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is fat as fuck


How is the game anyway? At least as good as P3 and P4?

way worse

More fucking pandering to sjws. when will it end?

In what way?

just really bad

Worst of all time, SMTIV is the last great Megaten.

Awesome, thanks.

it's just another persona game
this time round the dungeons are actually good and the story telling is improved due to not being a low budget ps2 game, but it's what you'd expect of another persona
desu it was a fucking 10/10 for me and my game of the generation thus far but I don't want to overhype anyone

Fantastic, that's basically what I assumed from the trailers. Atlus hasn't let me down yet, so I'm glad to hear the streak's still going.

Now the real question: if P3 is Stardust Crusaders and P4 is Diamond is Unbreakable, which JoJo part is P5 based on?

There's an party member voiced by Joseph and with a Persona featuring Josuke's hairdo, they went for a blatant reference this time.

This game was gonna come out in 6 days in the West.
Because of dual audio fags I have to wait even longer.

But seriously I heard Atlus JP heard the abysmal dub from trailers and had to step in and get them to re record after the REE-YUU-JII SUCK-A-MA-TOE fiasco, is this true?

Why would Japanese audio that's been completed for months delay the game? It was to record for the dub.

And maybe they fixed Ryuji pronouncing his name wrong but there was a trailer a few weeks ago that still had cringe lines and Morgana's voice sounding high pitched and awful.

she's dead jim

>Because of dual audio fags I have to wait even longer.
It sounds like you're joking, but in case - Dual audio has nothing to do with the delay, they stated this several times.

>But seriously I heard Atlus JP heard the abysmal dub from trailers and had to step in and get them to re record after the REE-YUU-JII SUCK-A-MA-TOE fiasco, is this true?
Not quite, but it its true they delayed it because the localization needed fine tuning. The president of Atlus International (JP and NA) said that the delay was to improve the localization, and from there people took this to mean Atlus JP intervened, when the two companies share a CEO anyway so it's not "intervening".
I don't doubt the delay is at least somewhat in response to the criticism that the dub was getting over poorly written lines and name mispronunciations though. Shame they can't fix the awful choice of casting though.

>a Persona featuring Josuke's hairdo
nigga that's Goemon, a thief of Japanese folklore who has been depicted with that hairdo centuries before Josuke existed.

Honestly, it's the best one since Persona 2.

Ryuji sound way to generic in
This posts link.

>tfw she will never kill you

Persona 5's dub and what little we've seen over the localization did seem surprisingly bad. I played the Persona series in Nip last year and then 3 and 4 in English just recently to see if the localizations were as bad as people said, but they're fine for the most part (Persona 3 voice acting aside). Persona 5 though... Well I can't judge the full game obviously, but I don't know what went on during the localization of that game.

>P3 is Stardust Crusaders
I hate this fucking meme, i mean i love me some Jojo but P3 and Stardust crusaders are nothing alike

>There's an party member voiced by Joseph
Sugita user, Joseph is a fictional character
> with a Persona featuring Josuke's hairdo, they went for a blatant reference this time.
>Josuke invented pompadours
Not sure if bait or just retarded

Huh, I disagree. I'm not a fan of the dub by any means, but I take issue with almost every voice they picked except Ryuji.
He sounds pretty on the mark of what his personality is, and the voice is very close to the Japanese one and sounded like the most competent actor they had in their stream. Given that I fucking love Miyano Mamoru and thought he nailed Ryuji, this is pretty high praise for me.
Everyone else is abysmal though; Futaba's VA shoud've voiced Anne, Makoto's should've voiced the twins, The twins should've voiced Makoto, Yusuke's should've been the protagonist, and Morgana should've been literally anyone else. It feels like they casted everyone before even touching the game, and just based it off the character's appearances.
The biggest problem with Ryuji's voice is the name mispronunciations.

The biggest issue with the English localizations of 3/4 is how they went fucky with honorifics, but that's not noticeable with an English dub. I can't say I liked the dubs of either titles, but I hated the Japanese dub of P4 too, so it's not like the dub of that is any worse. If P5 has the same problem there's trouble though. On top of that the lines sound like a mixture of far too liberally translated lines that sound poorly written on their own, and a bunch of incredibly literally translated lines that sound just as stiff. It's like they have a bunch of different translators working on the game who aren't communicating with each other at all, and aren't getting anything edited. Maybe they just fucked up the trailers, but I'd think they would go out of their way to pick the "best" lines for trailers, so I'm not too hopeful.
Then there's the problem of the font and typesetting - what the fuck happened there?
Boy, I really am starting to think the delay wasn't long enough to fix the localization.

I know who Sugita is, I was just answering the Jojofag about both instances of P5 being related to JoJo showing up in one character. Figured it would trigger an autist though.

>Figured it would trigger an autist though
Well saying things like ''A persona with Josuke's hair'' is pretty fucking retarded

VA with some stone ocean with prison and final villain.

Not really. I know you're a huge fan and it made you butthurt, but it's just a way to describe something.

>The biggest issue with the English localizations of 3/4 is how they went fucky with honorifics

Oh yeah, that's one thing I didn't mention. They handle honorifics horribly.

>Teachers use Japanese honorifics for students
>Students usually use English honorifics for teachers, though you'll still hear "sensei" sometimes.
>Adding honorifics where they never existed
>Changing honorifics

I'm not a huge fan of using Japanese honorifics in translation anyway, but I can deal with it as long as it's consistent. That's one major point where the localization failed.

> It's like they have a bunch of different translators working on the game who aren't communicating with each other at all

That's exactly what it felt like to me, like they have 3-4 different people translating, no one is talking, and there's no editors who makes sure things stay consistent.

Don't run away

>tfw I only found out about the delay when other anons told me after I made a post hyping it for February


ssh you're gonna trigger the P2fags

>much more monster of the week-plot with a big-bad behind the scenes drawing it all together
>create unique humanoid demons categorized by tarot cards by shooting yourself in the head
>protagonist gains the power of ZA WARUDO at the end to defeat the big bad
How is it not?

>much more monster of the week-plot with a big-bad behind the scenes drawing it all together
>Jojo invented the monster of the week formula
>create unique humanoid demons categorized by tarot cards by shooting yourself in the head
The evokers are symbolism that ties to the
themes of the game sorry is not ''muh jojo reference''
>protagonist gains the power of ZA WARUDO at the end to defeat the big bad
He gains the power of the universe which has nothing to do with stopping time also is not an asspull
Now stop cherrypicking

wow you are an idiot

>JoJo didn't even monster of the week so the fact that P3 is structured so much like SC is a complete coincidence!
>T-t-they didn't steal the image of Jotaro shooting himself to make his stand visible, they just stole the concepts of stands but came up with the evokers completely by accident!
>not knowing The Universe in tarot terminology is just another name for The World

So every series with a monster of the week formula is a jojo references? got it
The P-team did say that they took ideas of DiU to make P4 they would have said something if P3 referenced something from jojo
>Has the word ''world'' in it SO ITS A JOJO REFERENCE XD
Also Persona goes more in depth with the tarot theme
But hey continue giving the jojo fandom a bad name

>another day passed
>I still dont have P5 on my hands

Remember with Miyazaki explicitly said Seigmeyer's armor was a Berserk reference?

I guess that means Artorias, Rickert, the Wheel Skeletons, and the Red Eye Orb aren't Berserk references because, hey, he would have said so otherwise.

And by the way, I'm not saying every MotW story is a JoJo reference, but the MotW story about charaters fighting with their stands is more likely to be one.

And for P5 they openly stated Lupin III was the obvious driving force behind it, there is no reason to force JoJo into P3 shit. The settings are nothing alike compared to the color of the sky and rural town, killer aspects which made the P4/DiU thing obvious.

> the MotW story about charaters fighting with their stands
Stands being similar to Personas doesn't automatically make P3's story similar to SC in any way shape or form.

Like your argument just now was "Dude. Stands."

All I'm saying is that P3 is the first game where the Personas feel like stands, and they push the tarot-themed MotW plot pretty hard along with the gun imagery (compare to how P4 uses the bodies ending up in the powerlines taken directly from RHCP). It also then, maybe coincidentally, ends with the same twist of the hero completing the hero's journey and gaining The World/The Universe.

I definitely agree it's a weaker connection than P4/DiU because the setting is definitely different, but if you had to select the number one biggest influence of P3, I don't know how you pick anything other than Stardust Crusaders.

>All I'm saying is that P3 is the first game where the Personas feel like stands, and they push the tarot-themed MotW plot pretty hard
So just like in P1 and P2 then

>I don't know how you pick anything other than Stardust Crusaders.
I dunno evangelion

pompadours weren't invented by jojo you fucker

Not really. I haven't played P1, but P2 doesn't really have unique personas in the same way, since everyone can use any demon as their persona. It plays a lot more like SMT than in P3 and 4 where everyone other than the protagonist has a single personalized stand.

I really don't see any connection at all, but I could be convinced if you can make the case.

>Not really.
>I haven't played P1, but P2
So yu just said nothing just now

>I really don't see any connection at all, but I could be convinced if you can make the case.
Really i mean really, use your brain user

Ryuji and Anne

Anne and myself.

Did you not understand that I have indeed played both IS and EP? I also know enough about P1 that it's even more similar to SMT, but I didn't want to rely on second-hand info and so stuck with my P2 experience.

>no nipples


I would cuck my bro.

You're an awful person you know that?

>the story telling is improved due to not being a low budget ps2 game



>tfw you had to cuck Kanji to be with best p4 waifu

He isn't wrong though

Kill yourself.

>At least as good as P3 and P4?
Gameplay wise? Blows them out the water
Story wise? Huge step down

Shill is going to respond to this point because he can't stand the fact that anyone would point out flaws in it.

What does being on the PS2 have to do with having a good story?
You first

*Huge step up

>Good story
P3 story is killed by the pacing too


I want to make her happy

>Good story =/= story telling
Learn the difference user

Wassup Sensei?

who else was on the Fuuka thread last night?

>missing the shitstorm

post the original

This is a Christian Board user

>what are CG cutscenes
>what are character models with actual detail
>what are more than 15 minutes of anime cutscenes that also aren't awfully made
>what is the writers being able to use the environment to hell the story like literally all of P5's dungeons do
Improve production values when used well, which they are in P5, makes a world of difference.
They also happened to learn how to pace a game well, and write a final chapter that is thematically relevant to the rest of the game rather than a complete tonal shift full of asspulls and mediocrity.

fucking lawfags

And P5 manages to be worse than both
Here's a (you)

well here's (you) for you too Great argumenst by the way

>still no arguments, only name-calling
Maybe in April you can come up with a reply once you actually play the game.

>Worse than both
How so?

Sup shill
You didn't give a rebuttal.

>And P5 manages to be worse than both
Pacing-wise, P5 is miles better than P3 or P4 ever were. Care to actually tell us your problems with the story? Because anyone actually looking for writing quality would never rank P4 above P5 except as a joke.

>You didn't give a rebuttal.
I can't give a rebbutal if you don't give an argument

I was.
I made it

Sup shitposter who hasn't played the game

So did Atlus finally remove honorifics from the translation?

Reminder that no one in this thread played the game while understanding it.

>Impyling many anons here know japanese

>Shill is going to respond to this point because he can't stand the fact that anyone would point out flaws in it.
No he's just say you haven't played it like he always does.
There was consistent theme in both P3 (Death) and P4 (Truth/The Star), P5's story is all over the place and a ton of shit that Hashino promised in the interviews never come to fruition, the last half in particular is terrible

Actually I did user.


How about you list these things he said in interviews, and cite said interviews user?

I wanna lick sensei's ass

>Pacing-wise, P5 is miles better than P3 or P4 ever were
As someone who's played the game I can honestly say you're full of shit and you're the shill because the pacing was a problem that was highlighted when the game was first released.
> Because anyone actually looking for writing quality would never rank P4 above P5 except as a joke.
Sup /pg/

>lieing in the internet

sure user
I saw that pic being used in 30 other threads

>P5 has no theme
>story all over the place
I don't gonna say you didn't play the game because you probably did, but of those claims are retarded when the main theme is spelled for you in the las part of the game you know EMANCIPATION ,FREEDOM
Ring a bell?

Post a copy of your game with timestamp

God I can't wait until April so this faggot can finally die. I just know that Sup Forums will shit on this as hard as XV.


Why don't you fucking post about details from the story in the spoiler tags instead of "eh no Theme this time i havent played shit and im digging in my ass to make this post right now"

He didn't play the game

Jesus christ faggots stop falling for such easy shitposting.

Don't take a single word Sup Forums says about this game as truth until april.

Explain why? There is always something happening, and a genuine feeling of progression as the PT grow. It's unlike P3 in this regard, and unlike P4 in that the stuff happening is significant to the story and not filler.