Guess the leak was right

Tomorrow is the reveal:

What leak?

>we'll reveal a new character AND a rapper's new song


Her V-trigger affects the ground with ice

>We will never have Sakura in SF

Never say never




They better fucking include a 30GB patch that fix this garbage game too.

Never say ever



>yfw she's broken as fuck

>Tomorrow we'll reveal the next #SFV Character and a track from @LupeFiasco's new album

>and a track from @LupeFiasco's new album


There's going to an event next week with him and Daigo.


The game is solid IMO. It's the sketchy netcode that ruins it for me. I can have a night of near-lagless matches and have a great time, or I can have a night of power point slide shows.



Hope she gets a new model, because her current story mode one is ass.

Leak says, she's gonna have her hair up, kinda like pic

I'm sure she will. The fidelity on the recent new character's models has been much better than some of the starting roster.

Helen is cute!

Hope we get a new patch sooner rather than later, just not feeling season 2

Her face still looks like a trap.

Just like all other SFV grills

I would so love if it is this guy instead

I love Street Fighter V, but it pisses me off.

>Should we have a brand new and unique character?

Every fucking "NEWWW" character is going to be some fucking character that's already been modeled in the story mode. Fuck Capcom. Lazy as fuck.

Can't wait to play as Cold Ryu

Not really. They all have feminine faces.


that would be surprising, all DLC chars started from balanced to weak on their launch.


Or it be that they put the characters they want to be in the game into the story mode because they wanted all the characters included somehow.


me 2. i don't believe in leaks, i'd love to see leakers getting BTFO


It is a character was not previously playable at any point. Modelling isn't the majority of the work involved.

Kouri (Kolin) means ice in moonrune language


>The game is solid IMO
>get touched buy Rog once when he has V-trigger
>get vortexed to death by Laura of all fucking people becuase capcom suddenly decided she should be godlike
>over half the cast is still useless
>Other half is boring sterilized shit for toddlers
The only character i can handle losing to in this game is Urien based on the soul fact that they at least have to use setups.

yew more play doh hair garbage.


t.MK fag



so when will people start admitting sf4 is much, much better? because the excuse of 'it took years to be good' is winding down, sf5 released feb 2016 and is still shit

You made me laugh. Thanks.

i know it's bait but, how was Guile not balanced?

Big Eisbahn?

No Sakura no buy

Guile went from strong to literally 0 bad matchup


>get touched buy Rog once when he has V-trigger
So don't let him in. Watch your toes for and AA his jump-ins.

>get vortexed to death by Laura of all fucking people becuase capcom suddenly decided she should be godlike
Laura isn't godlike. She's very good, but all her setups are pretty easy to read since there's not much variation after you play enough at a high-level.

>over half the cast is still useless
Could you tell me who you think is useless and why?

>Other half is boring sterilized shit for toddlers
Could you tell me who you think is sterilized and why?

>The only character i can handle losing to in this game is Urien based on the soul fact that they at least have to use setups.
I find it funny that you're ok with potentially the best character in the game.

TL;DR - Learn how to use your v-reversal more effectively and you'll stop having so many problems.

I rather she has the loose hair with the funny ponytail.


so sub-zero?

He's like Dhalsim where it's hard for newbies to get in on him because all they know is jumping. They can't walk forward and block and don't have any semblance of a ground game. Guile is definitely top 5 in S2, though.

No, Sasquatch.

I had five years of SF4 and I'm tired of it. It's not better than SFV, but you can keep telling yourself that.

Think i've figured it out

It is either Gill or that blonde girl

>Rog, getting in, ever
Who the fuck are you playing as to let this happen? another Rog? Like shit everyone's got a tool to dodge those slow ass attacks and punish.
>Vortexed by Laura
SOMEONE. DOESN'T. KNOW. ABOUT. GRABS. Also stop letting her lead the fight holy shit who the fuck are you using that's so shit? Even no damage ibuki can force control from Laura and she can't get a second in.
>Over half the cast is still useless
I wish this was true but even I have to call bullshit on this
>Other half is boring sterilized shit for toddlers
I get it, you're losing and you can't win and you rather call the game shit then admit that you can't into critical thinking but don't want to dip down into what you think is the 'easy win'.

...Because with all of your bitching and moaning you NEVER pointed out Guile and that's how I KNOW you're just shitposting or a loser who can't see past the fact that they lose a ton.


The new character is Nash

Maybe is Charlie.

>Could you tell me who you think is useless and why?
No im not gonna sit here and mouth off everythign wrong with every character, that would take forever.
I will tell you that any sane person would not have nerfed Fang and Alex while buffing Cammy.

If it makes you feel any better i do like the games core more then SFIV but fuck me they fixed literally nothing about S2.

Alex is worse in some departments and better in others. People aren't really utilizing his stomp as much yet and it's fast as shit now. He's definitely not as low tier as people whine about. One fuck up VS an Alex and you're a dead man.

The FANG and Cammy shit doesn't make any sense though. At least you can challenge Cammy's ex-dive-kick now if she doesn't space it well.

This is getting ridiculous. Why the fuck are there so many blondes? We need more qt asian characters like ibuki or Chun.

How about a filipina boxer or something original?

It makes sense to me that the playable characters in the game are the ones that are portrayed in the story mode of that game. How akuma got in I will never know, but it goes to show that there is hope for some old characters. Sakura is mentioned in game, too.

The third character is probably some asian chick

Cammy and Laura are the only non-Asian women in the game currently.

IsnĀ“t the third character the samurai doll?

>too many blondes

And she looks like Cammy too.

because fan favourites sell more costumes

I think it is

Oh christ dude shut the fuck up
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter to me who is good or not.
It's over simplification of every fucking character that gets put into the game that annoys me to no end.
That combined with the horrible mess that is the V-skill/Trigger system that is just there to be there as something "new" while for the most part just limit characters.

New Juri is a perfect example of a character that didn't need a rework as much as she needed tweeking.
She's even worse in this game then in SF4 while also now not being fun to play either.

His recovery frames on fireballs are od
Booms are + on block
Hits like a grown man
Bazooka knee and sweep are the only two punishable normals

I played Mika in S1, I guess this is what I get

>Alex is worse in some departments and better in others.
The problem is he got worse in his really good areas and only marginally better in others. So over all he did move a little down, which as that core a gaming video points out still hurts players a lot

Alex's real problem though isn't really his standing in the tiers, but he is just a bit nothing now. He doesn't really excel in an area to make him worth picking over other characters and he had less options than before. Any cool tech he has like back throw off a blocked hp chop isn't really worth doing and isn't easy to set up often

Sonya Blade

>It's over simplification of every fucking character that gets put into the game that annoys me to no end.
That is just plain wrong with Alex, he has more options that he ever did in SF3

S1 Guile was good but balanced, ppl trying to say he wasn't are dumb

>only two characters I liked playing got buffed
>I'm still shit

I'm still having some fun at least

>people still play rootkit fighter v

>Play Cammy a shit ton
>Still fucking Bronze forever
Not even super Bronze, just Bronze. holy shit I am shit even when my gal's cream of the top.

Yea so does Karin?
And Geif
And and Birdie
And Mika
And vega
And Nash
And Ibuki
And Bison
And Juri as mentioned before
Urien, Alex are actually the characters that didn't get shafted for this game because for some reason Capcom didn't take anything away from them when they ported them.
The only thing Ryu had going for him was his damage output in S1 and now that they have gutted it and the Shoryu he's too wores then he ever was in 4

All the newcomers are dumb
Im a necalli main and even i know who linient that characters is

stop wake up dp'ing and use long range pokes

keep playing her user, i'm sure you're gonna make it into silver when S3 Cammy buffs kick in


I wonder what this chart would look like right now since I know most people dropped Akuma and everyone's way more used to S2 changes now.

>Everyone telling me Cammy's top 5 for sure
>Really even Ibuki's doing better then her
Fucking hell who's trolling who anymore.

s.MK & c.MK is my go to buttons for everything
and I still get dunked, I don't even use Canon Spike/Canon Drill except for enders.

use v-reversal, block and punish, grind anti airing muscle memory

>New character is Charlie Blanka

Give me a replay code of a match you just don't know why you lost and I'll tell you what you're doing wrong.

there are characters that do surprisingly good online and others don't, online is a mystery

Should I be trying to flash kick anti-air as much as possible or do I just rely on buttons and kick when it's easy?

>Karin that low
Holy keks Batman what a trash list

Blanka's name is Jimmy

that's just real matches, from december

Kula Diamond

>Cammy's S2 V-Reveral no longer knocks down
I really fucking miss this, but even then half the time she doesn't even do the cross up and her kick will just wiff, leaving you open. I should grind the AA stuff though, that's the only legit thing someone's said so far and I can go "Yeah, I haven't done that yet/not already doing".

>Putting my name on an user board
I don't like it, but sure.
The first one felt like I could have won, but I don't know, I let the 'Gief get in my face near the end. The Second one...yeah.

I kept being told Cammy does well, I figure it's me though.

Main and rank, go: