Feeling lonely Sup Forums

Feeling lonely Sup Forums

Best games to play when feeling alone?

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caress your meat stick

have a wank and feel free again, user


I did earlier in the shower and it didn't help


Animal Crossing

Go for a walk

Dragon's Dogma. You'll wish you were alone again after a while though.

And then what?
I get robbed by a nigger?
I get hit by a drunk driver?
I fake smile at a woman and she has me arrested for rape?
No thank you

leave Sup Forums if it affects your reality that much

Six bullet Russian roulette

this is what happen when you have too much Sup Forums in one day

Does gta 5 have the best rain physics in vidya?

>this is an actual thing you have to consider when you live in [name of the country you live in]
Boy, I sure am glad I live in [the country I live in].

Christ almighty, what is wrong with America? I live in a country that is literally only known for terrorism and even I feel entirely comfortable going for a walk at 3am

Like pottery.

Saboteur was pretty great

you be neurotic

The rain generally looks amazing but there are a few details that annoys me, the major one being that puddles form on slopes. Also, no rain drops on car windows. Still, yeah it probably is the best looking rain in any game.

I liked the rain in MGS 5 on PC. With it on max, it looked pretty damn good and sneaking into a base at night in a thunderstorm was fucking cool.

If you're not kidding, videogames are not the answer right now, start by going to your backyard and have the sun hit your eyes or something.


Come lay dead frontier with me user.
>but it is shit
Yeah but at least you see some other lonely fucks playing in multiplayer and they troll you too, so it is like 3d Sup Forums

Video games on increase your isolation and lonliness. Seriously, put the games down and do something else. Get help if you need to ,and I mean of the medical variety. Or, if you really can't put down the games for whatever fucking reason, I don't know, try a multiplayer game and connecting with people that way. It's shallow and short lived, but at least you'll have some sort of human interaction and think about actually killing yourself.

*and not think about

I once put the games down and interacted with people more. Then I remembered why I hate people, because they are all shit. So back to videogames I go.

This pretty much my famicom


People made those video games though.

If that doesn't activate your almonds, I don't know what will.

>but at least you'll have some sort of human interaction and think about actually killing yourself.
>think about actually killing yourself.

I don't have to see their faces nor talk to them while playing, user.
Single player for me.

Okay. Well I can respect that you're introverted and don't feel like interacting with people, but to say you "hate" people clearly is a sign that you are just generalizing people after what a small portion of individuals have done to you. It's not like that and you know it. There are plenty of people out there who are cool and will talk to you about vidya and shit. You just gotta make the effort. If you like your peace and quiet, that's fine, but you can't have it both ways dude.


lolno ;_;

Humans are social creatures, don't deny yourself a basic human instinct.

is your name important

Surely five-bullet Russian Roulette would be even better. If you have the luck to survive that, then you get the rush of having survived the experience and can basically bullshit your way into anything you want with luck.

I am schizophrenic. Yes properly diagnosed by shrink and the meds work.

user, I think you overdosed on redpills

I wish it was raining but I think I'm gonna do that right now anyway

Sleeping Dogs


You're making this shithole your reality. Just unplug your computer, cancel your internet, and smash your phone with a hammer.

Start lifting weights, you'll thank me for it.


Oh I'm sorry to hear that, enjoy your vidya then m8 :)

The long dark mang, cozy and lonely

Silent Hill 2
SMT Nocturne
Hotline Miami

5 years ago maybe

I really, really like this image.

Lifting really does help. It's a long ass process if you want natural gains, but fuck is it rewarding. Way more confidence and people respect me more. Also, fuck, that image made me think.

Dude, [the country you live in] is full of [ethnic group]. It's not any better.

how to be propery alone, there are parts of this game you will probably not find any time soon.

I have a gun, but I'm getting mixed messages. If I want a quick death, should I be pointing it from my mouth upwards or from the side of my head?

Mouth and up.

How tall are you and what is the length of your penis in an erected status

Fuck lifting, rather train for self defense. Lifting won't make you bad ass, but being a self defense master will be actually practical in real life.

I heard that shooting where your spinal column meets your brain is the best place.

Think about how sad your mum will be first please.

If you can get a shotgun, that's much better.


Actually I just got done fucking anons mom. Blasted my nut right in her mouth. She said she wouldn't miss him and that he should pull the trigger. Best wishes!

It's not quick, it'd last for some agonizing minutes or longer, at worst you'll become a vegetable, don't do it user.

Well, I lift for my health and the personal satisfaction of reaching higher goals. I did take some boxing classes a few years ago and was great. Learned a thing or two. Can't argue with you there, but it doesn't really matter what you do at first, just do some sort of exercise.

In real fights, it is much more important to evade hits than to hit harder.


Deadly Premonition

Here's a motivational picture

I don't fucking know. but I am tall and fat
I've heard otherwise
She won't even know
No shotgun, sadly
Now this, this is the shit that has got me worried

mount and blade warband

Get on a high building then shoot yourself so you fall. That way you are almost 100% sure to not survive. Do 8 or more stores.

Jesus, you can't even figure out how to kill yourself properly. You really are useless.

Do this: youtube.com/watch?v=JsSRLQsk9lU

I wouldn't do this with a semi auto.
Slide could knock your teeth out.
And if you survive you want to have teeth, don't you?

did he shoot up from the point of his chin or something ?
>side of the headbois

Side of the head has the most damage potential, if you shoot in the front you may fucking survive.