LoL steadily includes or improves all features and changes that people have been complaining about for the past five...

>LoL steadily includes or improves all features and changes that people have been complaining about for the past five years
>DotA 2 still afraid to make even the slightest improvement in fear of triggering it's austists into violent "it's a feature!" screeching

I know it's beating a dead MOBA horse at this point, but I got kind of nostalgic of the times when DotA actually tried somehow to compete.

Other urls found in this thread:

>DotA is afraid of change!
Holey moley I didn't think bait like this was possible.

heres your (you) user

Playing this garbage

Can you still kite anyone that is melee because ranged is so fucking op?

Ranged (ADC) is mediocre right now, because it doesn't scale too well and assassins are bursty as fuck.

>includes or improves all features and changes
>only now adding sandbox mode
people demanded shit for years, only now when the game is losing popularity does riot decide to act.

AD carries suck because Riot nerfed every single viable build except one which is extremely expensive.

> Losing popularity

Where? You mean during the off-season of the LCS/LCK?

Because it's actually growing. Outside investors are now interested in funding LCS teams. Their players are starting to get a salary that's actually worth the amount of time they spend playing the game, and Riot has officially started to include paid sponsors during their broadcasts. It's much bigger than it was even last year.

Just because you're a shut in who doesn't like the game does not mean it is losing popularity.

Sure w/e delude yourself further

>entire genre is birthed from mods
>barely any allow for modding in them and the big one that does gives it a tertiary status to the point where they don't care that they broke the shit out of it in their last big update

Not true or even close to accurate. They just buffed lethality builds hard.

C'mon people. If you're gonna shit on a game, let's get some feeling. This shit is weak as fuck.

Weird, I was going to say the same to you.

Since you're spitting in the face of actual facts and all.

>LoL in 2013

>its on the internet so it must be true

Not what I was implying at all, but I guess if you really need to damage control, don't let me stop you.

So you missed last year's EULCS Finals? Or the LCS finals? And clearly the entirety of Worlds.

Ah, who am I kidding. You're gonna sift through YouTube and cherry pick the least crowded show like that has any affect on your argument.


>Outside investors are now interested in funding LCS teams
then they would be retarded, the height was S4, after that its been going down

Well no one is going to know that until after this season and the numbers come in. As of now it's just conjecture on your part based on.. ? and whatever in-market research the companies who actually invested money into the team decided.

>>DotA 2 still afraid to make even the slightest improvement in fear of triggering it's austists into violent "it's a feature!" screeching

Bait. Autists were screaming because the new HUD was garbage and they've fixed it now.

The game makes massive changes every year. The map terrain is nothing like couple years ago and they've ironed out a lot of inconsistencies like orb stacking and universal damage that new players couldn't wrap their head around. The new trait system have also revived a bunch of heroes or given them new playstyles.

>The map terrain is nothing like couple years ago

I'd like you to post a side by side picture of both maps overviews so everyone but drones can laugh at you.

Funny, a year ago they changed ADC into broken faggotry that could burst down anyone very quickly. This is why I dropped the game and refuse to play it anymore; there's no consistency. They keep turning the entire fucking game upside down.

>DotA autists are screaming whenever even the slightest change hits their game
>This is bait, because the community was screaming about a change


Bard is one of the best designed characters in a video game ever. Shit gameplay though

Bard is fuck as fuck, it's just sad that W and E don't do anything, E especially.

>"it's a feature!" screeching

I thought OP was talking about removing denying like lol did.

If by best designed you mean garbage kit and extremely easy to slaughter, sure.

Couldn't find in game footage of the entire maps, but here's a broad generalization. The new one has much more juke paths in the trees that don't show up on the pictures.




>Adds RNG because they can't balance the jungle/control the snowballing nature of their game

>Dota 2
>Completely implodes on itself every season by stealing from other MOBAs


>OTS lel

Dead genre soon

I said he sucks in game. I like his actual design as a character. He's extremely unique.

>LoL gets better and better

Is this bait?

Gee, almost the exact same. I'll never understand the appeal of this shit, especially when I see people with 7k-10k hours and shit. Its the same fucking thing on the exact same map every single game.

Its fun. :^)

>"It still looks like a square with a river and I don't know what any of it means so I'll assume it has no affect on gameplay and every game is the same"

I don't even wanna know what types of games you play.

>in fear of triggering it is austists

It still has three lanes yes, but almost the entire jungle, river and shop locations are completely different. Dota2 plays are made in these small paths of LoS around the map: controlling areas, maximising the best routes for safety, farm and advantage.

You obviously have no idea how the game plays.

ITT: Anons falling for the most obvious bait known to man

Beats shitposting on /d2g/. That place is radioactive unless esports is on.

> >3458-1441
do your digits have any specific meaning, aside from the result of the subtraction?

Escaping with tunnels and stunning whoever was chasing you is really fun as well.

If i ever get back to lol it will be because of him. And best girlLamb

Shitty faceless void's ultimate, and retarded gimmick that didn't work since you have to spoonfeed your adc for 30 minutes so he doesn't get assraped without flash.

Never touched LoL
Spent ~1400h in Dota 2 with friends. We even launched national tournaments and had sponsors but Dota was never big in my country.

Slowly getting bored at a game that never really tried to innovate and stuck in a perpetual cancerous meta/community.

Almost stopped 1y ago, only playing once a week with friends. Barely felt any joy playing, just wished for the game to end to go do other things. Waiting 45 minutes for a game to finish when you already know it's lost at pick phase...

Uninstalled in November, sold everything I had on Steam market, made about $75 from virtual pixels I collected over the years. Feelz good.

Once you stop playing any MOBAs you realize how much of a time sink they are for almost nothing. You begin to enjoy and retrieve a sense of pleasure from playing other game. You get rid of cancer.

Ilaoi is op.