What went wrong
What went wrong
Dividing the game into 3 separate campaigns, i know at least 5 people who wanted to buy only the limited edition but it was out of stock really fast so they dropped the idea of playing the game at all.
charging you full price for 1/3rd of a game, and lame plot-twist dragon.
Wait, this is all they sold?
Then why is nintendo on such a fire emblem-centric tear?
Each sold more than every previous FE combined, in case you didn't know.
The localisation.
Because they're cheaper to develop profit. Awakening only needed 150,000 to be profitable. Fates was profitable because of the whole splitting of games.
It's the first time the series has ever hit a stride this big.
censorship, content removal, prandering to SJWs, and garbage tier voice acting.
stop believing that normal people don't buy games because of sjw, censorship and content removal.
tokyo mirage sessions #fe
what ?
#FE got censored quite a bit, leading to a spectacular flop of only 25k sales in Japan (because even the JP version got some censorship). The US/EU version had a metric fuckton of censorship too.
And it sold 100k in NA. What's your point?
>horrible sales in your primary market
>not a bad thing
Lack of inventory and piracy became rapant.
That is now starting to become the case
Before it was not
Atlus doesn't have one primary market anymore
but that was a fan service game. Obiously people will be upset of censoring.
But FE is not, or at least not too much.
I would have bought Fates if the censorship and meme translation didn't exist.
You could play the fan translation, I guess. It's nearly done in regards to supports. The main story is done, 100% of female/female supports are done, 55% of male/female supports are done, and ~15% of male/male supports are done.
They claim everything will be 100% done "soon".
You can always buy a JP copy and apply the machine translation on it
>prandering to SJWs
where? I get treehouses' bullshit but I don't even think SJWs would care about what they censored, it's just treehouse being treehouse doing needless shit to inflate their bill for "localization"
Nobody wanted #FE, it was doomed since its reveal.
Awakening had a shitton more advertising and promo sales and was pushed as a killer app when the 3DS was gaining momentum.
Still, 1.1 million is hardly humbling, given that other entries in the series would kill for those numbers.
>it's just treehouse being treehouse doing needless shit to inflate their bill for "localization"
So Nintendo localizes a game and goes above and beyond so that they can give themselves more money?
My brother and I each bought a copy if Fates but have put more hours in Heroes than either 3DS game
What did Nintendo mean by this?
>What went wrong
Conquest chapter 20, that's what.
That was one fuck huge difficulty spike
Nothing more than outing yourselves as casual fags.
Is this your first experience with departmental bullshit? Companies do this kind of thing all the time, ie "we need higher budget because of all these things we have to do"
NoA jewery of trying to sell one game as two.
Awful localization went wrong for both games, confusing marketing went wrong with Fates.
More like a stupid gimmick spike, the wind shit was inconsistent.
>the wind shit was inconsistent
I remember there being a set pattern.
Are we seriously going with this again? first of all it sold 70k in Japan. 25k was first week sales.
Second, the game was meant to sell songs and idol merch, which it did. It was irrelevant for it to sell 80k or 100k, it didn't matter because the game exists because of Avex, Japan's biggest label making a game about idols. Concerts were filled, karaoke's were filled and merch was sold, that's what they were after.
You don't understand the Japanese market for idol stuff right? Jesus you're annoying
I've played more hardcore games than you, kiddo
fucking this. had the chance to preorder it and I regret it. didn't stop my brother from buying all 3 though
5 tiles my ass, plus enemies were not affected by it ,unless you use the gimmick tiles.
>people blame Treehouse for Fates failed sales compared to Awakening
>not blaming Intelligent Systems for splitting up the games like massive Jews
How about we go after the real issue. I don't give fuck about Treehouse being amateurs, what do give fuck about is spending $80 for a fucking 3DS game that's even worst than Awakening in every front aside from gameplay and even that is sort of a botch
I don't see it as a failure since it made back a lot of its money, but they should avoid splitting the game like that since it makes consumers confused, especially in the age of dlc and stuff. The most that you could do is pull a Pokémon/MMBN/digimon dusk/dawn where the games are very similar but have a few noticible changes.
"Unintelligent Systems"
Which is hilarious because 8-4 did Awakening's localization and they didn't fuck it up as hard as Fates did and actually hired experienced talent instead of amateur voice actors and singers.
Fucking Aqua is a mediocre singer which is shit in my book