. Garbage weapon and armor ports everywhere.
that literally never happened
9/10 people on this board were shitting on valve constantly
There was only one paid service retard
It will be coming back.
It's inevitable.
Yeah, some people were defending it on my steam list as well. I was disgusted.
How long until they try again?
I was a part of a thread where everyone individually emailed Gabe about their disgust
its not Sup Forums but filthy reddìt scum
You just sound like a butthurt eurofag.
I remember the 1 million+ petition that gained so much ground that Valve rescinded paid mods less than a week after.
Reminiscent of MS getting its face kicked in after trying GFWL.