You will help this girl with her zurvan clear

You will help this girl with her zurvan clear



>Female WHM
Might as well say CARRY ME PLZ


> (OP)
>>Female WHM
>Might as well say CUM IN ME PLZ

literally healslut

This would be even better if it said SKIP SOAR TANK LB 2ND

There should be an instant punishment for withdrawing from a 24 man queue, screwing around with 23 other people is just wrong.

I will never understand how people can not do soar.

What's the best healer? I played when the game came out and mained a WHM. Resubbed a couple months ago but let it expire and heard that SCH is the best healer now? Is WHM just a shit class or is it just retarded MMO elitism?

I can't either you just see pre-designated spots for DPS/Tanks then healers watch for blatantly obvious tells as to whether they should stack/get out.

I would help if she's an actual girl
Otherwise I would demand some gold for my help

WHM is probably considered the weakest healer but still viable. There are no unviable jobs especially this late in the raid tier with everyone geared up.

I don't really keep up on healers but I think AST is the best right now, AST/SCH is the most common heal comp.

I get triggered just thinking about the people I would find in that party.

>we pull when the healer is ready, it's her birthday!
>can I add you on my friend list?
>you got no foods? fear not, have mine for free hehe
>leave the loot to m'lady you unworthy men

They all have uses but I enjoy astro the most since supporting your best dps with balance cards is comfy

probably a guy looking for a fast/loothoard party so he can keep all the good shit, not really that weird you know

Fat neckbeard detected.

My static's scholar is a chick and I've heard so many stories of these kind of guys.

I honestly feel bad for Women in this game needing to put up with creepy fucking neckbeards like that.

So basically I'm stuck playing SCH or AST if I want to be able to reliably play? That sucks. I'm not super big on MMOs, but when Stormblood comes out, or any new expansion in general, are the classes usually worth jumping into right away? Does any one class coming out look better than another?

Red Mage looks like a turbolame dps class and SAM will likely be the same, so not for Stormblood, anyway. Dark Knight and Astrologist are fun (I've never played a machinist and don't see a lot of them really) but they don't trump their respective roles. People still give me shit for not Warrior tanking. And I do see a fuckload of Scholar healers.

I play healer on a WoW private server and this is what actually happens, not kidding.
I tolerate it because I like attention and it gets me more stuff.
When I apologize for wiping the group they fall over each other trying to shift the blame lol.

I just said the most common comp, WHM won't keep you out of a group. The classes are all pretty well balanced and the difference of best and worst is nowhere near as big as in something like WoW.

My group runs AST/WHM and we are on break until Stormblood because we've cleared A12S so many times that everyone has the weapons they want.

>Does any one class coming out look better than another?
They've given us little details on the class abilities specifics so its hard to say at this point.

The new jobs for Heavensward were quite mediocre and gone through a lot of changes since then to boost them up, especially Ast. Rogue/Nina had some issues too with TP, so judging from how bad they are at balancing the new classes it might be the same case for Stormblood.

Really just play what you enjoy, people are only picky at very rare fights.

AST got buffed from worst to best.

I've tried once to act as a girl in GW1 to get free stuff but it wasn't worthy. I had people whispering to me at 3AM asking to join them in Lion's Arch to chat, getting creepy whispers every fucking minute, people fighting each other to group up with me. Money wasn't enough to endure that.

Fuck no, I'll just do it with my tank friends.

Current class balance doesn't matter. It's going to change.

> getting creepy whispers every fucking minute

This is actually the worst. I have several orbiters in my guild with 1-2 literally spamming me on discord. Never tell anyone you're a girl.

Yeah I really no surprise MMO's have always been filled with beta orbiters.

>This will be your 0 DPS healer tonight

Can I add you on steam? Where do you live?



I just neg a person if I find out they're a girl. More for the reactions from her orbiters who think I'm being mean to their princess

How dare you its her sub!

I play a female character but I'm a guy IRL and this happens to me.

The best part is when after they carry me, I get on voice chat and tell them in my deep black voice thanks for carrying me senpai.

I'm a guy that plays a female WHM


>NIN already in party
Who woulda guessed the NIN would be the beta white knight.

I love these people, I often give them more attention than anyone else just because it makes my orbiters mad.

I just never talk on voice these days and actively tell people I'm a guy when they ask, helps a lot.

My FC doesn't harass the girl players because either we're gay, married or with gfs

Girls/boygirls how much free shit have you got off orbiters?

WHM Is the best to do dungeons, Holy is a bigger dps gain
It's fucking beast mode, AST is a watered down WHM, the only real reason it's picked over WHM is the balance memes
Don't listen to shitters, WHM is perfectly fine and you can keep playing it, but AST plays very similiar so there is not going to be much pain switching
You absolutely do not need to though, especially since you say you are not big on MMOs, I assume you will not do any high end raiding

I think the saddest shit was someone sending me a whisper asking if I'd cyber Sex witch them for money and I said "I'm a guy" and they just said "pretend you arent" and I blocked them like everyone else that sends that shit.

>Holy is a bigger dps gain
For about 5 GCDs, then you're out of MP.

AST can aoe about as well as WHM, but also has cards to boost DPS jobs and more MP regen.

Actually Holy isn't the dps gain. My mistake.
Aero 3, Assize and Presence of Mind.

I only have MP problems in a12s.
I spam Holy the whole duration of every trash pull and never have mp problems.
There is enough downtime between pulls.

Why do all trannies play as female au ra?

15 second mp regen vs 31 seconds with permanent reduced emnity

I made a lot of money before I stopped playing back when I resubbed by getting fishing to 60 and stuff like that, but all of the house plots were full. Can I finally buy a house or is that shit still all fucked up?

Also, what's the best class for making money? Does it still work to go sky fishing and desynth them into that sand or whatever it was?

Housing is still the same but there are Apartment's now which is just the size of a FC House private room. Has no garden either.

I dunno I make money just by accepting the fates/guildleves and running dungoens cause i'm a tank.
I do know that housing is ridiculously expensive and almost unnecessary.

I thought the MSQ was pretty good with this patch.

They added 3 more wards to each housing district so there is a lot more housing. They tend to come up for sale more often than they used to because of this.

I used to think people were memeing but this is seriously true I have no idea why either.

quit WoW a couple months ago. I played 14 before that, quit at the first coil because my static wasn't great. thinking about getting back into it because SAM is my jam. is it easy to find statics?

Im on the third step on the relic with the unidentified stuff

Is it worth going on? Im only really doing it for a time waster

Nope. Play another game if you're so bored.

Is grinding out a P9 chocobo the best way to earn MGP?

>Play white mage because I fucking love healing
>Get into eight man groups
>If there's another white mage, it's GUARANTEED that they will:
>Never use shroud of saints and then bitch they're out of MP
>Spam medica II instead of using it once for the regen and then going to medica I
>Spam cure II instead of using a regen and then using cure I to allow for freecure to pop
>Never re-up protect when it's running out of time
>Never stoneskin someone and throws a regen on them in a pinch
>Spam stone without using cleric stance
>Won't Aero I & II & III the boss to help out OR only uses the biggest one because "it's bigger number so it's better hyuck hyuck" (medica II spamming logic)


I had a white mage fucking sit out of the fight for almost the entirety of a a11 one time and I STILL somehow caught the blame for fucking everything

Easily I have a grade 9 with 4 star speed/endurance/stamina and 3 star accel, 1 cunning.

I win nearly every race and you will get over 1000MGP per race.

I have Fenrir and the Cloud card, just make sure to do your challenge logs and doing GATE's every 30 minutes in between races.

Also for the lord of verminion log if you don't already know the quickest way to play 3 games is do the challenge with the goobue boss and spam the hildibrand minion. Takes less than 10 minutes for 10K MGP.

>when you reapply aero 3 and get aero 2/1 at the same cast

Feels so good

I always do it backwards, 3 2 1
Each cast is faster and you maximize the amount of time spent hitting the boss with all three

I have an entire bar of nothing but healing shit so that in raids and extremes I can focus the fuck down on healing and nothing else

It's a DPS loss to use Aero I and II instead of just using stone III though.

>Cast aeroes on the boss
>Switch to using stone until someone needs healed


Aero1 yes unless you're weaving Fluid Aura/Assize
Aero2 is 250 potency for less MP cost than Stone3.

Yes, it's a DPS loss to waste a GCD on Aero I instead of Stone III.

Aero 1 is far more MP efficient than Stone 3 anyway, and it only takes a little amount of spell speed (~600 iirc) for it to equal in potency to Stone 3.

You use Aero because it's about as strong as Stone III after the spellspeed modifier but costs less MP, and WHM is the healer with the worst MP efficiency when DPSing.


stop playing WHM

> long week,finally get a chance to log in
>join a9s weekly
>wipe three timew because healers cant heal and disband
>join another
>bonus when we get in
> uh....
> wipe twice to faust and disband
> wasted most of my free time, pissed, queue for frontline before logging off
> stand still waiting for the match to start, hastily eat dinner
> you have been kicked from the duty for inactivity
>email today telling me i have a 24h suspension for swearing, apparently

Pretty close to packing this shitheap in forr good. Cross server pf has brought all the retards out to play and nothing gets done anymore

No, not even if you nerf Holy again.

have boost potions been added yet

Just get in a static and never worry about cross partyfinder

Honestly I am glad that I found some decent people to play with. They're not by any means hardcore or anything, we only downed A12S like three weeks ago but at least they get their shit done without time investments that are too insane.

>> wasted most of my free time, pissed, queue for frontline before logging off
>> you have been kicked from the duty for inactivity
dont' bullshit
you have to accept the queue when it pops

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I replied to you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Anonymous. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.



>tfw Midlander
I just wanted a race that looks decent in the Garo armor. I also wish they'd have a less retarded run animation, or that male Midlanders were a bit less pretty boy fashion model styled and a bit more rugged.
>Au Ra
It's funny how the only (as far as I know) tranny I've met in this game was an Au Ra with more disorders than you can imagine. I never thought people who fit the description of emotional vampires existed before I met that piece of shit. I mean fuck, the stuff it did on one of our healers was insane. She even developed a fucking ulcer due to that tranny's fucked up shit.

I just unlocked Heaven Sward.
What's the best ways to level a WAR, SCH/SMN, and NIN?

Nothing wrong with women running like women.

>tank and healer
potd and roulette
also just level sch/smn with the healer

How do dungeons compare to potd?
Also which one would you say is the best to get through MSQ?

highest level youve unlocked
you can do potd speedrun like an autist
please dont do that

I used to have a reasonably good static. Til bad eggs spoiled it with girl drama and muh feels and ever since i just do stuff with one or two buddies who i still play with. I'd like to have a static again, but with my new job i don't have enough free time. Last night was my first time on since Saturday morning

That's life i guess

I had accepted. I'm bitching about the stupid 2 minute wait when you get in there before the match even starts. It's excessive.

>playing cs back in the day
>some girl gets on mic after losing "teehee don't kill me this round you wouldn't shoot a grill"
>voice chat filled with forced laughter
>I type in text chat "you can't be a girl there are no girls on the internet"
>voice chat explodes

the funniest part is im a grill irl don't hit on me silly boys

It's disappointing though, the orbiters that erp in XIV are too omega to even aggressively white knight so you can't even get entertainment from that

fuck off cunt

Are you by chance in London?

Who would orbit a smelly catboi fujo?

please be in ishgard

Muh lady


Another female, 't is a beautiful thing to see.


I'm STILL salty about that

guys, i'm a girl someone send me money for a new pc

Jokes on you I play femroe

theres no girl on internet

it's true, there's only you and me user



What's the fastest way to grind PotD? Spam 51-60 or just go from 51-100?

There are most definitely female's (male) on the internet.