Pic related is the greatest fighting game player in the world right now and top tournament earner

Pic related is the greatest fighting game player in the world right now and top tournament earner.

And youtube link is the number 1 ranked Street Fighter player online and likely the best Street Fighter player in the world.

Other urls found in this thread:


>That time he removed his hat

Surprisingly hype.

>has his fursona on his jersey
how did I never notice this

>fighting games are a fit for autism
>autistic furry is the best at them

is anyone surprised?

>greatest fighting game player in the world right now

What's funny?

>smash players are more autis-

Too bad when you remove kusoge and dead games Sonicfox has nothing.
Daigo is still the best

Daigo is getting old user...

Someone post that photo of sonicfox kissing another boy

How is he the greatest fighting game player in the world?

>Pic related is the greatest fighting game player in the world right now
Being the best at MK and being THE BEST IN THE WORLD are not the same thing. He plays one game (a game that's all 50/50s mind you) and get's fucked in any other game out of his element. He was shit at SFV. He still drowns in SFV pools. Best at MK? Sure. Best overall FG player? Not by a LONG shot.

>And youtube link is the number 1 ranked Street Fighter player online and likely the best Street Fighter player in the world.
Smug is not the best SF player in the world. Not even close. I don't think he's even cracked top 16 in a single tournament yet.

Im sorry user, i just cant have the same respect for some furry gayass faggot and Daigo the beast Umehara

He's not. He plays shitty games like Mortal Kombat and everyone sucks him off.

You shouldn't. Daigo plays and does well at multiple fighting games of different styles over the course of decades. Furry McFagstein plays one game and gets shit on in every other game.

Players like Daigo and Kazunoko do well in multiple games at the same time. Sonic doesn't and can't.

Daigo deserves all the dickriding he gets for being an all around example for the fgc to follow but I wouldn't say he's currently the best player.

With that said, SonicFox isn't the best either since every time he got away from Skullgirls and NRS bullshit he got bopped.

He's best at MK, Injustice, Skullgirls, DOA5 and probably some other things I forgot. He's the best fighting game player in the world.

So MK and a bunch of games that are dead and with no competition? Let me know when he competes in games with any actual competition. If he's the best in the world; why does he get wrecked in literally any game with any actual competition outside of MK?

get out of here you gay furry

He loses in games he doesn't play. He did very well in his first SFV tourney, I think he was in top 8. But he puts his time into other games. The reason he's the top tournament earner is because he can pick up pretty much any fighting game, and become the literal number 1 in the world. Maybe number 2.

I fucking hate this furry faggot but he's pretty good.

>Being good at dead games matters


He plays multiple games MK simply being the one he's regarded the best at.

He's easily the best earner in the FGC by far.

>Can you pinpoint the exact moment when the FGC thread turned into an e-celeb thread?

>He did very well in his first SFV tourney, I think he was in top 8
RIght. A week after the game came out and nobody knew how to play it. Great job, Jeremy. Now he barely scratches out of pools when he's not drowning in them.
>But he puts his time into other games.
So do people like Kazunoko. Except they actually make consistent top 8s. In each game they play. Sonicfag just gets fucked.
>he can pick up pretty much any fighting game, and become the literal number 1 in the world. Maybe number 2.
Except he's never done this. Except in dead games with no competition. He tried it with SFV and got fucked right back to MK.

Dead games with no competition don't count.


what is this, 2009?

only because WB throws $25k pot prizes into their game tournaments just so they can simply stay relevant?

just wait till that mid season patch rolls around and smug will continue to be a great player only with a hopefully more fair character

Mostly due to inflated MK pots because he's the best at making lucky guesses in 50:50s: The Game. Sure. The only other game with high value pots is SFV. And that game has WAY stronger competition and more of it.

>best online = best in world
No. Smug is shitting on people though. Mostly cause of the way season 2 is imho.

He's doing well because now Balrog plays more like Dudley than he does Balrog.

>Western kusoges
Lmaoing at your implication

where is the pic related for your scenario, OP?

>Pic related is the greatest fighting game player in the world right now
But I see Sonicfox there. Is my monitor broken?

All he does is anime games with a community of ten people.

All he does in those games is grind down setups and combos, get into someone's face once, and flowchart people to death with vortexes that nobody can be assed to figure out. When he plays a game like SF where neutral and decision making are more important than split second reflexes learning a thousand resets... he blows ass.

It's hard to argue with the fact that he's making mad money but honestly? I still can't take him seriously. And it's got nothing to do with the fact the fact he looks like prince and wears bunny ears. Everytime he's up against, dare I say it, "proper" players, that is, literally any guy who is a name in the fgc, he loses.

Again that's because he's playing other games. He can't be number 1 in literally every single game in the world. He's the best at multiple though, and the top tourney earner, and that's something no other fighting game player can say.

Not even actual anime either.

Has he ever even competed in something like gg or bb?

>NRS fighters
>anime games with a community of 10 people
Pick one.

Those anime games you're talking about are games that he plays on the side without really prioritizing, and still ends up winning most things for it he attends. NRS games during their peak have one of the biggest playerbases there is, and winning every single tournament during that period and continously afterwards is a massive feat.

He dabbled in BBCF somewhat after release with Izanami, did well at 1 tournament and then didn't play it again after.

Gay black furries are generally sweethearts and cute.

Don't really play fighting games, so thats my contribution to the thread.

My contribution is to tell you to kys.

>Pic related is the greatest fighting game player in the world right now

I think you posted the wrong picture OP

>He can't be number 1 in literally every single game in the world.
Again. THEY ARE ALL DEAD GAMES WITH NO COMPETITION. Other players like Kazunoko actually play multiple games with real competition and get consistent top placements. SONICFOX ISNT SHIT.
>and the top tourney earner, and that's something no other fighting game player can say.
The top earner part? That's because all the other games that matter with actual pots and competition are much harder to win at. Sonicfox tried to play those games and got fucked. Being the "top tourney earner" doesn't really say much when it's all from 1 game with inflated pot bonuses from a billion dollar organization. He's the best at taking guesses in 50/50 Kombat XL. That's about it.

If he's the best player ever why does he not play the games with the fiercest competition and highest payouts? Why stick to the dead anime shit? Does he not want the fame and money? It's like if you said the best football player cause he's rocking up the 2nd league. Not fucking likely.

Funfact, he's a tester for Them's Fightin' Herds AKA the former pony game. It's like he's chronically drawn to shit titles which nobody plays so that he can be the 'best' at them.

what happened to infiltration

Since this is a fightan thread, does anyone have that webm of Kbrad dancing in front of the TV with a DBZ shirt on?

Are you saying that all the players you think are good, don't care about money? If they do, then if what SonicFox does is so easy, how come they don't do it and make all the money he does. Answer is simple, they can't. Only he can, because he's the best fighting game player in the world.

It's not an asian guy anymore? That's a nice change of pace


He plays certain games, SFV is not one of them. What is with SFV players thinking SFV is the only fighting game people can enjoy. He enjoys other games.

Wait SonicFox is gay?

MKXL grand final at evo 2016.

Sonicfox nearly loses so he takes of his power limiter and wins.

I thought Justin Wong was the best in the world? Or at least Chris G.


Neither are even close.

>NRS games during their peak have one of the biggest playerbases there is

Right, if by "during their peak" you mean the first week after release

>and winning every single tournament during that period and continously afterwards is a massive feat.

about as much of a feat as that one time DSP ended up 4th place at an evo ST tourney because they used a weird port nobody had any experience with

You just can't say he has long term success when he exclusively wins at games while they're new, or dead again. Or dead from the start. Games which ACTUALLY peak, he gets blown out of the water.

>Are you saying that all the players you think are good, don't care about money?
That has literally nothing to do with the argument at hand. That's just a red herring.
>how come they don't do it and make all the money he does
I don't fucking know. Can they? Undoubtedly. They just never tried. Japan doesn't touch Mortal Kombat. They never did. For a few reasons.
1. Japan is xenophobic
2. They don't play shit fighters
3. The blood and gore gimmick doesn't sit well with the Japanese.
4. MK doesn't get played in Asian tournaments. Or really anywhere outside of America
5. They probably just don't care about the money that much when they already make quite a bit by being good at games with actual competition that matter. Whether it be by pots or sponsors.
>Only he can
>because he's the best fighting game player in the world.
Wrong. Not even close. Come talk to me when he actually does well consistently in games that actually have competition and stops just getting fucking wrecked in all of them.


You mean like these guys?

God no. Best over all player in the world is probably Kazunoko.

>They can do it they just don't want to for no reason! But believe me they can.

I don't know why you're trying so hard to discredit SonicFox, aka the best fighting game player in the world.

They are both better fighting game players than Sonicfag, yea. But they are not the best. Not even top 5.

NRS games have high tournament attendance and shit for like the first year of release though, basically only outdone by Street Fighter. You're basically saying that "it doesn't count" for little to no reason for it.

Justin is a big old time name. Not best in the world. That title goes to SonicFox.

>That title goes to SonicFox.

Yeah and I'm the best RTS player of all times but I don't play Starcraft. And probably number 1 in the world at MOBAS but DotA and LoL are just not my thing...

I'm not saying it's a great thing but if you don't compete at SFV, you just can't claim to be the best at fighting games, it's just too much in the center of the competitive attention for that. That's just the way it is.

And, honestly, "not competing" is a nice way of saying "he sucks at SFV". Of course he would suck less if he spent more time with it but he still enters a bunch of tourneys and probably has more playtime than everyone ITT combined, so saying that he "doesn't even play", nah man.

In the OP it is stated who is the best Street Fighter player in the world. But I am talking about best fighting game player. Who is SonicFox.


>But I am talking about best fighting game player. Who is SonicFox.

Someone post the "lewd niggas" gif

>Top earner
>Only player whose number 1 in multiple games

Does this link make you mad.

Clever Injustice 2 shilling, keep this up every day i'm sure there will be a lot of casual impulse buys, and till release you'll earn the amount the community donated for MKXL.

Good job Carl.

Sonic is a cocky gayfaggot taking it up the ass every week. CDjr scouted SonicFox in the first place and is the reason he has a name in the FGC.

Injustice 2 is a game SonicFox is going to have a wake up call.


>Injustice 2 is a game SonicFox is going to have a wake up call.

He's ranked #1 in 2 games. MK and Injustice. Injustice, which isn't even played anymore. He's #1 in 1 active game, 1 dead game, and second in a game with no competition. GREAT. JOB.
That list also doesn't show games currently active that matter. Like GG, KoF, and Tekken. Hell, if you want that list to be evident of anything, it proves Infiltration is the best in the world, if anything. He's #1 in SFV, #2 in AE2012, and #6 in Ultra. That carries WAY more weight than being #1 in NRS games.

>Injustice 2 is a game SonicFox is going to have a wake up call.
No it's not. It's a NRS game. It's going to play the exact same as Injustice 1 which is very similar in flow and strategy to MK. That's why Sonic transfers so well between NRS games. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME SHIT. We aren't talking going from Street Fighter to Marvel, here.

>A bunch of street fighter games
>Only number 1 in a single of them

Why are street fighter fans so delusional about their games importance. Sonic is making more money not playing Street Fighter than Infiltration is making with it. And he's number 1 or 2 in multiple franchises, not just one.

Pic related is the best fighting game player in the world

I concur with this man

>Why are street fighter fans so delusional about their games importance.
It's not about the game's importance you moron. It's about size and skill of competition. You are not about to sit here and argue that NRS games even come close.
>Sonic is making more money not playing Street Fighter than Infiltration is making with it
Again, this has nothing to do with being the best FG player over all.
>And he's number 1 or 2 in multiple franchises, not just one.
Yea MK and Injustice which are from the same studio and are very similar in gameplay. Great accomplishment. #2 in a dead game with no competition. One of which isn't even played anymore. Great job.

I'm willing to talk about sonicfox on the pretense that you're not just trying to rile me up, but the part about smug is too silly to take seriously so stop that

Again, best fighting game player even though you suck at SFV, does not work. All the other FGC household names who *also* do great at all the other games they play on the side, they put their hours into SFV. You can't refrain from that competition and claim to be good.

I love watching, say, damdai play super turbo, I really do. He's ridiculously good at that game. But that's just the thing he's good at that game and that's about it. Not many people play the game, but those who do, man they do nice stuff in it. But that's just not a reflection of the entirety of the esport. Sonicfox might do super duper good at mortalgirls: under blazblood gear in-birth edition but it's just not what people really care about so you can't even really compare it to other fighting game players who stick to the games with the hardest competition, biggest attendances and biggest price pools. And ALSO excell at any side stuff they pick up but they just do it as a fun thing on the side. sonicfox does the side stuff as his main games and the, let's face it, actual main game on the side. He can't be the best fighting game player, he doesn't even really compete for that title.

Now you're just trying way too hard.

>Party game
>Fighting game
This meme needs to die.

I agree on the street fighter half. One game doesn't make you the best, but () is implying Infiltration has more consistency in a wider spread of games.

And yea Sonicfox does make money on shitty dead games. It's true. That's why he's not the best.

>le party game xd

>It's about size

MKX outsold SFV, so MKX has the bigger size.

No it doesn't. Look at actual tournament turn out. Sales =/= tournament pool. MKX sold more but a much higher percentage of SFV players participate in tournaments. Whether you like the game or not, SFV has much larger and stronger competition.

>All the other FGC household names who *also* do great at all the other games

>do great

Sonicfox is the absolute best at multiple games. He doesn't just "do great" aka be in the top 50. He's the best fighting game player in the world.

Trying way too hard, now.

So basically, if I wanna git gud I just us Balrog and steamroll?

Just because it has more retards who can't possibly compete, choosing to enter tournaments they know they're going to lose, doesn't mean it has stronger competition. It just means players of other games are smart enough not to waste their time trying to win at something they have no chance in.

>Sonicfox is the absolute best at 1 game with actual competition.


I just said the fact. Your definition of "doing great" is incomparable to what Sonic does. He's number 1 or 2. You're talking about people being in the top 50.

No you pick Laura and just slap buttons because you're always + anyway.

Unless it's changed recently, he only ever dominates Nethershit "games" and is fairly middle of the road otherwise.

Look at the number of top competitors in SFV vs number of top competitors in MK. It's not even comparable. And you want to tell me that SFV's strength of competition isn't greater?

How is the porn of Kolin coming along, haven't traversed Gelbooru/deviant art/tumblr yet.

You actually need to wait for the updated model to be released.

>Sonicfox is the absolute best at any fighting game he puts time into


What makes someone a top competitor.