show me you're deck faggots
Yu-gi-oh thread
Spyrals are pretty fun
Can you give me a quick rundown of synchro? I get XYZ summoning but this was always lost on me
It's literally as easy as 1+1=2, Sending a tuner plus non tuners to the graveyard to summon a monster with the sum of their levels
Oh neat, so basically just ritual monsters?
>Have a tuner on the field like pic related
>Have any other monster that's not a tuner on the field
>Add up their levels (stars) and you can send them to the graveyard to synchro summon a monster whose level is the other two monsters' added up
So a level 1 tuner and a level 5 monster can make a level 6 tuner. A level 1 tuner and level 3 monster AND another level 4 monster together make up 8 stars.
No. Ritual monsters need a spell to summon, need AT LEAST that many stars, are not inherent summons, and can use hand material.
Synchros summon without any cards, need EXACTLY that many stars, no more or no less, are inherent summons (don't worry about this if you don't understand), and MUST use only monsters on the field by sending them to the grave.
ITT: delete.dek
It's not really that great.
no longer legal ;-;
I haven't played in a long while but this is what I used
fix'd for the autists
Turbo skull king with zombie synchro backup.
Exact ratio of unizombies/shiarui solitaire/wightprincesses and staple traps is up to you.
You need maxx c and some extra draw power though.
You may also want to try gozuki.
My favorite deck
And forgot pic.
Tech cards like 'This level 1 monster attacks directly' are not really worth it IMO
I've lost to you today
little homosex
it really isn't
>triple network
2 Zwei
3 XYZ reborn
1 Compulse
2 Network
1 Overload Fusion
2 Maxx C
1 Warning
1 E Turtle
2 Effect Veiler/Ghost Ogre/Winter Ash
1 Upstart
1 Machine Dupe
1 Power Bond
people don't enjoy royal
Literally the best possible RR deck.
>tfw you just play a blue eyes deck because you can't be arsed to make a decent deck with tons of effect monsters that allows turbo tier mindgames
I basically just play maid with blue eyes and use some effect on her to get a blue eyed dragon on the field. Feels kinda pleb.
You've at least updated it with the barrel Blue Eyes shit right?
There are piss easy 'railroad to victory' blue eyes decks using the new Blue Eyes support from last year.
The deck won fucking worlds.
Stop being so fucking lazy and at least try to copy something newer
Here's a probably shit modern day blue eyes deck
What's the best yu-gi-oh game on android?
What's the best yu-gi-oh game on pc?
Duel Links if you're a normie pleb/Dislike the current meta (surprisingly not P2W)
YGOpro if you want all the possible cards
YGOpro Percy (same reason as android ygopro)
Dueling book (when it actually gets up and working) if you need to playtest/refresh your skills
PPSSPP the tag force games if you're like the animes but not so much the meta.
Emulate Duelists of the Roses if you want something really interesting.
I heard Duel Links is okay but it's more nostalgia dick sucking so I don't touch it
I'm trying to build Zarc Turbo but I'm having trouble getting two out to have one on the field and one in the Scale. What should I do
How can i get back into Yu Gi Oh? I haven't played since before GX and I'm overwhelmed by the amount of new cards to consider when forming a deck.
Not to mention the amount of cards that have super-specific effects that are specific to other cards i've never heard of
Here you go.
Tzolkin DHero is pretty fun. It gives me a excuse to play my dude Daimond Dude again even if he is sub-optimal.
Play the video games.
What year meta should I play with my friend who doesn't really know shit about YGO? I think somewhere around GX would be good.
If you need a refresher of basic game mechanics:
>Play Duel Links
>Move to Emulating Tag force
>Learn Synchro/XYZ/Pendulum by yourself/watching episodes 3-34 of arc-v (breddy gud too, shame it all went downhill after ep 100 and onwards)
If you just need to learn the new summonings:
>watch above arc-v episodes (especially 18 if I remember correctly)
>once you have a baseline knowledge play YGOpro with a blackwing deck or a tellarknight deck.
>go ask /dng/ for some tips, they only will shit on you if you come in saying you don't know shit past GX.
>download percy pro
>look for cards you like
>put them in a deck
>test against ai kaiba, ai yugi, and ai pegasus
>when you got something good, try against the others like majespecters and monarchs
>flounder against those
>look for meta decks like metalfoes and zodiacs
>beat the AI over and over with those
>realize that the cards you like the most are simply on a lower power level than the good cards
>free choice here
>legacy of the duelist lets you play with 3 copies of banned cards against cpus
>mfw infernity synchro looping returns.
none of infernity support cards are banned.
you are small time
actually i never built a "15 exodia pieces with makyura and all the stupid trap draw cards like sixth sense and hope for escape" deck since i would just cheatengine the opponent lp to 0 if i wanted a free win in order to unlock more cards
Limited, my bad.
Launcher, Barrier, and Archfiend being at 1 kills the deck so it might as well be though.
Anyone elss just play decks that come from Structure Decks and non main set packs?
>$30 gets you an entire deck
>Most side packs have a chase deck which makes the rest of the set dirt cheap
>Most of these are fully playable and do well by themselves
Sometimes. I don't play physical yugioh anymore though. It might be even cheaper to just buy singles so you don't have to spend 30 dollars on 3 structure decks and end up with bulk.