Finally got this done, will post the rest of my arm in a few months.
What do you think about Sup Forumstattoos?
Finally got this done, will post the rest of my arm in a few months.
What do you think about Sup Forumstattoos?
Maybe you should have used the money for a gym membership to stop being obese
My tattoo is a lot more expensive than a gym membership.
Praise the sun and your virginity
Then you should have bought a gun and eaten it
4/10 because dark souls a shit
Fat fuck.
>no chin
but the tattoo looks cool
>Down Souls
Sorry but that art looks horrible, looks like badly drawn doodle. If you gonna have a PERMANENT tattoo than at least go to someone who is known for his skill. Also Solaire's sun itself would've been way better. Sorry to say but you've made a bad choice.
>no images found
Why do you have literally no neck, op
If you're gonna tamper your skin with ink for the rest of your life at least pay enough so it doesn't looks amateurish.
There is already a tattoo thread, fuck off.
Where is your chin?
There's already a cringe thread up user.
It will look nice on your corpse when it's dangling from a rope. When do you plan on ending your pathetic existence btw?
that lightning bolt sucks dick but you should really lose some weight you fat fuck
your neck is literally a tube connecting your lips and collarbone, your chin was swallowed by obesity
Nice chin, you should be spending your time getting fit instead of buying some degenerate shit.
>it's a unique image
I mean, it personally makes me cringe a bit but you do you man.
how do you delete a thread here?
>Shit art
lel american?
>being that fat
>getting a tattoo
>getting a video game tattoo
>getting a poorly done video game tattoo on your fat as fuck arm
There's always suicide user
>how do you delete a thread here?
Are you triggered? Go back to plebbit you fucking nigger.
That helmet looks fucking terrible.
I made a big mistake guys how do i get rid of this thread
>I made a big mistake guys
your parents said the same thing
Don't worry I'll PM you the info. Check your inbox.
Your mom made a big mistake too buddy
Oh ok I just got the notification thanks
>I made a big mistake guys how do i get rid of this thread
Blow your brains out, you have no use for them anyway.
>ITT triggered b/c jealous interactive tatoo
There's already a tattoo thread up if you fellas want to see more bad tattoos.
I recommend interacting with a bullet at high speed.
JEsus Christ thats fucking pahetic holy shit
>being a subhuman
you'll be a perfect fit for a gay prison gang
almost as pathetic as tripfagging
Why doesn't the lightning bolt have color?
Maybe you should have bought chin surgery for that fucking pork tube you call a face.