Mass Effect

What's the best Shep background?

And best Shep psychological profile?


Sole Survivor

Colonist and Ruthless

Make for a great origin story.

It doesn't matter after 1 anyway.


Spacer / War Hero. You love your mom, don't you?

It's purpose in 1 was to give special quest and give Paragon/Renegade bonus on what you pick

Its purpose in ME2 and ME3 is for one or two throwaway lines

I've done that play through too many times. Need to mix it up a bit.


The one where you kill as many batarians as possible

Colonist and War Hero.

What's wrong with batarians?

>entire race of galactic slavers and pirates murdering and torturing merchants and travelers
>"what's wrong with them?"

Muh nigga




paragon babbies are betas

Earthborn and Sole Survivor are probably the two weakest of their options.

Big choice is between War Hero and Ruthless for best psych.

Earthborn + Sole Survivor makes for the most interesting character

I agree in principle but Bioware couldn't write Renegade for shit and their morality scales are always terrible. Being a goody two-shoes is way too effective and has literally no downsides.

default + renegade

sure if you enjoy roleplaying as a beta cuck.

Kill al whites tbqh

I went Spacer / Ruthless in my latest run.

I went Space last playthrough.

Should I go with Colonist or Earthborn this time?

people like you have stripped all meaning out of those words. they've become a parody.

Have fun with the subpar outcomes of your choices.

It's a Bioware universe m8. Shoulda cucked to succeed.


>implying renegade choices dont have the best outcome

>best Shep psychological profile?

They really don't. Paragon let's you save pretty much everything and everyone with almost no collateral damage.
>rachni turn out to be harmless despite supposed huge risk of releasing queen
>shiala is trustworthy and saving colonists is just as trivial as killing them

There's no reason to go renegade other than for humor, which is honestly unrealistic and Bioware games are idealistic as fuck.

Driving around the Mako in vast empty landscapes and red/yellow/purple skies going from enemy base to mission made me understand the meaning of comfyness

Colonist + Sole Survivor

Glad I'm not the only one who didn't hate the planet exploration.
>driving around on frozen worlds so cold that you can't leave the Mako for long
>looking for lonely bases hidden away in the mountains
>giant fucking stars in the sky with pretty flowing plasma surfaces

I couldn't get into Sole Survivor.

Your claim to fame is a space worm ate your dudes?

Ayy Lmao Shep If only