Fire emblem heroes thread

10k feathers soon

Tier list

New stuff soon

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Will pull rates reset when the current focus stops?

>deploy 2 camilla/2 Cordellia and 2 effie
>push Camilla to backline and destroy all units that can damage by Effies

Marisa when?

What's this game got against underwear?

Wrong link,

why are you complaining?

underwear Wasn't invited back then

How's the best character?

>lyn above ryoma

>Oboro worst lancer
WHAT. How?


>can't play for more than 10 minutes because i use CM13/root/Xposed
>in order to play this i have to do 15 steps to pass safetynet
>to play a gambling waifubait game

well alright then

I think I hate you

Because I'm just trying to play the game and I keep getting erections. Thanks, Nintendo.

When will they give us trading?

Gacha mobages dont allow for trading, as this would result in potential lose on sales.

probably never because then people wouldn't whale.

Then what will happen next, I get Lyn or I kill myself?

I have a 5 star lyn

Does that mean there's gonna be a Navarre event? I love his redesign in Heroes. Probably the only art from the game I actually really like.

>Robin above Linde

>teleports behind you

That depends, are you THAT desperate.

Also, this is not new, as far as i know, theres no such thing as a mobage that allows for trading.

The closest thing is mobages with a friend unit option, something you would expect for this game to have, but it doesn't.

It's because Robin is the strongest anti-meta.
He's a Takumi slayer, and can do some work against Hector.
Do you not know how tier lists work?

The better question is when we will get friend dueling.

How long has Sup Forums gone without a 5* summon? This is my current record

So besides Galeforce, why is Lyn considered better than Lucina? Lucina can reach 50+ attk and has higher Def and Speed and can self health

I had a dry spell until 9-4 of hard mode. Then I pulled Tiki, Marth, then 1 pull later on a 5 orb pull, Lucina.

>Besides Galeforce
"Ignoring his booms, why is Guile top tier right now?"

How high can her damage output be though? Most 35-40 Lyns I see here only have like 43-45 max attk

Hey, guys.
Want to add me up?
My ID is 1067984497. I have not so good 5*s though.

It's just like one of my animes

looked at FE:H leddit out of curiosity.

how can they be such faggots and spend a bunch of money on the game?

There's your answer

Because as hard as it is to believe, the kind of people on mobage sub-reddits usually have stable jobs and kids.

t. I hang around the FFRK sub-reddit for info

someone explain, i got happy seeing this shit but i dont see the feathers!


Does this mean Narcian and the other nonplayables are rollable soon?

If you don't spend at least 3k a year you can't expect to keep up with the meta.
We're getting them tomorrow with a "surprise gift"

>every team I face in advanced arena has a lvl 40 takumeme when my team is in low 30s

Should I just grind to 40 myself before trying this?

Never played Gacha, have couple questions.

Is rerolling worth it? I played into about halfway through the second chapter before I thought about how shit my team is, so I rerolled. Only problem is the rolling takes a long time (need to uninstall and reinstall app every time).

Would I be fine just sticking with a couple four star units or should I keep rolling until I get good drops off the jump? I'm thinking maybe I can just play for orbs and roll for more five stars later.

You can totally get through the game with 4*s, you won't breeze through anything and you'll have some moderate challenge, but its' manageable.
I definitely don't think you need 5*s off the bat, since only like 3 of them mean anything right now

I never encountered someone with heroes above lvl 30 in advanced arena.

nice fucking photoshop you fucker

Who's better, 4* Corrin or 4* Olivia? Trying to pick a fourth member for my team

Olivia is you have other 5* that do a lot of damage

I don't know

japanese stat calculator

I've got 5* merric, so I guess Olivia it is.

Does anyone know if Imbue for healers also affects physic? Would it make it into an AoE 18 HP heal?

Have you tried using Physic?

>Not even a week in and I'm bored of the game
What went wrong?
This was supposed to save mobage...

I just got Maria need to unlock them still, and I'm deciding whether to use her over Serra.

Well you should know the description of Physic is wrong, it's not AOE. It's just ranged.

Do not drug the dragon loli with your scent

will this die out like pokeman go?

It's sex drug.

I've already got 5* Tiki, Takumi, Lyn, Camilla. Should I save my orbs till they release more heroes or just roll now?

No. Pokemon go was a yo-yo like craze before it died out.
This will just blip with the fans and then slowly die as people tired of playing such an RNG based card collectathon.

What exactly is considered an "infantry" unit in this game? Everyone who's on foot, or are there other exclusions too?

Just play on your phone :)

Probably save them

Fate/Grand Order stats, which is another, similar game.

If whoever is designing the game doesn't fuck things up it'll prob be around for a while .

Not just that, but illegal, too. Gachas work because none of what you roll for has any inherent value compared to anything else: a three star has the same monetary worth as a five star, the cost of one roll.

If trading were allowed, the value of individual pieces would inevitably create a market where some rolls are worth more real money than others, which would in turn mean that the gacha itself is legally a form of gambling.

So long as every roll is tied to the same account and can't be moved, you're just paying for a virtual item in a video game with no inherent monetary value regardless of what you actually get out of it ingame. It's no different from using an orb to get a one time stamina refill.

I'd reroll till you get at least one 5* unit. It doesn't even take that long to get past the intro

If nothing else this game means we will get an inevitable influx of Fire Emblem dojins.

Just use Lucina to destroy her

That's moronic and it suggest that physical TCGs are illegal in Japan.

What about collectible card games?

Kinda reminds me of his TMS appearance.

What's wrong with gambling? It's a good way to scam chumps out of their money

See: Japan.

Is gambling not legal is Japan? What about pachinko parlors?

Why does a gacha game have even FURTHER RNG

Why does god hate me

>with no inherent monetary value
nothing has inherent monetary value besides money itself. everything is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. also as far as i understand it gambling laws only affect gambling directly with money.

>professional motherfucker with a brave weapon

If you aren't prepared for it these guys are scary. They'll take a unit down with them if you don't attack first and 1-round them, or have enough def/heal to survive brave weapon rape.

>fuck up so Chrom gets ruined by Cain
>eventually Lyn left against 2
>she manages to pull it through

I didn't deserve that win.


And now theres even more severe regulation laws on them.

Thats the reason SNK decided to bail out to make kof14.

some retard spent 3k us dollar in a night to roll his waifu. it was a scandal and now japanese companies have to disclose the rates at which everything is being pulled.

This is honestly what's killing the game for me.



>caring about tiers in a fanservice gatcha game

Pachinko parlors operate on a very thin line as in they are legal through a technicality.

I'm not aware of the specifics, but as far as I understood it's that pachinko machines are advertized that they are "skill based" and you are exchanging money for balls to play them. However, it is those balls themselves that have value as you (try to) win more of them and buy things from parlors that accept those as a form of currency, and then you sell THOSE items somewhere else.

It's pretty silly.

Is this a good lyn?

Except of sending shitty feathers, what are friends for in this game?

What's the last locked mode bottom right please?

Does anyone have a Cecilia? How are her growths?

Government passed legalized casinos a couple of months ago.

My current team

finally farmed 20 orbs again.
wish me luck Sup Forums. please RNGod give me my waifu Sakura

inb4 3*s

What the fuck am I supposed to do with this little fucker, single digit stats at around 30 isnt okay.

Can Flora´s sister heal in Heroes ?

>What the fuck am I supposed to do with this little fucker,
Send him home and buy orbs until you get a new Takumeme and try your luck again.

It'd be better to roll for another takumi and merge that one to the new.

I'm still rerolling. Will I ever leave this hell, Sup Forums?

Not the same guy, but I spent all morning getting up to 20 orbs to get 3x 3 and 2x 4. Still have 0 5's.



I don't care what he does as long as he spends money.