It's that time again Sup Forums! Call out a name and tell them what game to play!

It's that time again Sup Forums! Call out a name and tell them what game to play!

Alex, go play some magicka

Jack, go play some deus ex


Connor, go play meme run

fuck, wtf man.. that's so random.. i-i don't want to play magicka.

You should go beat Dragon's Dogma, Adam.

Adam, play some Counter-Strike: Source.

Dongus, play some Sonic The Hedgehog

John, play MGS3

Jeremy play TF2
Dante Must Die: Scout only, kill only Spies

Tyler go play honey select with the volume all the way up and no headphones

Play Ape Escape, Tyrone.

Do a dragon's dogma bbi speedrun

do it


these thread are stupid, i'm european and no one is ever going to guess my name so what's the fucking point?

Im conflicted

Matthew play Final Fantasy Type 0 you shit

Same, except I'm not eurotrash, I just have a name no one will post

Came here to say this.

Mohammed go play euro truck

if you are conflicted on this one you are problably a faggot, m8

Guess my name and ill put a sharpie in my pooper

No one will say it and i wanna play a game
Me name's joseph, hit me

Terran, play Halo

My name is so European you'll never guess.
But alright, I'll play.
Jake, you're gonna play Hunie Cam Studio.

>tfw you are latino boludo
>tfw your name isn't stereotypical

Joseph, play Jet Set Radio

James, go play some Factorio.

Kim, go play Yandere Simulator.

Fred go play the last Stand 2 (flash game)


Pretty much yeah. Fuck off reddit.

Ishmael, go play The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth.

Michelle, go play some Mortal Kombat

Hello again, Sup Forums. It's been a while. It's me – the y-fag. Guess my name and you'll get a methaphorical cookie, and a game for me to play

Spiderman play Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee.

Ah shit. Guess i'll do a timer run then

>Name will never be called
>Nickname may be called but it's such a simple name, nobody will call it

I'm Italian. Given this information ,try guessing my name and tell me a game.

Also Nathan, go play some Street Fighter.

Bartosz, play Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom

Richard, go play the Witcher 3

Blue, go play Pokemon Blue

Adam, go play NFSU


Meatball go play mafia

Derek, play Metroid Prime

A trap who calls themselves sarah go play rust on a heavily populated public sever.

Honestly, anybody named Vladislav doesn't deserve to play video games. Nah m8, you're gonna watch every single cutscene in Metal Gear Solid 4.

>tfw your name is common enough that nobody thinks twice about it but rare enough that nobody picks it

Sam, go play Crysis

Peter, play some stalker soc you pussy ass nigga


Thomas, go play Diablo 2

David, go play Commandos

Hey Faggot, play Super Mario World

Michael, go play Dark Age of Camelot.

Bob go play mckids for nes

Andy, go play some Arcanum!

Looks like that's all of us

I'm not Adam but going to comply anyway

Chris, start up a campaign in Stronghold

Go play Dragon's Crown, Tom.

Jonne go play CS:GO

Zach, go play my summer car

Neil, go play some F.E.A.R

Is this game any good? I really don't have the time or patience for MMOs anymore. Especially F2P korean grindfests.

Lee, go play Path of Exile.
Actually try to fucking succeed this time, you worthless pile of trash.

Liam, go play THPS2

Igor, play some Sims 2

Harry, go replay Shadow of the Colossus, will ya?

Scott, play planescape torment

Patrick, play the resident evils

Brian go play runescape 3 and then realize how shit it is and play osrs

Tim, would you kindly play some Bioshock?

Rick, AOE2 is waiting

>name is almost spelled the same as a really common American name
>probably won't even play vidya is someone calls it
Try me. Pic related isn't a hint either.

Alfred, fire up that mario bros.

Todd? Play some Fallout New Vegas.

Jamal go get a job.

No my name is french but I'm an american

Guess you dont get to play video games today faggot

Paul, Ass creed 1

Truck, go play truck simulator

Pierre, fuck off to runescape

Still here, still waiting

fucking finally, i actually have really fond memories of asscreed 1, gotta replay dat

Ian, play serious sam BFE

Levi, go play some Bioshock 1


god damnit, but its so boring

John go play some bad rats

You! Yes, you! Go play Rollercoaster Tycoon


Nicholas, go play some Majora's Mask right fucking now.

Yancy, please go play some Battlefront 2

callum go play bad rats

Bill Wilson go play flight simulator

>Bill Wilson
>William Wilson
>William "Slade" Wilson

Clarence, Hitman Blood Money is waiting

Philip go play some world of warcraft

Donald, go play some Mass Effect Andromeda

Too much dialog thingy.