Admit it: You always tried for the area on the left

Admit it: You always tried for the area on the left.

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There's just no point in risking that shot. But yeah, I tried it a couple of times

maybe once or twice

the wind was always blowing like 4-5 MPH to the left or right so I didnt usually risk it

Which golf game is this? I spend hundreds of hours playing NES Open which had a course like this, but its obviously not that one.

wii sports golf

I KNOW I've played that game before... but the name eludes me.

it's wii sports

>he didnt play wii sports

I got on the area to the left.

Took me many many tries but I got it. Trick is to aim on the right corner and slightly twist your club to the left.

>He played Wii Sports to the point where he recognizes an otherwise indistinguishable golf HUD.


wii golf was the TITS, you jackass

Please don't condescend user, user.

This shot was easy as fuck though.

Yes, but not in that game.

On the 8th hole in "Golf" for the NES.

I played Wii Sports. But the golf was bad. I only played the bowling and baseball.

Also your image makes no sense in context.

You mean Wii golf was only for people with tits, you casual.

Who /fujigolfer/ here?

I think there is a course like this in Mario Golf for the GBA. Thats where I thought where the op was from.

best golf game right here

I did it all the time and it was ez af


This game is my fucking jam. No fucking music, just a low pitch hum and sometimes a quick boop for a wedge.

yooo I played a shit ton of NES golf. Good taste senpai


the context of the image is that wii sports was such a ubiquitous game that if you didnt play it then you're a huge faggot that deserves a paddlin

Man, it's been a while.

kek out loud

No, the context of the image is weeaboo. If a guy passed on playing a Japanese game, that's the opposite of weeaboo.

bowling > boxing > tennis > baseball > golf

>if you didn't play this casual shovelware to the point of remembering what the map -- which is identical to every other golf game -- looks like, you deserve to be physically assaulted.

Considering by the time we bothered playing this and finally reaching this hole, we we're drunk, yes.
>Inb4 drinking LMAO
If you played this sober you're an idiot

Mario Golf GBC has a similar hole too

Wii sports nigga
I heard some of the courses in wii sports were recycled from that nes game, i guess you can call it an homage or rehash or whatever

lurk more newfag

Why would anyone go for the round spot? You wouldn't save any hits

Cause noone gave a fuck

to show everyone how big your dick is

best golf game come see me

Real GOAT golfing game

Depending on the character you would.

That course has been in every golf game apparently. I played it on Windows 95 and thought that's what everyone was talking about until they mentioned Wii Sports.

Guilty as charged.

It annoys me how 3 hits would be the ideal number of hits for this course.

I really want Golf games to make it more likely to hit a hole from a full swing instead patting everytime because getting one in that way feels godlike.

>just flail around until the other person falls down

>tfw you realize every wii sports golf course was nicked from this game

thumb nail looks like it says marin gruf

yeah but when you win you get to make that sick humping motion

>he doesnt know how to play the boxing game

>wii sports was released 11 years ago

I hope somebody sued Nintendo for that. Thieving pieces of shit.

>different characteristics
>all fucking white males

>It's the third most sold video game of all time
>It only ever came bundled with the Wii

Nintendo vs Nintendo
that would be an interesting case

I mean, it makes sense

Any game that comes always bundled with a console is going to sell a fuckton

No s on. By that logic. It should be #1

There should be a 1:1 ratio. But there are other games that other people have bought multiple copies of for some reason

Nintendo and their rehashes, everyone

And every course in that game is based on NES Open. Which was based on Golf on GB. Both games Iwata designed.

This honestly was a great move by nintendo.

They should have done the same with 1,2,switch on the switch

ez pz 4 mi

Just learn how to consistently not suck.

>tfw Wii Sports Resort was fucking trash even though it fixed the complaint that you didn't have full control of the wii mote
Shouldn't have done those trash sports no one cares about.

Doesn't happen nearly enough to offset it. A game that is permanently bundled with a console will always outsell all other games in that console

>By that logic. It should be #1
>But there are other games that other people have bought multiple copies of for some reason
I'm failing to follow your logic.

The only games that have sold more than Wii Sports are Minecraft and Tetris, both of which are on a million different platforms.

>basketball was good
>the flying minigame was 10/10
>sword dueling was super responsive
>dat archery
>closest thing to another waverace game we'll ever get

kys, my dude

The only thing remotely fun was fencing and that shit got boring as fuck after one hour. Everything else was just some trash game that didn't even profit much from the waggle or the precision for that matter.

>we'll never again get a glorious golf/management hybrid

I didn't know anyone who gave a shit about anything besides golf and bowling anyway.

The Golf Club is pretty good. Really nice course building tools, though a lot of the course building is not super intuitive.

It's finicky but I like it.

I'd kill for an updated Sim Tower, Sim Copter or Sim Golf.

>Maxis has been eaten by the EA monster
>the creator of Sim Tower only cares about making fish simulators
>Sim Golf was just a pasing fancy from Sid Meier

how's the management aspect?

Sadly I don't think 1 2 Switch is nearly as intuitive as Wii Sports was. Everything about Wii Sports was nice and easy to understand even if it didn't work as well as it should. Boxing you act out boxing, golf you swing a golf club, bowling you throw like bowling, ect. All things everything knows and enjoys to some degree. 1 2 Switch is a bunch of minigames and has weird controls that isn't nearly as intuitive. It tries to be Wii Sports in a lot of ways but fails in almost every one. Wii Sports to many was like Tetris where everything made easy sense that happens to be enjoyed by everyone.

there was a not-simtower game released recently

sadly it was way to easy to count as anything but a 2d tower painter

Side comment, but this is kind of why I haven't been able to get into Simulation games for the last two gens. They're trying too hard to be 'realism' games. Right down to blocking UI options because a real tractor or bulldozer couldn't get in between a tree and a hill.

The old Sim games balanced reality and god like powers well. Newer sim games are just about limiting you to reality.

There's no management aspect. So, yeah, you won't get that. Which is sad.

If you preferred the course building though, something to consider.

I liked simgolf for how comfy a game it was

you were building a golf course, which 'course could be fancy but it wasn't something as stressing as a city manager while still being reasonably challenging
designing each individual hole was a large factor for success so you had to take care, not just plop down the necessary parts

and when the game eventually hit the "its running okay, wait for more money" stage you could instead have a nice game of golf with a rich investor

Best golf game coming through

I miss when niche little games like this used to be populated ;_;

>there are "people" on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who didn't play with the HUD turned off

Explain yourselves.

The problem is you have about half that area to land in because if you didn't land in the back half, you're gonna be praying your ball doesn't hit a tree on your next swing.

The only pure soul in this thread.
Neo Turf Masters is the only good golf game out there, go play it you fucks.

hell yes
that fucking soundtrack too

Never noticed

I honestly might try to play that again. I played a ton of it on PSP. But then learned it was a PC game with 10x more content.

My brethren of african origin.
This game is the main reason I always have MAME installed.

Always tried and always succeeded, shit was an easy shot

>this is a real game

Bad news if you were hoping to try the PC version

Has someone got the server data and have a private server or the full game somewhere?

All belongs to mother Nintendo.

Its been a few years since I last played it. Sad to hear its dead now.

Oh fuck me, there was a time where 4-5 of my friends and I got in to that game grinding for characters. I think I used the battle loli, Kuu? My laptop wasn't responsive enough to do tomahawks and shit though.

Heavily underated DS golf game

Fuck, don't remind me.
Whatever happened to that mobile Pangya they were doing?

>not knowing how to compensate
And that's why you don't get eagles

Iwata outright said it during a Direct.
He worked on Golf and had to point it out.


Except mother to mother nintendo mother is owned by mother creator itoi where mother nintendo has half of Mother where the mother of Mother itoi helped make mother inputs

Mea culpa. Every time in Golden Tee Golf.

I didn't try anything. I did it.

Germany and Japan were the best song right lads?

Not only that, they have the same face

I disagree.
Golf > Bowling > Tennis > Baseball > Golf.