Atelier Sophie & Nights of Azure releases on steam

According to the reviews you do need a controller for atelier.

explain atelier to me
azure looks like legit shit so i don't care about that

>Playing console games on kb+m

>recommended cpu: core i7


>explain atelier to me
Lack luster visual novels gated behind item making, which was previously gated behind time restrictions. Now you can pretty much spam level downs and defeat anything.

>azure looks like legit shit
Good eye. It's a very slow version of an action game.

So you're a cute girl...

And you craft shit to use in and out of battles...

And you save the world with other cute girls

How are these game, worth the 30$?

Looking for something to play after finishing berseria.

not done with berseria, this game has legs
will consider atelier next if berserk isn't out by that point

It def. fixed a lot of problems zestiria had just wish they would update the fucking engine from this ps3 relic already.

>visual novels

Atelier games are not text heavy at all. Ar nosurge was a vn disguised as an rpg. But Atelier games move quickly between gameplay and dialogue at the perfect pace.

So after installing every update possible the game is still freezing after very first dialogue with Platcha.
C-can you please upload a save file right after this moment?

Why would you play these games with anything other a controller?
You spend time with people whilst also going out collecting materials and battling monsters to use for alchemy. The more you create, the better alchemist you become, and in turn, the more jobs you can take on as an alchemist for people filling out requests asked for. Also has pretty music and pretty artwork.
It eats CPU for some reason. An i5 is still enough though


>one of the shittiest entry of a 20 y/o RPG franchise worse than a flawed but pretty interesting new IP that's going to get massively improved soon

>Still pushing the "Sophie is shit" meme
Boy you guys are going to hate Firis

How is Nights of Azure ?

Explain the support system to me, Sup Forums. I have no idea when my guys are going to support each other and when not.

It's shit. Old games let you control when they support. They ruined the combat in this game.

Dang, that sucks. At least I don't have to feel like a retard for not getting it then.

>Nights of Azure won't even open

Keeps crashing

Well shit.

Install the XNA redist that comes with it.

Mines didn't come with a redis D:

Odd, Steam itself should come with it, check in the folders if it doesn't.
I pirated it and it came with the redist on the iso, check there.
Else, just google XNA 4.0.

how are the characters in sophie? Is it true they don't get much screen time/development

Yeah still won't start. I'm presuming it's got a problem with AMD systems. There's no error code or anything, just stopped working. Close.

Fuck, nevermind that, the XNA thing was for Salt and Sanctuary I got around the same time, sorry for misleading you.

The simplified the combat by taking options away and making everything happen automatically, but made it more flashy, somehow this convinced a few retards to believe that the combat was better.

bump for interest

good thing I use an core i7 from 2009

What peripherals do you have attached? I've had similar problems with crappy ports while I had a HTOS plugged in, and Wacom tablets have a similar effect on some games too.


>explain atelier to me

A hack-and-slasher with an extremely basic and unchallenging combat system. Play for comedy gold, soundtrack, and cute lesbians. Maximum comfiness. Rudimentary Japanese knowledge helpful, because the localization is garbage.

>cute dykes

I got legit scared.

>Unplugged DS4, reapplied codex crack
>Rebooted PC
>"Repaired" XNA 4.0 'cause why the fuck not.

>Azure Nights still crashes.

I don't see how updating my GPU Drivers could help and I'd rather not considering I've an old fucking HD7870

Bug, will probably be patched since they patched stuttering as well.
Assign less cores to it to keep the temperature and usage low for now.