Horizon Zero Dawn Developer Videos

>"For many Horizon Zero Dawn is already shaping up to be a game of the year contender. The initial impressions are very positive , and it is believed that Sony is going to go all out to promote developer Guerrilla Games latest offering."

>"The last video showcases the design process that went into developing the perfect look for Aloy. What’s interesting here is that they needed to incorporate a look of a tough warrior , who just happens to leave her surroundings for the first time to combat a threat.

It was a difficult and long drawn out process which led to many different iterations of Aloy before they finally settled on the current one."



Getting kind of pumped here, Sup Forums. What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:


I honestly think the game looks like shit. The voice acting and animation are quite terrible, but that's not even the point. It looks like another bland open world game full of nothingness, where combat has no depth and the story is some wannabe dramatic hollywood movie.

Open world has become cancerous.

fuck off shill

>the design process that went into developing the perfect look for Aloy. What’s interesting here is that they needed to incorporate a look of a tough warrior , who just happens to leave her surroundings for the first time to combat a threat.

>I honestly think the game looks like shit.

Is it safe to say this is the most generic response to any new game on Sup Forums?

>and it is believed that Sony is going to go all out to promote developer Guerrilla Games latest offering
I don't think I've seen a single commercial advertising this game, except for a brief snippet in one of those incredibly cringey live action commercials where they some geeky kid in a costume running through battlefields. Considering the game's coming out in 3 weeks that sure doesn't seem like Sony's really pushing this one heavily.

What did they mean with this?


it's the greatest story ever

>A video game has a shit story

I thought story didn't matter? Is this the power of shitposting?

It matters for PS4 games, because story is the only thing they have. Horizon has nothing going for it.

yes, but its because this game is generic af

I think that the game will most likely be worth a play through despite what most of the angry NinteNEETs on Sup Forums say.

If you honestly think Sup Forums's general consensus is trustworthy, you
a) Have shit taste
b)Haven't been here long enough to realize that most people here don't actively play and follow video games, but would rather just shitpost about them

Ever get recommended a game on Sup Forums and learn it was shit? Ever hear a game was shit from Sup Forums and play it to find out it was pretty good? Yeah, me too.

k thanks

nice projection image

Game looks bad in terms of gameplay and features.

Notice all they talk about is the FEMALE protagonist and the visuals?

This is The Order 1866 again but just with less hype.

Wow you already played it? What's it like, user?

This game has so much artificial hype it's fucking sickening.

like this youtu.be/DUpPYvELLB8

>I honestly think the game looks like shit.

I concur.

It looks like yet another boring "AAA" open-world game. It's like everyone wants to be the next The Elder Scrolls with these large open worlds, but in the end they fail to make the game worlds interesting.

>woman is capable of killing robot dinosaurs
Yeah no. Fuck this kekhold garbage.

>10 seconds of zelda stuff we know about already
>internet goes wild

>3 videos of new stuff for HZN
>no one fucking cares

being guerilla is suffering

well its Zelda for adults. problem is most gaymers are kids.

This brand is really just a cult after all.

I'm really excited to play as a strong empowered womxn who don't need no man.

She is ugly and you should feel bad about making her that ugly.

The dinobots are decent but everything else was done before, extremely recently as that, with farcry primal, or the witcher. it's just a pine forest and vague mountains in a permanent autumn. whoop the fucking doo3

>a cutscene

I thought cutscenes weren't gameplay.

fuck off marketer, no one here cares