Horizon:Zero Dawn (1080p 60fps)

Is this basically Zelda for Adults ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Broms scene


Someone explain this meme to me


Far Cry with robots and lasers

I guess a big benefit over those games though is there isn't just one town to act as a hub.

I have a legitimate question. Why does ninty get shit on with
>"muh ninty games should be 3rd party! They're being wasted on a shit console!"

Why does Sony get a free pass when it comes to the fact that their first party games sell like shit? Blopdborne, arguably the ps4's only killer app sold like absolute dog shit. What are ps4 ownwes buying then? I feel like Blooborne is being held back and should be a multiplat.

Horizon will undoubtedly also sell like shit. Sony needs to go 3rd party.

>What are ps4 ownwes buying then?
Multiplats like codshit and FIFA.

>killer app
PS4 owners are getting their money's worth with CoD, FIFA, AssCreed, Battlefield, NBA, etc.
If you take a look at the PS4's best selling you will see all yearly versions of CoD and FIFA are in the top 10.
Just accept you aren't the target audience and move on.

Its closer to farcry primal than zelda..

its 30 FPS

Horizon is like Zelda but without the fun.

>Its another falseflag thread

Is this what Sup Forums has become?, we just bait each other until someone take the bait and then laugh at him for being retarded?

Because sonyggers are organized via neogaf and n4g.
Nintendo doesn't have a hate based website where they can congregate

this is why scorpio will kill sony.

by claiming the most powerful multiplats. That's really all that matters to console casuals. Not jap games that barely sell.

Its literally "what if zelda was a girl?", the game.

What is the target audience then?

Guerrilla probably saw the whole female link debacle and decided to make a few easy bucks

People who like OW

>This delusional Soulsfaggot who still thinks Bloodborne is the “killer app”

The real answer is [Insert Naughty Dog game here]

Uncharted 4 was on about 9 million at around Christmas and even the remasters of Uncharted and TLOU sold a shit tonne

More like monster hunter for kids

I still wonder why Ubisoft decided to make the next far cry game third person.

People who think CoD, FIFA, Battlefield, NBA and 2K are the bestest thing ever

The draw if sony consoles are multiplats, since they are "main platforms". Multiplats not counting as games is literally a Sup Forums only meme. Sony doesn't get as much shit because they make hardware for EVERYONE, where as nintendo makes hardware for nintendo, and if you are a third party dev you will work around nintendos gimmicks or it's fuck you.

>Zelda for Adults
More like Zelda for kids since no kid today would play Zelda because it doesn't look "cool".

Horizon QA here. It is fun, but nothing remotely like Zelda.

I wrote literally 10+ bugs about how bad this scene was and it still sucks dick. One of the bugs was 'This quest should be removed from the game'. THEY SHOULD HAVE LISTENED, NOW THEY HAVE A FILTHY MEME ON THEIR HANDS.

Real talk about Horizon: The combat is fucking fun and the plot is interesting, everything else... is B- at best, okay enough to not get in the way of the killing robots and story.

What are you talking about?

That was at e3 and Horizon was announced a whole year before that. Not to mention it's been in development for like 4 or 5 years

>Robot Dinosaurs

I swear, Sup Forums sometimes..

Finally a Zelda game for strong independent women

>Sony doesn't get as much shit because they make hardware for EVERYONE
Being this delusional.
Naughty Dog had to hold a presentation to other devs to explain how to make a game for the clusterfuck that was ps3 architecture,

how could anyone even make that comparison? are you fucking 12? its closer to mass effect more than anything. it almost looks like a rip off its that bad.

>Farcry Primal: Period Dragon
>For adults
Adults don't need that much tutorial talking from the MC to know that you should crouch when hiding.

Horizon: Zero Buy will be long forgotten when GOTY 2017 gets crowned.

Can you touch upin the animation work (besides the brom scene). I've seen people praisingbthe animations. I saw one last night that blew me away. It started snowing randomly, and Alloy looks up and rubbed the snow flakes on her face. It wasn't mentioned by the guy playing because he was just running around and its a blink and you'll miss it little scene but I loved it. Anymore nice touches like that?

>for adults
you´ll be in the same line as five year olds, buying whatever cartoon adventure they saw on TV


Im sorry we're discussing ps4 you fucking retard. Your post literally refutes nothing I posted.

Daily reminder that despite 24/7 presence of at least 10 HorizonZD threads on Sup Forums at any given time Guerillias super exclusive preview stream couldn't get over 2000 viewers

If you've never played a Far Cry after and including 3, sure. Also the combat animations (like all the animations in this insipid mess) are absolute tripe.

>make blantket statement
>get btfo with a contradicting fact
>cry and move goalpost

delete your account

I think TLOU sold like over 10 million for both the remaster and the PS3 game.

>Fps and tps play the same
>animations suck

Thats hiw I can tell you are just memeing off the brom video. Animations are being praised by anyone who actually played the game.

Or I have an Amazon account like the adult I am.

Zelda for nu-males.

I wonder how pissed normies will be when the play this ultra left wing shitfest.

>game with less game option is somehow "for adults"

Zelda is literally the poster franchise or numales and gamur grills

Sure. Aloy has a bunch of idle animations depending on the weather / health / elemental effects on her. She catches snowflakes, tests for the wind, holds her hand out and looks up and comments before it starts raining, shakes her legs after walking through water, bounces on her heels when near music, etc etc. In some scenes the facial animations are really excellent, too. The Brom/Olara scene is fucking awful, and there are a few other bad ones, but it is a pretty nice looking game over all.

I wouldn't get your hopes up too much about the animation, though, it's good, but nothing special, really.

YOU are the one who literally moved the goalpost retard. We were LITERALLY discussing ps4 and you went off topic on ps3. The only one getting BTFO is you by needing to go off topic making an argument nobody was talking about. Stay mad toddler. Enjoy paying 360.00 plus tip for this.


No, this is this.

If normies love Zelda, then isn't the Zelda for adults just Zelda?

I honestly can't tell the difference between falseflaggers and actual retards anymore, hold me Sup Forums


yeah you got amazon good job honey

who´s a big boy? you are :)

This thread is hereby dead because i have posted.

That all sounds awesome. Especially the music bit. Anything that makes the character seem alive is super immersive.

Lonely Sup Forumsirgins need conflict in their lives.

Combat versus people is vaguely similar to Far-Cry, I guess. But I'm talking about fighting the robots, which is a blast, and I don't remember anything like it from the Far Cry series. This is the guy you were responding to, btw. I've been playing it for 8 hours a day and the combat is fun.

more dead than your sex life? :^)

Because nobody really wants to play their exclusives. Seriously, aside from Nioh, which other game look as fun as Zelda? There's Diva and Persona too, ok, but in the end you don't have a reason to buy a PS4 just for them, unless you're a Sony fan. As for Nintendo, people remember them but only with nostalgia, they wouldn't buy a WiiU either and the Switch might not be good too.

Maybe the point is: Most people there want to play these games but they don't live in murica so it's not cheap in their countries; Nintendo games are worth but Sony games are not.

more dead then ure mom

Here's a pro tip

Anyway Horizon thread that mentions Zelda or Nintendo is an obvious false flag

Any of those other Horizon threads that are “Why do you hate this game?” or “what do people see in this game?” are actual retards

No need to thank me

In what way is this Zelda

Looks more like a knock off Bioware game

Pretty much this. For most people, it's worse to miss out on shit like Zelda or Pokemon than something like Horizon or Bloodborne. Not talking about game quality at all here.

>I honestly can't tell the difference between falseflaggers and actual retards anymore

It's easy. They're the ones posting weebshit

>if you are a third party dev you will work around nintendos gimmicks or it's fuck you.
That must be why there's plenty of Wii U and 3DS games, both first and third party, that don't use any "gimmick" whatsoever.

shes alive so breddy 0/5 flamebait

only bitch faggots dont respect families

Zelda for teenagers

Zelda is for kids, kids are heart, nostalgiafags, and slightly nerdier normies.

Nu-males are more into modern bioware, undertale, and gone home. Nu-males/gamer gurlz will wear LoZ shirts but will have never played any other the games.

Explain the GC

Aloy is kind of a serious, sassy killer. We joked a lot about how she has maybe one sincere non-sneering laugh in the whole game (when she gets her first Strider, be ready to savor it). But every once in a while when you get hit a critical area she has this super quiet little low-key giggle that is just perfect. Especially because you very quickly become a big-fucking-deal in Horizon world.

I don't have a PS4, but I'm going to have an Ultra-Hard marathon with my friends when I get my QA copy.

People who say Horizon is anything like Zelda are complete retards.

Pls don't lie, the combat is stale as fug.

more like zelda for edgy 12yr olds who are too mature for kiddie graphics and get nightmares without their daily dose of realistic blood and gore

>this is why scorpio will kill sony.
>by claiming the most powerful multiplats. That's really all that matters to console casuals. Not jap games that barely sell.

Holy shit, Scorpio is going to obliterate Sony. And not many will see it coming. Makes me happy tbqh, Xbros are fun to be around with, Sonyggers aren't.

>moving the goalposts with handhelds
>bringing a dead and failed console

Can toddlers not stay on topic at all? It's like talking to litetal children.

>Oh yeah, well twizzlers are better than redvines!


It's Zelda for kids who think they're mature.

Gamecube had a shitty weird disc format and a weird looking controller. It was not a "normal" console like everyone memes.

Meanwhile, everyone else conformed to dvds and had normal controllers.

By the time the Scorpio comes out, the generation will be half way over and PS4 will have still twice the numbers of Xbone. The Scorpio will literally have to flip the table to finish in the same place as PS4. For it to "obliterate Sony" they'd have to sell at something like a 10/1 ratio and have Sony be very far behind which face it, it won't be due to how expensive the Scorpio will be.

I tried to make a webm from the stream

Oh cool you played it?

they could just treat it as a next gen console and have trump ban all japanese imports lol

What is it with these manchildren?

>Weird looking controller
Is that all you could come up with

Robos running into each other, all i got

I've seen the streams and gameplay all the fighting looks like fun, really fast paced but still difficult.

New best open world real time lighting i think.

Jesus christ even the mountains in the far distance has super high quality lighting.

>Try to make a Horizon thread
>Accussations of shilling, falseflagging, shitposting galore, blatant lies posted as truth all to negate the fact that this might actually be a fun game
>Meanwhile there are literally 8 BOTW threads filled with shills in the catalog.

Its basically what those too poor to afford a Switch turn to in a desperate bid to sate a hunger that only Zelda can fulfill.

I know it's just photo mode but that's fucking amazing

Grow up faggot

In what sense? It seems relatively unique and whether it is unique or not doesn't really have any bearing on how fun it is. I don't think you want to be convinced otherwise.

>See a bunch of giant robot crocs sunning themselves by a stream.
>Throw down an electric trap or two.
>Load up several arrows and blast off the armor plating over as many of their gas tanks ("blaze canisters") as possible while they are advancing (and the snapmaws can leap a fucking mile)
>When they hit the electrical traps and are stunned, run in with fire arrows and shoot all the gas tanks so they go off one after the other, killing the whole pack.


>trying to downplay the relevance of the controller and disc format

Ok you're done timmy.

1 more thing, the game is beautiful

>Far Cry Primal with robots

and with that by default also
>Not a real RPG
>Not a real open world
>Story will be shit

Even your bingo pic seems to subconciously admit that it looks like an Ubisoft game

>Implying people actually give a shit about discs and what the controller looks like

>Manchild who plays kiddy shit and labels anything that isn't kiddyshit as edgy ir whatever telling me to grow up

O I am laffin

Devs do retard. And the gc controller was literal shit. Stop memeing that it was good.

Nah, no open world game can compete with Arma 3 when it comes to lighting.

it's 30 fps even on Pro

The thing is the game looks exactly like this during combat and everything, just depends on the time and place, it's a VERY VERY high quality product. Especially for a console exclusive.

>We're game devs
>gc controller was shit
Opinion Discarded


Do you have a night time webm?