Why is Sup Forums so hostile when someone posts a video that he made

Why is Sup Forums so hostile when someone posts a video that he made

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Because you touch yourself.

advertising on Sup Forums isn't allowed
posting your own shit = shilling

sage for youtube eceleb shit

There's a game dev General on /vg/

Why don't you just post there?

How is posting a video that you make shilling. Aren't you shilling the sentence that you made then?

so (((youtube creator))) will stop spamming here.

I can see the names just fine

You can just crop out the names in paint you know

Oh wait, never mind. I read that as someone who made video games

Which video is it so I can dislike it?

That's just mean


OP is shit at hiding the name

Because you (can) get paid for video views.

Found it:

>That feel when don't monatize anything just want people who genuinely enjoy my content.

because it literally is shilling

Then convert them into .webms to share with your friends on Sup Forums :^)

Do people don't get paid when the watcher dislikes or something?
Ignoring seems to be a better job than actually opening the video and disliking it.

he wanted you to see them. Hes shilling with this thread again.

>Do people don't get paid when the watcher dislikes or something?
If you came to a video just to dislike it but you saw an ad, you are the one who lost. Basically giving them free money

NO I AM NOT. I WAS GENUINELY CURIOUS WHY Sup Forums IS SO MEAN. I worked really hard on those videos and when I made a thread about the switch, I posted a link to my video for people that didn't know anything about it.

If you want to dislike it, go ahead. But dislike it because it's a bad video. Not because I posted it here.

Give me a break man.

>without sound

When fucking Funnyjunk handles webms better than you, there's a problem.

want to know how much I made so far? Fucking 1 dollar. That's not why I make videos. I do it because it's FUN. do you know what that means. I enjoy making videos, and seeing people react to it.

>those dislikes rising


Nobody fucking cares.

What part of "advertising is against the rules" don't you fucking get.

If someones posts a thread and a person responds like "I made a video on the topic" I'd says it's cool, whatever

But don't make your own threads for your own videos and don't fucking falseflag as some outsider

Pro tip: If you "found this really obscure youtuber who does funny videos" and he has 40 subs and 15 views. You aren't fooling anyone.


>because everyone hates everyone


>transparent cover up

>Getting porn ear raped
no thanks

>I enjoy making videos, and seeing people react to it.
Fucking neck yourself, retard

But why. D:

Not him but people who think "Advertisement" is "Discussing any new game" needs to fucking hang themselves, I'm tired of poorfags using this "Rule" which doesn't even fucking apply because it's a game, if we're going to so loosely use it then EVERY game here is shilled, even nostalgiafaggot games.

>default the sound to muted, but let you click the volume button to turn sound on

Gee, is that fucking hard?

You know that's not what I mean. Constructive criticism is what I want. Not disliking for no reason

What does that have to do with anything?
Posting your own videos isn't discussion, it's advertising yourself no matter how you try to spin it.

If you want to make a point then write a post about it, otherwise go shill on reddit or something.

>Click sound on
>Get porn ear raped
>Click sound on
>Halfway through the video get earraped


>shill video
>"automatically called shilling for some reason"

I was making a separate issue by using your post as a jumping off point.

>find random youtuber's videos
>post them on Sup Forums while pretending to be the creator
>watch the dislikes go up

>don't click sound on

problem solved

There are threads for that, you don't go making your own.

You'd know that if you weren't a dumb newfag.

>webms with sound on Sup Forums
What could PAWWWWSIBLY GO call your mother, let her know you're okay WRONG!

Find a more subtle way to post your shit.

>don't click sound on
then whats the fucking point of adding the sound feature

>that accent

You sound like someone who has their priorities in line.

Go buy ad space if you want to advertise your videos, fagtron

Yeah, yeah. Stop shilling. You're too obvious.

even if it's not "shilling" by your autistic definitions it's still self-promotion. which is shameful and should be shamed.

That's not even addressing the fact that he posted it on a forum to be judged. And it was judged.

> trying market content
> Not having thick skin

Grow a pair faggot, Sup Forums anons are essentially bitches and whores (male). If you want them to swallow your shit, you ignore their resistance and force it down their throats everyday until they like it.

Because its literally shilling

My man have I got some fucking news for you.

You're literally a shill

It's attention whoring, which is antithetical to anonymity. You immediately get profiled as the same kind of person who uses a tripcode for recognition and attention.

>it's still self-promotion. which is shameful and should be shamed.

t. someone with no marketing skills

>hurpdurp technical specs lurp
Only shills go on about "muh mhz, muh ppi"

t. someone with a worse than 1/2 likes/dislikes ratio

>If you want them to swallow your shit, you ignore their resistance and force it down their throats everyday until they like it.
Also known as the MatthewMatosis method

>I totally don't want to get popular or anything, nope, I just want CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!
lmao get the fuck out of here

>it's still self-promotion. which is shameful and should be shamed.

I like how you posted a meme response to something that has been true since the dawn of time.

You are a fucking idiot.

>advertise your crappy videos on Sup Forums
>get called out for advertising your crappy videos on Sup Forums
>didn't even pay hiro to shill your crap like the shitty clickbait ads
why are you even here? shill your videos on a different website


>can still see the names
>instant urge to look for the video
Tell you what, those shills have clever ideas

>implying op didn't deliberately keep the names visible so people would look up the channel and give him views
>implying op isn't Rootkit Studios

That makes no sense. If a person posts a video reviewing a game that opens up discussion right there. Yeah it's going to fill up with
>your opinion is shit
But its still discussion. We've had quite a few different anons who posted their videos here without too much backlash.

Op you just posted your video too early. Its best to do it at night if you live in the states but judging by that accent you live in some 3rd world country where electricity is hard to come by it sounds

Because, despite any nostalgia you and I might have, this board is presently being flooded by contration teenagers.

They hope other kids think they're cool when they shit on harmless/normal things.

>Brushing my teeth sucks, I don't care what mom says!
>Calm down user, you're getting TOO RADICAL!
>No fuck that, I'm gonna go all out and EAT MY OWN SHIT to make my point
>user pls, I'm getting all hot and bothered here! You're such a rebel!

Current Sup Forums.

Maybe I've come full circle and will just try and find a normie board that has none of the circle jerk shit drove me away from them 10 years ago.
I just want to talk about video games, not the childish drama that 95% of you faggots create around them.

If somebody makes a video about a game or console, he contributes 20 times as much to a video game board as you bored and frustrated shitposters do with your spastic frogs and anime girls.

Not hit that downvote all you like, it wont matter as we all know it's true.

Fuck off Rootkit studios shill.



>everyone stop talking and watch my video! I explain everything in a short 40 minutes.
>just bump the thread to keep it alive or something until you finish watching, I'll wait

Yeah no, fuck right off.
If you wanna say something then fucking write it.

Go talk to your "audience" instead of Sup Forums if you are too lazy to type your shit.

Dude. Take your nintendo shit and fuck off.

You're not reacting to the content of the video, you're kneejerking at the mere idea of a youtube video, you strawmanning faggot.

Fuck you faggot. You don't make that tiles of what can and can't be posted otherwise you're doing a shit job by letting these ecelebrity videos flourish on here you old dick in the booty faggot

You are right I don't, but the rules do.
And nothing stops me from calling you a faggot for shilling your shitty videos either.

Don't give a Fuck. I'm going to continue shilling my videos just to make you mad

>If you want to dislike it, go ahead. But dislike it because it's a bad video.
it is a bad video

the narration is horrible, your accent is bad, your tonality is worse. You didn't even re-record the parts where you misspoke and simply left the errors in. You sound really uncomfortable throughout the entire video.

Also why is there Super Mario Bros. footage playing in the background?

here is some constructive feedback, dont post your shit here faggot

Thank you

I won't do it anymore

>posting under a user name on an anonymous image board
what exactly is the point?