Comic thread

Comic thread.

Keep it vidya.


Other urls found in this thread:

*grabs popcorn*

I love board culture threads!

i never thought pictures for sad children was good

didn't he have a mental breakdown and delete everything too?

>board culture threads


Why do we play videogames man.

>I dont much like the look of your face

>didn't he have a mental breakdown and delete everything too?

Yeah. Much of it has been saved in pieces and floats around the internet though.



well, if I spent my life some other way, I'd be lying down in despair, solving my problems with booze
and so would a lot of other people

I sure love videogames

quest systems, amirite?


Because unlike some fags I play games because they bring me joy, not because I need escapism.

>he enjoys videogames
check out this loser

I'm really interested in the motivation for posting this

To delay our responsobilities and hope that everything will be done when we get to them.
To escape real life because the outlook is not so good.
To be in control of something in our lives.
Because they are fun


hmm really makes me think

Why is she yelling at cheese?


I love Sup Forumsulture threads.

This screams Tumblr.

because its shooting lasers at her

Really gets you to do a think.

imagine being so fat and weak that you can't even lift a ps triple

>Not the edit
Come on, son.

fine, here you go


I haven't seen this posted in years

Thank you


You can't post that.

Wait a sec...
that alligator...
has nice eyes

This comic gets hate but it's right on point.


Really makes you think

I wanna fuck that Erin

check your privilege

This comic has pretty great art, too bad it went shit. Haven't really followed it in a while so i dunno if it has picked up


I mean I get the references but I don't get what the joke is supposed to be

it's a code word we redditor use to secretly post off topic

get ready to fire up those neurons

something jews?


>Men are only forced to be masculine because they don't want to sit in a hole with degenerates

Is that the moral?


I think it's supposed to be that white nationalism is being held back by neonazism


>make a ""brave"", ""daring"", ""bold"" life decisions
>regrets it like s fucking pussy



>W-why can't you let me pretend?

I bet it gets real freaky at night down in that pit.
Where do I sign up?


haha yeah drawthreads are the best

Probably only right wing comic that is funny, but it's probably just because left is so easy target

oy vey, you could've trashed it

Wanting a future for whites is seen as a nazi ideology and that's what the jews want?

Stop being a retarded faggot, buddy.


wow. just... so inspiring


console tans are best!

we draw girls, call them consoles and are free to have weekly off topic threads to share fap bait and circle jerk!

but hey it has always been like this so don't dare to complain! it's """"board culture""""


>Tastes kind of bad
XKCD has never managed to trigger me this hard.


Could you be more of a passive aggressive little bitch please

I totally needed impact to tell me!


Stop acting like such a faggot.
"board culture" predates the reddit boogieman anyway.

At least they're weekly. Drawthreads and filename threads are daily.

If anyone has a stash of (((Horsey))) comics feel free to dump them. I need to add to my "really makes you think" folder.

>circle jerking fag is called out
>becomes angry

board culture = reddit

If it's an easy target, then why aren't there more funny comics?

I miss save the princess threads, too bad they got ruined by lewdfags.


Why would anybody drink beer if they don't like it? There are easier and cheaper ways to get drunk.

I'm not angry. I don't give a shit about board-tans. But you sound like a little whining faggot because you hide it behind that passive aggressive bullshit. Act like a real person you spineless retard.


because comics in general aren't funny. also when you attack the same lowhanging fruit over and over, it starts to get stale.

I'm sorry for whatever terminal illness you have, but please keep it to yourself

You're showing how new you are.
2/10 for getting a couple of replies out of me.

please post the one where the vegan chick kills some guy.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>Does this look like you?
So she/he whatever isn't carrying a valid ID. You need to update the picture if you undergo significant outward changes.

Oh hey Lee, you're late.

>Recommends censorship
>"It's not about censorship"

Why even engage people like this? Just nod politely and leave the conversation. Christ's sakes.

Reminder that *actions* are a violation of post quality rules. Take it to SA or Voidburger's trigger SA

you're 30 minutes late, you fucking nigger.

console tans are circle jerks and not vidya. They just draw lewds.
The only argument they have is
""""board culture"""" and thst it's always been like this

There are already boards dedicated to drawing. Why not make a general there?

These comics are almost always based off of "shit that didn't happen."

>being vegetarian because you're squeamish
Why use the worst reason you can think of? Even ethical, health-related and financial considerations would have been better.

>melted bones
vegan logic.

There you go, that's a real argument.

This isnt video games

Kill yourself, you fucking degenerate

