What type of character would you like to see more of in videogames?
What type of character would you like to see more of in videogames?
one that doesn't post bait images under the pretense of asking a vidya question
I see this thread like 10 times a day. What is your end goal, OP? Are you trying to start a loli thread on neo-Sup Forums?
I'd like to see you in a videogame.
Also all waifufags should off themselves.
She could only name Etna. Wat do?
If she find them all attractive she's fine.
Why have a 3DPD whore gf when you can have 2D loli?
dump her for a loli(adult)
who are they?
Green Aqua
You can also have 3D loli
Tell me more.
>gamer gf test
>two weeb game characters and a loli from a mostly unpopular in the west series
Yeah, nah.
>mfw i have a legal loli gf
>she named them all
>i can only name 2 out of 3
Okay. Where did i fucked up? I know middle one is from BB but thats it
i cant name any of them, weeb faggot.
Steal , mindbreak , abuse, tell her to be (insert personality) and with time she will love you
Sure you do
Post her cunny.
No idea but looks like it's made by NIS
Would I be a good gamer gf?
Those are all weeb games, and even my jap gf couldn't name them.
Thick/chubby girls.
>if i dont have a gf nobody else has one
Sorry you cant be a half normie. And if it is about the legal loli part. Where i live, theres a lot of short stacks and this one is th generic super flat sport girl looking type. Bonus is that she likes weeb games. Want me to introduce you her friend?
No lewds allowed
>half normie
Just say you're a normalfag instead of trying to be one of us, Chad.
>Be a huge game weeb since days of young and been shitting in here for years
>gets gf and job and nothing with me still changes
>full normie
Did the def of normie in here changed again?
Well for one its normalfag and not normie.
>been shitting in here for years
Sure you did, normalfag.
Anyone who has a gf or friends is a normalfag, you tourist Sup Forumsedditor.
>be alive
>die but nothing else changes
>people consider me full dead
What the fuck?
>not an actual loli
Forget I ask. I don't want to see oldhag roastie cunt.