Post yfw The One Reborn was shat in front of you from the Blood Moon for the first time

Post yfw The One Reborn was shat in front of you from the Blood Moon for the first time.

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>mfw The One Reborn casts corpse rain




I was just relieved to be out of that awful, awful street.

>went back a few levels higher and with better gear
>still got destroyed

>yfw the Orphan of Kos crawls out of its parent's corpse.


Yahar'gul is an area that I force myself to do. So unnerving.



>Vapors coming off of its melted skin
Do great ones have acidic vaginas?


>yfw gehrman joins the hunt

I don't have any suitable reaction to intense R1 spam, was pretty disappointing.

> us...
>Ludwig the accursed is coming.
>have mercy...have mercy upon us.

The fight itself wasn't anything special but god damn his theme is the best in the game IMO.
>mfw the music kicks into high gear at 2:43


that crying sound went under my skin. you could hear how he exaled and it sounded so very human but then seeing his face creeped me out

The screeching sound it makes when you fight it is terrifying.


>Go to visit mom for her birthday
>She really wants me to go to her church service, say ok
>The minister introduces me, asks me to say a few words to the congregation
>panicking internally say "Lord grant us eyes, to cleanse us of our beastly idiocy, grant us eyes to have further insight to your divine purpose, lord grant us eyes on the inside"
>congregation says "amen"

I can never go back again

>yfe seeing the petrified corpses in Yahar'gul's streets.

did you AWOOOOO shortly after that?

>yfw seeing the corpses in the old hunter's dream






>mfw noticing that they react to your presence


>mfw backstabbing the maneater boar for the first time

Thats not Ebrietas, Ludwig, Living Failures or Maria.

By the way Ebrietas is my daughter, she's cute!

Eh. Beat it in one try. Easy boss. Like the Tower Knight but instead of fun it was just a 12 year old edgelord's shitty deviant art drawing

I'm going to fuck your daughter!

no she's my dinner

Ah Yahweh, or some say Jehovah



You can't stop me.

That took me longer than it should have

Is it a pun? I'm nit good with English pls hlep!!!

*stops you*

Wow that was easy.


user you're dumb.

Thanks for the Ebby images, famalam.

>yfw choir kicks in during gehrman's fight

I was playing the game blind.

I was incredibly unprepared.

are there people who don't play blind?

I came to the conclusion that she is somebody at From's waifu. There is no reason for a boss to be so fucking hard.
inb4 >hard
That shit took me weeks on and off.

>mfw when I finally managed to get her to 25% health and she just constantly started chaining lasers into charging

Post yfw this fucker went nuts. HER INSIDES ON THE OUTSIDE

I was expecting something due to his hatred. But he went batshit insane.

did anyone else get really uncomfortable from the sight of amygdalas

tfw he kills himself after that.


It's the fact that they were there the whole time which creeps me out.


Maybe you were under leveled. The only really hard move she has is the charge attack that requires two very precise dodges.
Her arcane dust that depletes health over time also it bullshit but everything else was pretty managable

I tried to bait out head slams and tentacle downward slams to stagger her and get in a visceral attack. Lightning and piercing attacks also shredded her.

She is definitely one of the harder bosses though.

pic rel

>The only really hard move she has is the charge attack that requires two very precise dodges
Yes, that was the problem. When I actually beat her last night, she didn't do the charge once. I don't think that is a coincidence. But wait

>charge attack that requires two very precise dodges
>two very precise dodges
Well fuck me. I guess that's where I was going wrong. I did dodge it a couple of times but that move is so frantic and deceptively fast I didn't really ever get a chance to see what I was doing right.

>playing blind
the fact that this has to be mentioned beforehand really is a sign of the endtimes

>yfw trying to do this shit at BL4

>mfw when I resurrected her and gave her some "blood dregs" as tribute

yeah one won't make it and she catch you during you vulnerable frames
the things is to get the direction right as the camera moves when locked on and thereby your movement

it's really tricky but once you find that sweet spot you will be able to pull it off reliably

Would you date a single mother?

sorry I sound drunk:

*A single dash wont make it since she will catch you during your vulnerable frames anyway. The tricky thing is that the camera moves as she charges oast you because of the lock on. that also influences the direction of your dash when you don't adjust the left stick.

Well, I'll be doing a full SKL character once I get through this current game so I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

Same lmoa


pls explain

t. stupid

>beat the one reborn on the first try on my first try on my first playthrough
>replaying it now i always get stuck and even killed with his vomit attacks

i'm getting old, Sup Forums. I know I don’t look it but I’m beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel thin… sort of stretched

>that one meaty skeleton pounding on the wall before ludwig still pathetically struggling to get away from the horror of it all
