It's been some years. Did Starbound ever amount to anything or is it still just a worse Terraria?

It's been some years. Did Starbound ever amount to anything or is it still just a worse Terraria?

Does it still run like ass?

It's boring

If you can get through the first couple of hours of nonsense, it's fun.

>play beta
>it's shit
>play day 1 release
>it's shit
>play years later, install mods and shit
>it still is shit but now I feel like fapping to snake girls

Having not played either starbound or terraria, what does terraria supposedly do better than starbound?

Be the first one released. If you havnt played either one then you could start with starbound and be happy

It is more about what starbound do worse than terraria, and the answer is everything but mod support.

That was very vague, so much it's not inconceivable you may not have played the games at all. I don't think I can trust your criticism.

Nice try chucklefuck, but your game still sucks balls.
At least I got it for free.

>opened the game today just so we couldnt see the actual time you last played it
fucking cuck.

Keep going and I'm sure chink moot will give you a medal for your effort, chucklesucker.

What does Terraria do better, though?

Please be precise.

Am I incorrect, chuckslut? I think not, I am also not the person you replied to, you are simply a cuck.

Terraria have consistent biomes that don't feel repetitive compared to other regions.
Terraria's itemization is far more divers and isn't simply categorized by tiers.
Terraria rewards players for being creative in the terrain in combat.
Terraria's characters don't have these ugly ass one-pixel-eye faces.
Terraria isn't full of good ideas that went to trash because the devs are too lazy to implement them.
You don't need mods to be able to enjoy Terraria.

>Terraria's itemization is far more divers and isn't simply categorized by tiers.

Actually Starbound is one of the best games ever made.

FU or bust
Over 100 hours in by this point (takin it slow and doing some building)
No end in sight for me yet. And still a lot of things I didn't start on yet (with mods of course, vanilla SB is a barren shitpile)

>tries to cherrypick
>takes a screenshot of something that shows how diverse the game is: Trees from different biomes can be used to create visually different items
I will fap to some 2D monster girls now (stupid hdoomguy mod, the only good thing about this shitty game), but I will give you a tip for your next attempt of shitpost: take screenshots of the iron/silver/gold gear, maybe use the archive to get the old version of them. This way you probably will get more (you)s.


It's almost like having different armor sets doesn't equate to having tiers

>Items are literally better than others, giving higher buffs in all the stats they share.
>But they are visually different, therefore there are no tiers... or something
