What are some GOOD multiplayer games with an adult/mature player-base?

What are some GOOD multiplayer games with an adult/mature player-base?

I'm 28 (almost 29) and I certainly don't have the time or patience to deal with 16 year old hormone-filled teenagers and other kind of kids typically found on daycare-multiplayer games like LoL,Overwatch,CSGO etc.

Any other old anons feel the same?

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Dont aim for the most mature fan base.
Play with someone at your age.

The problem I have with this is most of the adults are really bad at videogames. My playstyle has always been supportish, help someone win harder and still is. The only time I dont play the way I want is when they are all really really unskilled to the point where I cant rely on them.

I lose either way. Can't help you.


GTA5 :^)

Stay away from extremely popular and overrated shit. That's really your only chance. CSGO has hundreds of thousands of players and 90%+ of them are underage third worlders.

Aren't you a little bit old to be playing video games?

Counter-Strike 1.6
Day of Defeat
Day of Defeat source

Rocket League seems more mature than most but I'm sure I'll get contradicted.

>The problem I have with this is most of the adults are really bad at videogames

What about adults who grew up playing video games and they're in their mids 30's now?

>infested with japs
>9/10 games you will have one or more people doing literally nothing (squid parties)
>the rest of the playerbase are tryhards that abuse chargers


>Aren't you a little bit old to be playing video games?
>Too old for playing video games


video games are for children, op.

Yes you are, fuck off grandpa.


almost at 52 hours and i haven't seen any ragers or immature people.

underrated game.

it's filled with assholes. the higher rank they are, the less mature they get.

>losing to chargers

It's really easy to kill them if you play defensively, cutting off their movement and by having them waste their shot

If you are getting rekt by chargers then you really need to learn how to approach them or you just have really bad luck with running into godly charger players. I almost always walk on them, but ever once in a while I cross paths with some asshole that destroys me with the charger.

This, Insurgency, and Siege. People are very adult and friendly which is awesome.

But it has squids.

they're just not fun to play against

it's like getting endlessly kited in an MMO

>chargers are getting buffed in splat2
what the FUCK are they thinking

MechWarrior Online is pretty much mostly middle aged men which I'm not sure is any better when the chat is nothing but dad jokes.

Lots of old geezers in Dota.

>16 year old hormone-filled teenagers

What's wrong with them? I was one not too long ago.

Project Reality is the game you're looking for and it's 100% free.

What's the age demographic for Dark Souls?

any hardcore P2W MMORPG

they're full of 50-70 year old people

Just play whatever the fuck you want, if you are worried about children in your games then you need to grow the fuck up.

I want to play video games, not babysit.

t. that retard who always goes lone wolf and never responds to any voice chat because they have it disabled since burying your head in the sand is "growing up"

>i haven't seen inmature people
>theres all the cast of death note

lol wut

Ragnarok Online

90% of the time it's great but you do get some cunts. Also things get noticeably worse once kids get home from school.

100% Orange Juice. I'm serious.


they were japs doing some bizarre themed queue thing.

no fucking clue.

99% mic users are disableb and under 18 so keeping mic off is only way to enjoy the game

fucking lonely losers

Not him but just dont talk to them. Turn off the chat or something. Or play single player games. Thats what I do

I'm 28 and I'd put myself in that category. It's about having the right attitude or mindset. Most people that age just want to play they do not care about trying or winning.

LOTRO. Full of 50something+ people.

>playing games when pushing 30
you get what you deserve.

200 hours in CSGO & can confirm as truth

Quake 1

Was going to say this but unless you're at a high enough mmr you'll be playing with gibbering peruvians


I dunno man, I was cooperative and not annoying or angry at all as a teenager.

Nothing wrong with not wanting to shit talk to babbys. Unless its 100% required to use mic people can do whatever the fuck they want.

I shove my mic up my ass.

Mate you dont play online games to socialize, if you want to do that play with friends

>Day of Defeat: Source

Good game, good community. Insurgency also doesn't have too many idiotic children.

OP is a bitchmade loser

nut up and make fun of kids. they hate it when you make fun of their crackly voices

Any unreal tournament

>lmao pwnd. u mad?
>No, I'm dad.
I'd be fine with it.

Are you retarded? 80% of the time they'll either be some kid who was no idea how to play or some afk on your team just the moment you're facing a team of try hard japs
It's a fine game, but you're seriously mentally incapacitated if you think this has anywhere near a majority adult playerbase.

I'm 28 not 50, you retards, I don't want to deal with kids but I don't want with grandpas either.

Past 25 you are old bread, go away.


shut up underage

>One more month of being relevant
Oh boy!

Shut the fuck up, grandpa.

But old people are the greatest. They are full of knowledge and wisdom.

Any RTS :^)

No, they are mouths that need to be fed and don't provide any service to society.

play quake live, bunch of old fogies that all know each other and is a lot of fun. servers recently started adding garbage like third party sounds and shit, most let you turn them off by typing !sounds in chat if you don't like it

>photo of the fridge
hehe mild banter is the best kind.

>when you get older you can't do anything fun


Any unreal tournament

My dad's 53 and has 2000 hours of payday 2 logged on a PC capable of running DOOM at 4K

Liberation servers on ARMA III, people who fuck around are usually kicked out of squads or even the game if they go too far.

I remember when I was thinking like that, as a teen.
Then when I got around to making some money and working on my backlog of fun stuff I missed out on, bang, anhedonia and dystymia, I honestly don't care anymore, I want to never wake up.

If you didn't live a fulfilling life by the time you're 20, even having fun will feel like a chore.

No, not really.
I was a neet, got fit, joined the army, and next year i'll be doing tryouts for spec ops.
It's pretty entertaining, plus if you are suicidal you get the chance to die and not make your parents wonder if it was their fault that you died.

This is true for things like league of legends as well. (Which is a shit game don't play it)
When I was climbing the rankings like a faggot, there was a very clear difference in the quality of games during spring breaks, weekends or usual kids are home from school timelines. The best times to climb were early in the morning when they were sleeping.

I wish I could enlist.
I really do, but over here the army is basically only for the select few.
I got into Maritime Transport and at least during contracts on ships I feel like I'm not rotting away. Maybe one day I'll be able to be an armed security guard on those, that would be a nice turn of events.

Literally Jim and Dwight

>over here the army is basically only for the select few.
Why, where are you from?

Why haven't you grown out of multiplayer games yet, or stick to small, tight-knit group of friends you can actually stomach playing with?

You did spend at least some of those 28 years building up a tight-knit group of friends, didn't you?

I'm 32 and still playing, feels like I'm 18 except that I'm making shit ton of money

Every game I've played I've met with either children or man children. I thought sims would deter them, but that turned out to be even worse.

I just accept that unless I want to reach out and find groups that have age requirements and doesn't allow autism, I'm going to have to play with kids. I just mute or ignore any shitters.

Poland, once the conscription was over every position is taken, I'd have to go to a officer's academy which I was too dumb for to be able to enlist.
They're aiming for creating some sort of National Guard now, so I'm looking forward to that.

is that a touhou reference?

What about GROM?

>tfw girlfriends period is late

Those are SF, you have to pass a selection, and you already need to be balls deep in armed forces for that.
Plus I've got a slightly weak eyesight, I'm pretty sure they have enough candidates to scratch sub-humans right off the list.

Shit, Tyrone couldn't have waited for another week, I guess?
Make sure to tell him so he at least has some time to pack before he skips town.
Congratulations man.

Look it up, I don't think you are requiered to have any previous military experience.
And modern eyesight surgery is valid for spec ops.
Older one wasn't since after 10 years your eyesight went back to being shit, but the latest ones are permanent.

This was a great game. Any good servers? I just know about this newer one with like 200 players and most likely 100 of them are merchant or afk alchs.

I miss dofus, wakfu, diablo 2 and wc3.
SC was alright.

Well, I guess it won't hurt.
I'll see how my maritime career will play off, times are rough so I wouldn't mind selling my ass to government and getting a gun in return.

if you have money and nothing better to do

or you can try nova ro

I don't feel like playing on .5 server iron unless they changed it.

What's nova's rates and player amount?

Definatly, spec ops life is not for everyone, and the tryouts are really intensive.

I've given up on trying to enjoy multiplayer games. If I want a social experience, I'll just play board games with IRL friends.

Work on that backlog of single-player games you've been neglecting, user.

>playing multiplayer games at all

I know LoL is hated, but if you're not complete trash and get higher than plat, the community isn't that bad. You stop dealing with kids and instead deal with severely autistic adults.

Best time to play is in the mornings when you'll get paired up with college students/neets since the kids are at school.

Club Penguin

>Work on that backlog of single-player games
This. I finally gave Dark Souls a try expecting it to be overrated tryhard crap and it's actually legitimately amazing. I beat DS1 and have been working on DS2 which is still great despite Souls fans always bashing it.

Osrs, plenty of people my age (28) and the pvp is just the best risk vs reward.


Red orchestra 1 or 2 / rising storm

I think the main thing that turns me off from MOBAs is the extent of the metagaming. I don't want to have to memorize all these builds and items and what order I have to buy them in to even be competitive before I even start up the game.

Surprisingly L4D2, havent run into a minor in a very long time...