Who hype for the unexpected goty contender 2017?
Sony ponies BTFO yet because it's a multiplat and will most likely hit 4K/60fps on pc?
Who hype for the unexpected goty contender 2017?
Sony ponies BTFO yet because it's a multiplat and will most likely hit 4K/60fps on pc?
Other urls found in this thread:
>lords of the fallen devs
No sir I don't like that at all
I'd take bloodborne locked at 720p 30fps rather than anything coming out of LotF devs
no thanks
I look forward to playing this on my ps4 after i get it "free" from ps plus
> m.ign.com
Doesn't sound half bad. Fromdrones will shitpost this thread to hell, though.
All (You) :^)
IP count says otherwise LotF shill
should have been a bionicle game desu
> implying in can't be spoofed
New here?
You have that powerful gaming computer yet can't even save a picture properly.
i saw footage of this and it looks like shit
if squadron 42 releases this year that's your goty. who knows, though
>wasting the time resetting your router/VPN to make those posts
Literally who would do that
I wish I could save images at all but I'm stuck with a piss stain station four.
Nothing special. I have better games in my backlog. Maybe i'll try it if it succeeds.
You're average Sup Forumsirgin.
actually does strike me as a shill thread
people i know who are huge soulsfags saw footage of this and said it looked awful
people i know who don't like souls saw footage and said it looked awful
gonna flop
From made a lot of turds before they made the souls series.
Developers improve over time.
what if i judged Souls before i even played it based on Froms older titles.
Of course it's a shill thread.
It's probably even the exact same guy that was endlessly shilling for Deck13's previous game, Lords of the Fallen, here.
looks less interesting like LOTF and LOTF wasn't even worth a pirate. Shill pls
stfu polish retarded shill
How about you spend less time shilling ur trash game on Sup Forums and spend some more time creating fun combat? LOTF was average at best.
I don't like the Souls series, so I don't really care how you judge it.
I'm just saying, I watched gameplay video of this game and it looks like pure, concentrated fucking AIDS.
I don't want AIDS.
I don't trust them to make anything worthwhile. I'm judging them on their last project. They have to actually make something good before I consider buying their future games
WHEN IS VEGA or 1080 ti OUT?
this game looks like hot trash. i feel sorry for you if you spend money on it.
that game looks like garbage
Looks like console trash.