Please follow these easy guidelines.
Also if a Mercy gives you an order and/or heals you, you have to replay with "Yes, Ma'am!" and "Thank you for healing me.".
Please follow these easy guidelines.
Also if a Mercy gives you an order and/or heals you, you have to replay with "Yes, Ma'am!" and "Thank you for healing me.".
What if she orders me to call her "mommy"?
Then you commit suicide in real life.
damn op 73kb not everyone have internet that fast
here i made it smaller
Here's a shorter guide, tell her to switch to Ana.
Shit, that just makes it a kill phrase. I'll try it out later tonight to see if anyone actually goes through with it.
You joke but that legitimately took me like 60+ seconds to open
You forgot "remember to say thank you"
Jesus, I'm so sorry user. Here have this.
The only tip to give to Mercy players is to not play Mercy unless they're actually good with her, which is not very many people. She is a huge gamble to play as since her only use is her ultimate. She can win you the game, but you most likely suck playing as her. The only person who needs tips when involving a Mercy player is the player of Mercy himself.
There's a tiny bit of artifacting, can you save it as a png?
>spread out so your team can be picked off one by one easier
>stay on the very end of ledges to make yourself an easier target
fuck healers, the 4th tip is all I need
Here you go user
I wish we could order Blizzard to not make her shit. She's worthless. Everyone insta dies but tanks and she can't even outheal Ana. She has no CC and mediocre damage output so she can't actually pull her own weight. Her ult is rarely better than Lucio's and is often a dead weight. Having Mercy is essentially playing with 5 people instead of 6. She brings no utility. It's a shame because I like her a lot, but Ana does everything she does except way better.
And the best Mercy tip is to not pick the worst healer. Even when you're good with her you probably should play Ana or Zenyatta instead. Maybe on 2cp and/or if you have Pharah then pick Mercy.
>dont spam that you need healing
I'll spam this all game every game. I'm so tired of Mercy plays that are literally right next to me and not healing me despite me being almost dead and asking them for heals.
I can see the jaggies. Can you please turn on motion blur when taking a picture?
She is supposed to be played by people that don't know how to play video games. Adding new abilities and stuff would ruin this.
I spam it for fun even though I'm not injured.
Mostly because I like to mess with my friend who plays support but also because it's fun to annoy people.
>226 Kb
Jeez dude, too much
god I love this style
meme is hidden behind an abstraction layer. protected, at the same time allowing for OC development.
its like a meme drm, anti normie tamper
>it's fun to annoy people
Make the best of what you got I guess
Good to see you've found peace with being such a pathetic person
>all this shit
How about the mercysissy actually not be a faggot and play a decent healer like zen, lucio or ana?
>he doesn't derive pleasure from trolling people
No, user. I don't.
Been quite a few years since I was 13.
Is the air hard to breathe up on your High Horse?
>high horse
This isn't about morality or anything like such
I've honestly never once in my life heard someone over the age of 15 say that they enjoy being found annoying by other people
It's one of those things that literally every adult tries to avoid
Is this guide basically do everything for the fucking Mercy. I've seen Mercys stand still and blame the team for not protecting her. It's like half her fanbase has idiots forgetting that she can juke really well.
Seriously a Mercy who can use her dash is amazing.
If I see a mercy I try and avoid her. Don't want the cooties.
>Half of these read like Medic tips
Remember where you came from, friends.
But seriously, with a little bit more awareness, you can make your Medic's job and your life much easier... and longer.
A good Medic will know to switch to their gun-that-hurts, but will also know that they should be healing wherever possible. Be the sponge, and fight on your Medic's behalf, because they're literally empowering you to do that.
i want to be mercy
That's not the way, remove the colors.
We need more healers that are fun. I want one that drops health packs. I want a melee healer that functions like a Paladin. Could even be an off tank as well.
try dirty bomb
If you are playing Overwatch and you are commanding your team instead of switching to a character that better fits in the mold then you are not very good at Overwatch, which is surprising.
I'm kind of hoping that if a new tank comes out it'll be a mitigation type tank that regenerates health or shield or whatever based on the damage they inflict.
Like if DOomfist is a melee brawler that creates a barrier to ram into people (like reinhardt charge but creates a alpha-bastion shield in front of him) then punches the fuck out of people, hurting them and soaking up damage and dealing punching damage that fills an overall meter that can be used at anytime (based on cooldown; as per skill) and the amount charged (with cap) is how much in that very moment he regenerates.
>this increased the filesize 30-fold
That's cool, but check my 4.
I prefer Dirty Bomb to Overwatch a lot, but it's ugly, the community sucks, it was full of hackers (when I played), and just doesn't have as many players. Sparks was my go-to for sure. Dirty Bomb does everything better than Overwatch.
Healer that leeches health from enemies and stores it in a 'health bank' that you can use on teammates
That sounds awesome too. There are a lot of cool ideas for characters in Overwatch, but the devs are so slow to add new ones in.
>All those times a scout or spy would sneak around thinking I would be a free kill
>Met the force that is Ubersaw
>Only made me stronger
One reason I stopped playing Overwatch was that I love playing supports, but no one in overwatch felt as fun, useful, and diverse as the medic.
Seriously a skilled medic makes a good team into pure murder.
>45 seconds
>file no longer exists 404
>click again
>opens after 10 seconds
when are we going to lynch the fucking gook that runs this shithole?
I enjoyed it as well, for a while
There were some -oddly- good snipers, especially at the end
But then I got fucking wrecked by wallrunning shotgunners as well, so
Sparku was fun but I don't miss the game honestly
I think chinese moot is throttling the bandwith speed of this site.
I can't comprehend being enough of a bitch to main Mercy as your support.
>Friend is a Mercy main
>Continually outheal him and kill half the enemies
Zenyatta is a beaufitul buddha.
step aside
yeah m8 that's why i posted it from my phone
pretty rare
thanks user.
Damn straight.
It's pretty satisfying to be the guardian angel for people. Since I'm behind the frontline anyway and I have decent earbuds, I can pick out where spies are coming from and give them hell before my charges realise there's something wrong behind them.
It has all the solutions to my problems with Overwatch.
>everyone has a good amount of weapons
>universal movement options that allow for creativity and actual juking
>maps aren't JUST chokepoints
>actual ammunition, thus forcing people to be considerate about how they use their weapons
>ammunition also allows for an entirely unique division of supports based around supplying ammo
>no actual lol I win now ults; instead some characters have powerful moves on high cooldowns/with only one or two ammo for it
It just functions so much better. The skill ceiling is so much higher. Overwatch benefits from the huge budget and Blizzard servers though
>literally have to play around a stupid healer character for her to be "good"
This is why Mercy sucks. Just play Ana, Zen or Lucio and all the stuff listed here is possible to live through.
The problem is the pay-off. Even if your whole team plays with Mercy in mind and constantly tries to create an environment where she can best perform, she is still outperformed by all the other healers.
I want to play Mercy and she is a legit character of the game, stop being a dickhead and start helping your teammates.
You're holding back your team from succeeding by picking her. Don't be upset if they don't want to waste their time trying to help you not fall behind.
king in the castle, king in the castle
what's it like to live in a first world country rich man?
>stay clumped together so well placed explosives can eliminate everyone at once
he said spread out not stand a mile away from each other
Mercy players are the absolute worst
I never see Zenyatta's, Ana's and Lucios making these autistic """guides""" and crying nonstop about how being a healer is so hard :( but without fail theres always a Mercy shitter doing so
>She cant heal herself
Probably because those other characters don't require as much as Mercy in order to get things done.
>shoot whatever Zenyatta's orb is on
>so long as he can see you he can start healing you
>group up when he ults
Lucio is similar. You just stick around him when you need to. Ana does everything in every situation effortlessly so no effort is required.
Mercy is the one who becomes straightup worthless unless the team wastes their time compensating for her.
oh shit. i say 9 since its 5+4
>tfw you try to troll overwatch players but they're too nice.
Gosh darnit user.
Because people who play other healers know to go out of their way to help the team instead of expecting the team to do it for you.
>Don't stack
This is a non-issue for every other healer in the game, and is encouraged by Ana's biotic grenade. If you're forcing your team to play a certain way just because you picked Mercy then you're holding them back.
>Play ledges
Another non-issue for every single other healer in the game. As soon as line of sight is available they can be healed instantly. Zen is especially good for flankers since harmony can stick without line of sight for a short distance. You're holding your team back by playing Mercy again.
>Don't overextend
While this is good advice for literally anything it doesn't solely apply to Mercy. Even if one of your teammates makes the mistake of overextending Ana's heal output and Lucio speedboost can get them out of there, something Mercy is unable to do again, starting to see the pattern?
>Know how to use health pack
Not exclusive to Mercy, just a filler point to make it seem like Mercy is more important than she actually is.
>Check in
Ana can already snipe people that are playing far away, no need to give up your position just to let Mercy's inferior healing output pocket you.
>Don't run away
General healer knowledge, another moot point to fill the chart.
>Don't spam that you need healing
Actually you should spam that you need healing as much as possible. Mercy players especially aren't the brightest people in the world, they need the assistance to know who needs priority heals and who doesn't.
prodding people to the point of having fun bantz with some stranger is a blast. you just have to be clever and be sure to share it with others in order to maximize fun
why is the competitive system in the game so shit?
first strike - the matchmaking tries to force a 50/50 win loss ratio to make sure everybody has a "good time". this is obvious - there are games that the matchmaking simply does not intend for you to win.
second strike - you lose more SR than you gain in almost every situation. you even lose SR if your team has a leaver.
those two facts alone are enough to make me rage. if you lose more SR than you gain, and there's a 50/50 win loss rate forced by mm, then climbing is impossible without an extreme amount of luck and/or grouping up with a competent team.
strike 3 - the game does not reward players based on skill or how well they did - the whole system is based on WIN or LOSS and nothing else. it doesn't matter if you got 100 elims and the other players fucked around in the base the whole match you still lose SR and sometimes you lose a lot, like 50. it isn't my fault as an individual if players refuse to wait to attack as a group, refuse to switch to counter the enemy or when they're countered.
finally their nerfs and buffs are fucking retarded. they buffed symmetra to the point where she is a defense or dps first and VERY effective. she is also more effective at lower levels because of a skill floor and ceiling that i believe together are one of the lowest in the game. dva was nerfed to the point that 2/2/2 is barely relevant. yesterday in the ptr they buffed bastion so he is now just as lethal as soldier, and then you add the fact that he has a self heal he can now use WHILE MOVING which has NO COOLDOWN, and reduced his form switch time by a half second. he is the next symmetra - from obscurity to must pick to win in a single update. it's like blizzard is retarded.
overall i have no fucking clue how they went 3 seasons of competitive and this is STILL what they have.
Commonsense is rare. That's why they play Mercy.
>no actual lol I win now ults
tell that to skyhammer
the res is pretty valuable especially if your team is shit. and her faster rate of heal helps with that issue also. it's hard to match mercy's heals with an ana, zen or lucio.
>the res is pretty valuable especially if your team is shit
Actually, if you team is shit Rez is worse. Getting a good, valuable Rez requires coordination and telling people to die on point, which most shit players won't do because they don't understand the concept of high value Rezzes.
>her faster rate of heal helps with that issue
Ana is faster.
>the matchmaking tries to force a 50/50 win loss ratio to make sure everybody has a "good time".
Problem plauging Team-based games since the dawn of time, all matchmaking algorithms that don't simply take random people and put them in a room will run into this problem
>you lose more SR than you gain in almost every situation. you even lose SR if your team has a leaver.
Sucks, but you'd have either SR inflation or rewardless victories, both springing in a bunch of bullshit coriolis effect where after someone leaves the logical thing to do is leave yourself if the leaver is from your team.
as for the reward for win/loss only, that's a big problem but blizzard devs are a bunch of retards and implementing anything remotely rewarding to individual skill would probably end up with people getting extremely aggressive and throwing the match and their team under the bus to get muh rewards.
As with everything, the balance lies in the middle
>prodding people to the point of having fun bantz with some stranger
That's neither trolling nor being annoying
Images like these just make me cringe and remember all the shitters that play Mercy. None of this shit is needed. There's practically no reason to run her anymore unless you have a Pharah. Which is sad because I enjoy playing her.
>it's annoying, she can see health bars, she knows
I know for a goddamn fact that this isn't true. Most people who still try and play her outside of the aforementioned Pharah pocketing are braindead idiots that just want to afk all game.
the biggest problem by far is the fact they only take into account win/loss.
this is my experience this last week - i was doing great in comp, getting medals, doing my part. i'm versatile and can play pretty much any hero that i'm asked and i usually wait until everybody else has picked to decide what i can help the most with.
i climbed to 2495. 5SR away from plat. i then went on a hellacious losing streak, losing probably 15-20 games with only a couple wins in between dropping me to my current 2110. i still play the same, i still am getting medals when playing DPS and lots of picks, i often get the elim medals when playing rein or roadhog because my teams dps is so bad. but i just keep getting placed with shitters who won't play with the team, run in one at a time, make stupid picks.
just a minute ago i was playing pharah on route 66, i had 35 elims and ulted 5 or 6 times and as soon as we switch sides somebody else instalocks pharah. why would somebody do this? it's just shitty, bad players who don't care about the game or maybe they're even trying to throw. the only way i can see to climb out of this shit is to group with a good team and climb.
Zenyatta and Ana are the definition of fun healers.
and as far as the matchmaking, instead of shooting for a win/loss percentage why don't they just try to put together two teams that are evenly matched? it should be skill based and NOT result based, a system that decides who wins by giving the enemy a cakewalk is just retarded to me.
Symmetra is still a niche first point pick m8. Just because you can't aim doesn't mean she's too strong. Bastion was also arguable nerfed because of how much they gutted his damage output.
i really do wish they'd do a tank/healer. maybe a big robot character that can drop armor packs and can put down a shield generator like symmetras as an ult. he'd have to have low attack cause he'd be pretty op if not i think. maybe melee only.
i want to fuck mercy and call her mommy
sometimes it's just fun to flit around and hold lmb on dudes
the fact that she can jump around players in a circle and attack them nonstop with such a quick ttk makes her a steamroller in the lower levels. the turrets are bad too, they build ult too fast. imo that's the first thing i'd nerf, you can get 100% ult from them as soon as the door opens on defense esp on like eichenwald where you can sit in the building across from the main door and shoot a couple orbs in behind a shield as it opens.
I don't think you understand what it means to "matchmake evenly"
the loss streak you are experiencing are EXACTLY what an even matchmaking algorithm does
The algorithm has to adjust your level based on the variables it is given, so once you start winning your value starts increasing, and since there's always someone getting carried, their actual level is lagging behind so much that their matchmaking value isn't even CLOSE to how good he is at the game or in its role. Eventually, this factors in premades and having less commnunication overall sticking you in a losing streak you have no control over
Welcome to Team-Based games
>"i need healing"
>cock hungry slut is too busy sucking dick to shoot me a com line back so i have no idea where they are
remind that using "i need healing" while looking towards a person that has just said it will do a "come to me for healing" which lets them know exactly where you at.
this is sorely underuseds by support players
I never knew that. I usually follow it up with an "Acknowledge".
I know I'm losing too many mmr points in one day when the healers start picking mercy
this is not /ovg/
how is it fair to me as a player that is now often doing the carrying, playing my role and doing well that i'm dropped down lower than i initially placed because the matchmaking is trying to bring my 70-55 win loss down?
and if a player is being carried and not doing his role then why does the matchmaking system continue to put that player in teams where he will have to be carried and instead give those higher level players another similarly skilled player so they can climb to the rank they deserve?
probably because it only works if it bound to a key
using it off the wheel will still do i need healing i believe
it really should just be its own line because its damn handy
What's with Mercy mains? There are so many people that exclusively play mercy for 400 hours and never touch anyone else, and I never see this with any other character, not even the other healers
On top of that they always act so entitled and expect everyone to make the entire strategy revolve around how to best serve and protect them
You are now aware that if gengu spams "need healing" you can point in his direction and tap X to spam "Come to me for healing fuckface"