Sell me this game Sup Forums.
Sell me this game Sup Forums
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Hello buy Overwatch
You're better off browsing porn of it.
It's more entertaining than the actual game.
I'm 26 and I still like to play but can't bother to actually put energy in it so it's 1-2 hour of casual overwatch game for me. I can't tolerate more then 2 hours, I'm also not willing to learn maps or fps with more refined gameplay.
It's the ultimate casual FPS.
it has tracer.
It's fun.
It can be fun
you can smurf into bronze and have insane fun as you destroy people who are so bad they feel like bots.
You can just queue Quick Play for that.
there is hardly any salt and hack accusations there tho.
dont, its shit. you will instantly regret it
Why does everyone complain about Ana when Soldier is clearly the bigger cancer hero?
Most matches are determined by who has the better Soldier.
K. Gimme $60 and you address and you will receive a copy in the mail.
Not really. I'vee been playing for real on qp the entire time so i get matched with tryhards too often. In brawl you can just fuck around though.
>the bigger cancer is the only meta character that requires skill
reddit, pls leave
shit moba just buy Nioh
because ana has an almost flawless kit?
Just buy it faggot
twerk that ass tracer
> requires skill
> shooting easily hittable tanks until you get ult to aimbot the squishies
it's only her grenade that's op
>rank has gone far below the point of giving a fuck, like 1900 or something
>play torbjorn on attack and defense
I just don't understand...
Give me money and you've got a deal.
>sleep dart
>not op
top fucking kek, all her abilities completely outclasses the supports apart from lucios speed boost.
>be in retard bracket
>retarded strat works
Really gets the noggin sloggin.
more skill than
>hold up barrier
>jump areound like a faggot and mash e
>hit someone with an xbox hueg hitbox hook and instakill them
>spam shoot the giagantic slow tanks with healing darts from far behind your team's line and hit e every now and then.
>plays Overwatch
>discussing skill in this glorified FaceBook FPS
it'll make you hate team based games and turn you off from multiplayers, which in the long run make you save money. you'll put the time saved into browsing Sup Forums more.