How come a good portion of this board dislike brutal doom? Is it the mod itself, the maker, or what?

How come a good portion of this board dislike brutal doom? Is it the mod itself, the maker, or what?

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It adds unnecessary features

BD classic mode is fine.
BD modern mode is absolute fucking shit. "lol I can do o.o to monsters and they get mad xDD 3pikkkk!!!!"

But they love DOOM user.

because Sup Forums is:
1. a hivemind
2. under the age of 18 and never played DOOM

>How come a good portion of this board dislike brutal doom? Is it the mod itself, the maker, or what?

The mod is just a joke, but some people treat it like "an upgrade for Doom".

I feel like it changes way too much about doom to the point where it's a mountain of gimmicks modded into a classic game.

also the dev is a tool from what ive seen.

I've never played Doom before. I won't play an inferior version just because it's the vanilla one. Which one should I play?

Because there are better mods likes complex/lava doom with random upgraded monsters.

Brutal went full meme with iron sights.

There's a lot of purists who think anything but vanilla doom is sacrilege.

I thought it was a pretty fun way to replay Doom 1/2 after beating them vanilla so many times over the years.

I don't dislike it, I dislike the people who insist that it's some sort of ultimate doom experience and that it's the end all be all of doom mods. The people that don't realize that there's more to the game that just fucking brutal doom. Granted, some of them are just ignorant, but it still pisses me off

But tons of underage people played brutal DOOM

I don't mind its existence even if it's not my cup of tea, what's impressive is that there's still a very active mod community for a 20+ year old game

It's more the fanbase. There's a significant amount of retards that get pissed at other mod makers because Brutal Doom doesn't work with it, when anyone with half a brain would realize BD is the problem.

Doesn't help that Mark is a asshat that's gotten himself banned from just about every major doom site. Got banned from zdoom forums for actively encouraging a user having a bad day to kill themselves right away.

The mod it ruins the style and gameplay of doom. Not to mention we now have a bunch of kids who think Doom as a game isn't worth playing without that mod

>20+ year old game

It's still fun.

>There's a lot of purists who think anything but vanilla doom is sacrilege.

Which is funny, because Carmack's original vision for Doom was that it should be modular to the point that any part of it could be changed.

BM made me play through all of Doom again without any cheats from start to finish. Shit was really fun.

is there anything similar for Doom 2?

Because Brutal Doom is closer to modern shooter than older ones. Is just happens also that the creator is a fucking asshole who got banned from ZDoom and Zandronum forums.

Also what people hate is not the mod itself, is people saying that Doom should be this and not the classic one.

He also accused ID of stealing his ideas in Doom 2016

Carmack also said:
>Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.

>for a 20+ year old game

Doom is literally one of the most important games in the history of videogame industry. Theres still people making SMW hacks or GTA mods. Also Doom runs on anything so is easy to modify.

He is right. Story in Uncharted games is cool, but the game is boring as hell to play.

Stick to the newest one G A Y B O I.

because the best Doom mod is Hentai Doom

this could be said for every mod of every game

True, but that's not the point here. Doom, from the ground up, was designed to be a mod platform. Arguing that is must be played vanilla goes against the entire point of Doom.

and he was right. half life is an overrated piece of shit series

the dev is an asshat
also feels extremely gimmicky
the flipping off features cool i guess but ehhh the whole gory execution thing just feels like a chore after the 1st time you do it

HL is better than doon

>nonironically being an autist
You should probably kill yourself.

sounds like nu-doom :^)

its weird when you see an autistic person like this try to fit in on Sup Forums like a normal human

nah lad
as much as i love RIP AND TEARing sometimes i'd rather just fire at an imp and have it die instead of shoving my hand into its chest and crush it's heart before turning into an unidentifiable mush of blood and guts


its just underage people who never even played doom when it came out trying to conform to the "oldschool for the win!!!!" stereotype

but user, that's doom 4. you are literally explaining a core mechanic for the newest doom game

>doom """purists""" hate it
>meanwhile no one has a problem with HDoom even if it's a shitty porn mod

Them's fighting words.

brutal doom itself is fine. if you don't like it, don't play it. the real cancer are its fans who think it's the second coming of christ. in reality it's just a neat mod and there are plenty of other great wads for doom.
and if you want to play brutal doom you should go all out and play project brutality.

that's the reason why i haven't played doom 4
i probably should at some point, hopefully there's a way to kill them without having to press X to instakill

Because despite getting kids into doom, it's teaching them the "wrong" way to play doom. It lets them play doom like call of duty so they don't actually learn how to play the game properly, and thus are having the wrong kind of fun so to speak

Beautiful/smooth doom accomplish 99% of what people like about brutal doom but keep gameplay vanilla, and other gameplay wads change up the formula enough so that they're like new doom games rather than worse versions of doom

Brutal doom is definitely not bad in itself, but it ruffles the doom community to no end

It's because ignorant dumbfuck redditors literally think it's the be all end all of Doom and "how the game would have been if id had le technology in 1993"
stupid fucking cunts
also anyone complaining that it changes or adds things are retards since that is obviously the point of A FUCKING MOD

Smoothdoom with GZdoom engine

Fairly sure that there's only like, five demons you HAVE to kill using melee, all of them are bosses.

Everyone else you can just shoot to kill.

where did you get that? id never even released any modding tools

Because HDoom doesn't have the pretentious reputation as vanilla 2.0

You can just shoot and not use glory kills at all.

In fact, glory kills are mostly for health pickups so you can definitely get by without using them throughout the whole game.

zdoom or gzdoom source port and smooth doom are a good starting point. after you've gotten through doom1 and 2 that way, feel free to experiment with gameplay mods and custom maps. i highly recommend getting ZDL. it makes handling different wads and source ports much easier.

Once you get the Super Shotgun and the Gauss Cannon, most enemies will die before you even get a chance to melee them.

Because this isn't the right board for it.

Because it's fanbase is autistic.
It's an okay mod, not great, definitely not as fun to play overall as vanilla but fun to screw around with occasionally
So people screaming that it's how doom was MEANT TO BE are just obnoxious.

Read Masters of Doom. The whole reason Doom used WAD files (standing for Where's All the Data?) was because they were incredibly easy to modify compared to Wolfenstein 3D's setup, which required full backups of the game in order to not get broken after modding.

It's OK but I prefer the balance in vanilla.

probably the documentation note from carmack when they released the linux source code that just said something like "do whatever you want with it, here are some suggestions jumping/flying freelook etc"

He's right

Better question: How can they like Doom 4?

I didn't realize everyone and their dog played HDoom and said it was the way Doom was meant to be played.

The creator is a dickhead who steals assets from other spriters without giving credit. The coding is an unoptimized jumble that makes the file size unnecessarily larger than it should be. The fanbase consists of hipster teenagers that think they're cool for playing a 20-year old game, but refuse to play that game in the original state, so they insist Brutal Doom is "the way it's meant to be played." Journalist websites to reviews and reports on Brutal Doom for "revitalizing" the game, but never do reviews for other cool mods like Samsara, which adds playable characters from other FPS games, featuring their original loadouts and movement physics, or Demonsteele, which turns Doom into a 90s anime.

By not being a jaded cock sucker such as yourself.


tinyurl doesnt' work anymore
someone should update the guide

Project Brutality is better

Out of curiosity, what is everyone's favourite gameplay mod?

I've been enjoying Guncaster + a modified DoomRL Arsenal monsters. Slinging spells and becoming an absolute god of destruction never gets old for me.

stop giving a shit. It's fucking fun... but you know you're not allowed to have fun here

Super Doom 64 with the Unabsolved sidemod.
Plays really similar to stock Doom, but with the (imo) cooler Doom 64 sprites and textures, plus some new guns and monsters.

Why do the Cacodemon's look like such shit in Doom 64?

muh hideous destructor tacticool operating
>awesomely powerful guns that are difficult to wield
>smart enemies that fuck your shit up hard
>completely different experience from stock doom without changing the setting at all
>highly unpredictable, even playing the same map twice is rarely the same experience
>unmatched amounts of TECHNOLOGY in a doom mod
>minimalist visuals that provide gameplay feedback without getting in the way
the latest version is pretty broken though, use the one just before it until a fix is released

Literally this.

These. Project Brutality with the DoomVisor is a great way to overhaul the classic Doom experience- and most of the shit is fully customizable

Add in Andrew Hulshult's Doom Metal soundtrack and it's a fucking blast

I think they look cool. The chains make it seem like even the other demons don't like them, and keep them locked up until they need them for killing shit.

Brutal Doom is trying too hard.
They couldn't just add more gore, more sprites, death animations etc, they had to be ''BRUTAL XDDDD BRUUUUUTALLLLLL!!!! :DDDDD''

That is the problem.

I dunno, the enemy design of Doom 64 seems kind of generic to me. I'm also not a fan of how the Cacodemons have arms. Just my two cents.

Infographic sucks, doesn't even have the best most hardcore gameplay doom wads.

Complex doom with LCA mods and no health respawn is pure sex.

I used to play doom online then CSdoom finally zdaemon(Acct has space in name which newcomers can't).

Finally find zandro because it's what the new kids use and while brutal and hdoom are pretty meh tier. Fucking complex with LCA is by far the most enjoyable time I've had playing doom since I was a kid.

Really someone needs to upgrade the infographic.

Also if anyone wants I made a spray for CS source log time ago with impse. It used to freak kids out in counterstrike.

>Infographic sucks, doesn't even have the best most hardcore gameplay doom wads.
But Hideous Destructor is on there, and nothing else even comes close to being as hardcore as it is.

>Space in acc name
Wait. Fuck, I wish I knew that when I first made my account

Agreed it is pretty hard but it's too slow, doesn't feel like doom to me.

I like to go fast and have ramped up difficulty, Hideous Destructor seems too slow thats why i prefer Complex with LCA and insane LCA

How can you brag about NOT being jaded. Bragging about not having standards might be the worst modern trend.

Doom has a total lack of level design, something which is arguably the foundation of the original games.

Probably sarcasm but yes I they made the change back in 2004, no more spaces in names or custom characters.

no one hates brutal doom as a mod.(you may dislike the gameplay but who gives a shit its a fucking mod)
people hate the "doom the way its meant to be played" attitude that video game journalist gives it.
I can't blame mark for getting way in on his head with the ego. if people said that you made the definitive version of one of the most highly revered classics you would probably act like a bit of a snob as well

>Which is funny, because Carmack's original vision for Doom...

kek, carmack's vision

Doom is Romero, not Carmack.

Doom is both. Carmack's vision on its own is Quake 2. Romero's vision is Daikatana. They can only function properly when working together.

It's decent

I would love for BD Classic Mode, but with the modern Chaingun and SSG and the dual wield Plasma rifle
Not a fan of the take downs or the zoom feature on the shotgun.



I need a doom mod that adds deployable sentry turrets. Only one i know is the project brutality but id like to use them without brutal doom shit. also doom rpg had that floating thing but the mod is cluster fuck.


I don't usually say this things, but in your case it is deserved: kill yourself.

The first episode of DOOM was so great that even if I never ordered the full game you still had loads of fun in that demo.
Some of us non-English speakers who played it when we almost couldn't reach up to the keyboard back then didn't know it was just a demo since we didn't know English, all we knew was that it was DOOM and it was awesome, and it was time to kill some demons.

Fast forward to today's apocalyptic gaming industry where you buy the game before it's done and you end up with a game not even finished at launch, piece by piece it's getting closer to the "finished" product but behind the paywall known as DLC and Seasonal Passes, and it's not even moddable most of the time.
Crippled with DRM that abuses it's rights by using an illegally large portion of the CPU, storage and internet bandwidth just to punish those that didn't pirate the game.

because the quake series and RTCW were better games

it legit got too popular
like popular enough that people new to doom would play it instead of the original

but yeah, brutal doom is significantly better than the original and there's no going back. at some point you need to let go of nostalgia.

If you're gay, you don't need to write a blog post about it.

You got a link to the second-latest version?
Guy doesn't seem to have them up anywhere

Just go to the last couple pages in the thread. It's the January 30th update you're looking for.

>that mancubus



it's the maker, a lot of people on Sup Forums think he is a faggot.

Sup Forums will say it's because of the mod itself, but it's really because of SgtMarkIV

Cheers m8

>How come a good portion of this board dislike brutal doom?
>v liking anything popular
>especially, when there was time it WASN'T popular
only shitposters

Mod is fun but the maker is stealing scum.

SgtMark made a nigger joke and implied some guy should kill himself, pretty much typical Sup Forums behavior you see multiple times daily here, not sure why people here pretend they're offended by it.