Why aren't you playing the FF7 Remake prologue?

Why aren't you playing the FF7 Remake prologue?

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It's like you don't want to Omnislash the shit out of ShinRa.

Because Mobius is shit.
It was shit on mobile, and it is shit again on PC. SE never made a good gashapon game, anyway.

>Mobius is shit
Except it's literally the only non-shit "gacha" game, at least the western version, considering it has basically almost no gacha whatsoever and what gacha is there has no duplicates.

the fuck is this

Mobius Final Fantasy, came out on Steam yesterday, has FF7 Remake prologue launch event.

This is probably how FF7R will look after downgrades, no way that the 2015 trailer will run on PS4

But the 2015 trailer looks genuinely worse than FF15/on par with it so I don't see why wouldn't it. The only difference will of course be lack of antialiasing on non-Pro PS4 same as FF15.

who the fuck is that faggot? how many more new dipshit characters are they gonna add?

That's Mobius' protagonist. Mobius has its own storyline and is unrelated to FF7, they simply made FF7Remake event inside of Mobius and it's a time limited event until April 1, after that they're removing it from the game.

what the fuck is this shit

>it's that shitty mobile game



Dat Midgar tho

cool tattoos

>Mobius Final Fantasy
>look it up
>its one of those watch a bunch of bullshit attacks and attack a boss that maybe does something mobile games
>run a bit with a goofy animation and do the same thing again and fight a boss at the end

These are like the most cancerous mobage

Are you retarded? This literally plays like Lightning Returns just instead of ATB it's strictly turn based and with 2 Paradigms instead of 4.


Dem FF7 monsters in HD, also Sephiroth fight

Its the same concept as Puzzles and dragons and destiny child you don't have to play this shit to see the difference there is like a bunch of shitty phone games like these its just FF has that squeenix budget.

Except this one has no gacha you fucking retard.

>gacha game is not so shitty because there is little to no gacha involved
And yet Mobius is even by mobage standards (and they are stupid low). The grinding progression is babby-tier retarded and it never feels like you are getting anywhere. You literally just farm some stupid elemental currency all day long on the same fucking exploration stage using auto-combat and shitty cards that improve your income. Other than occasional events to farm stupid cards that are shit compared to gacha's fully upgraded ones (with very few exceptions), there is absolutely nothing else to do for your character, other than injecting money in the game to get more job cards faster to unlock more weapons and build your AI party for raid battles because other players are brain-dead retarded and can't understand basic concepts like turn order.
And If you want a grindfest without gacha involved, there is no reason to play any kind of gacha game at all. It is just incredible how Mobius manages to be more shallow and mediocre than fucking SE's Brave not-Frontier.

Paying for classes instead doesn't seem much better. Although I'll take that instead of being crippled without spending money. Anyway if you looked at my first post you'd see that I made no mention of gacha and the likes just the structure of these mindless tap screen-receive numbers battle number x/10 games.

For someone that calls someone a retard a lot you seem to be lacking in the comprehension department.

>Paying for classes instead doesn't seem much better.
But all Jobs are obtainable with summon tickets, the paywall was only for Legend Jobs and even those are no longer paywalled if Cloud is any indication.

Why does it look like it's using the FF13 system of mag stagger and phys attack? That's trash.

>that disgusting fuckboy face
This faglord manages to look even more gay than babyface Cloud. Hell, he even looks more like a girl than Lightning.

Because it is except instead of yellow gauge being taken down by mages exclusively is simply being taken down by any ability, with regular attacks then taking down the red gauge to stagger the enemy.

Game is full of XIII resources, and combat is basically LR but being more honest about it's lazy AI by using a turn-based format.
I guess SE loved how reusing resources worked so well for XIII-2 and LR, so they decided to do it again.

Mobile gaming really is the future huh? Of course Hoem consoles will never die along with the PC but Handhelds? pff this year is the last for them

Wait is the remake going to be coming to PC as well?

Yes. It was literally said during the E3

Multiplat confirmed from Day 1, yes.

>Cloud acts like a faggot and runs after Sephiroth while screaming like an autist
>gets his ass kicked
>still wins at the end by the power of friendship

Jesus fucking Christ. How many time do they want us to show the same shit over and over again

>nobody noticed that Sephiroth has new design in the remake based on Amano's artwork

Amano wings again.

Reminder that Kitase stated that Mobius FF on PC is using assets taken directly from the FF7 Remake.

That Cloud character model is the one used in the remake.

Note the belt and shoulderpads especially.
They dropped the original FF7/AC design for Sephiroth and are using Amano now.

No, Kitase said they're using the FF7R assets as base for Mobius, but they're appropriately downscaled for Mobius.
As in the polycount and texture resolution in the real thing will be higher, but the designs and such will be identical.

I am
