Why didn't they go with the cute/better character design, Sup Forums?
Horizon: Zero Dawn
or the tsundere one
Needed to make fat women happy.
it'd trigger SJWs
Because unlike Japan, their target audience isn't flaming man children who want to buy merchandise and masturbate to the main characters.
The west is just trying to make some realistic women with natural flaws and imperfections. Not fantasy land cutesy anime girls to lure in autists.
Riddle me this faggits:
if someone from Canada is a Canadian
if someone from Brazil is a Brazilian
if someone from Mexico is a Mexican
Someone from United States is a ?
>(note that canadians, mexicans an brazilians are all Americans...)
Not ugly enough
But it's not real life, it's fiction.
>/thread your own post
instantly invalidates anything you said
United Statian
Not even joking
>Sup Forums prefers the underage looking character more than the adult looking one
Because American is commonly referred to as being from the United States, but also the term is used to the entire West.
Don't try to be an autist.
Meanwhile they made a fantasy land game where you have cyber-cavemen fighting robot dinosaurs. So clearly realism is not their intention.
An American, but it's called United States of America.
>Someone from United States is a ?
Normal person. Labels belong to abnormals.
Better than prefering literal grandmas you gerontophile
Attractive people are sexist.
So, when Trump said: "Make America Great Again" do you agree he is actually referring to the whole continent?
Or do you agree your president / people were dumb enough to mistake that simple word?...
>realistic women aren't beautiful
t. britbong who haven't left his country even once
>Guerilla Games HQ: Amsterdam, Netherlands
I wonder why, OP...
Obviously he's referring to the fucking country he's in. Jesus Christ are people this stupid..?
>le redhead bow girl
Fuck off.
Obviously you are because you don't understand the question
No, I think Trump figured people were smart enough to understand that, being in the running for President of the United States of America, he was referring to the country in which he was running for president. Similar to a pronoun.
Clearly, he did not count on everybody outside of the US having less than a 3rd grade education.
Shit nigga, this archetype makes me hard as fuck.
>The west is just trying to make some realistic women with natural flaws and imperfections.
Every game journo is talking up how
Aloy is. How is that a 'realistic' woman, user?
Finally the point I was trying to get:
You believe you are a whole fucking continent and use the pronoun exclusively.
No wonder why devs fuck up the design of characters, you all are such little special snowflakes that even a simple word gets you on the edge :/...
See? You are the problem and the reason why western devs fuck shit up
Nah, he was announcing his dedication to the Monroe doctrine
More like the west is full of immasculated, politically correct, nu-male cucks who are afraid of backlash. If I want accuracy, i'd read a book or watch a movie. MAGA!
nice samefag OP.
>my GF has natural flaws and imperfections and I have sex with her 3 times a year I'm so glad
>getting paid 2 cents for posting bullshit
>investing money in video games, especially shit games and ruining them even more
Or are you actually some kind of concerned designer/developer? No problem I hate you anyway.
>You believe you are a whole fucking continent and use the pronoun exclusively.
See, now you're just arguing with yourself
that's why we tend to just identify with our states.
it's like calling the 'un' a 'united nationer'.
yeah technically the federal power is crazy but we're meant to be united, not one big blob of sameness.
where is the problem
who is the target audience
based on the attention this game is getting, id say fucking none desu
Unoriginal, uninspired, lazy, dishonest, memetic, and so on, and so on.
>ywn be this pathetic
A burger
More special snowflakes, it's snowing now! Becareful playing your handegg games
this nigga gets it
I would buy BRAVE: Zero Dawn
have another one friend its on me
Because instead of having a noticeable character design that they can market and build a brand around, they chose a potato face with dreadlocks.
Keep 'em coming chief!
Else the thread dies and I won't get to see more United Statians triggered by a mere word
Her actual art looks fine, the issue is with 3d models and face capture.
>A level headed and reasonable response to a shit post thread
You don't belong here.
>red hair is a trait only ethnically predominant in the British Isles for the last several centuries (used to be a big ethnic trait in central Europe but it got bred out long before)
>British Isles inhabitants (particularly Welsh/Cornish/English) have been renowned throughout history for their archery innovations and skills
>surprised/upset there's a contemporary correlation between archery and red hair
Nigger are you stupid
Fat women who do not play games other than Bejeweled.
Have another
yesss goyim, you are right.
She looks like she has down syndrome or something
>Death Stranding trailers rendered in Decima Engine
>KojiPro had to adopt the engine really quickly after getting booted from Konami
>characters, objects and environments look so good people initially assumed it was rendered in FOX Engine
>Horizon using Decima Engine
>Guerilla Games, the developer, CREATED the engine themselves, and had several years experience with it
>characters and objects look like shit both in game and in rendered trailers
I honest to god can't understand this. What the fuck. Please explain
guerilla is incompetent as hell
Or the qt one
Considering how young she looks, the child part of the game might be similar to that design.
>bow and arrow meme
If 3rd world shithole desert warriors have an unlimited supply of guns and ammunition yet in a future full of robort humans only have bows and arrows.
They have lazer guns too
I have a feeling horizons gonna shit all over death stranding when they get compared.
Why does the concept art always look better than the final product?
Why did they just end up turning Sam into a trap?
Even if Aloy has a potato face I still think she'd look cute without the rastafari haircut. But then you can't explain straight groomed hair in a society without shampoos and cosmetics
>Americans should be called United Statians
>No, that's dumb
>Wow what a snowflake! You are why video games are bad.
Ok, bud. Enjoy the (You).
really splatters the grey matter
At least we have amazing VA by the talented Ashley Curch.
its called genetics you dumb fuck
Because part of making video game women more "realistic" in appearance involves making them into ugly hambeasts and bulldykes. Fuck realism.
What's her deal? I thought she was the cool Burch. She was kinda funny in Hey, Ash.
>British Isles inhabitants (particularly Welsh/Cornish/English) have been renowned throughout history for their archery innovations and skills
Not a thing.
Also: If this is based on male brittons, why are why are they girls?
Also: if this is such a logical archetype, why did the meme start in past few years?
Potential gunshot victim
The better question is why did they use so many specifically Native American elements in their setting if they were going with a lily-white protagonist from the start?
They literally call their warriors "Braves" and everything.
She felt so bad about her brother, she decided to act retarded to make him feel better?
damn, what happened
because they wanted to be more "progressive" and "diverse" and scissor with sarkeesian
they also might have thought they would sell more copies this way, which is misguided becaause those kinds of people don't actually play video games
>could have had QT Alloy
>instead we get Jimmy Hopkins in drag
Thanks SJW's!
Because appealing characters isn't progressive enough
How can anyone be this autistic?
Is this guy in the game?
That's... a good point, actually.
How has the "cultural appropriation" crowd not jumped on this game for all the beads and buckskins?
Well, english seems limited in this regard.
Portuguese have no problem, it's "Estadunidense"
>who is hotter, loli vs not loli
British started it first before the US existed. It's two continents in English, not one. Get fucked.
Because there's black people in their tribe as well. The whole population mirrors our own, yet we're supposed to believe that after two apocalypses the human race hasn't homogenized.
This trope is cute! Cute!
Too attractive.
It was have upset the fat uggos that compose the majority of the female gaming community.
>you all are such little special snowflakes that even a simple word gets you on the edge
lmao that's what you're doing my family
Societal regression. Don't be a race baiting faggot.
Her political views have absolutely nothing to do with her quality of voice acting.
I'll be honest, Horizon looks good. Like really fucking good. But that's it.
I don't understand what seems to be fun in that game.
ITT a retard can't into history or linguistics and thinks he's smarter than he actually is.
English can't have too many syllables because it's not split into chunks at a time like Latin languages. Funnily enough, most politically correct words never catch on because they break this rule on principle.
>tsundere one
>not the cuhrazy one that looks like it was designed by Platinum
It is a SJW game, if they made her cute, sexy or acted in a way men enjoyed it would get loads of shit from these people.
are you retarded?
Why does every female fighter/warrior/archer whatever always have to have either long hair or a dyke cut is my question.
Long hair is there to make them easy to identify as female, I get it, but it triggers the fuck out of me that someone expecting to run through forests and get into brawls has their hair down to their waist.
In the same vein, there is more variance to this than the tumblr haircuts they give them otherwise lately.