Do you ever blame the game for your mistakes?

Do you ever blame the game for your mistakes?

yes, when you get massive lag and then frame rate lag while you turn its the games fault

I blame the Jews for being a neckbeard virgin and claim to be part of the aryan masterrace at the same time.

Yes, every time when I was PRESSING BUTTONS but still died.

No, but i get fucking mad when higher difficulty is just BULLET SPONGE THEM ENEMIES UP, LADS, and the game becomes less fun.


No? How can I blame the game for what I personally chose to do.

Yes I get so mad that sometimes I rip the skin

Our Daddy told us not to be ashamed of our CQC!

no, if it was the game's fault that would mean I'm playing a badly designed game and that I don't have perfect taste

>your mistakes
>blaming anything else
No, that's retarded.

Random crashes, memory leaks, shitty servers are all legit reasons to blame the game. You can't constantly try to play around the fact that anytime something will blow up in your face.


>rolled and still got hit

>pay to win bullshit
>200ms of latency
Yes, im guilty of not spending money on freemium, and not having future vision to predict almost half second into the future.
But most of all for playing shit games.

I've been playing XCom 2 with the Long War mod so yeah, a lot lately

And then I just get more determined to beat whatever's pissing me off in spite of that.
Everyone I know knows to cover their ears if I die when a really long boss in a quarter bar away from death.
Fucking Kingdom Hearts.

Nah. I only blame the game for its mistakes.

Oh shit. Im sorry

>tfw you fire a perfect pass to a tight end and he fucking drops it when a corner nudges him

110% EA's fucking fault

I blame the game if I can see a reason why its the games fault that I lost or took damage. If I can't see how it was the games fault, I can accept that it as my won fault, even if I don't feel like it was.

only if i rip the skin

Yeah. The first time I played Dark Souls. I made it to the stray demon and that AoE shit that he had would fuck my ass pretty hard. I was livid since I tried rolling and blocking and still couldn't avoid it. Just kept screaming "that's fucking bullshit"

It was pretty embarrassing when I figured out how to beat him. No rolling or blocking required. As long as you avoid his first attack and get behind he can't do anything besides that butt slam which is easily avoidable. I sure was mad at the time though and he ended up being one of the easier bosses in the series.

It helped out in the end since most bosses in the series can be trivialized but just sticking to their ass. A good learning experience.

Why is it so good when people use your OC